

The CEILING.MATH function rounds a number up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance. The Excel CEILING.MATH Function is one of the fifteen rounding Functions in Excel.


CEILING.MATH (number, [significance], [mode])


Argument Description Required/Optional
Number Number must be less than 9.99E+307 and greater than 2.229E-308. Required

The multiple to which Number is to be rounded.

If omitted, the significance argument takes on the default value 1 (i.e. round up to the nearest integer).

The arithmetic sign of the significance argument is ignored. See Notes below.


For negative numbers, controls whether Number is rounded toward or away from zero.

If mode = 0 (or is omitted), negative numbers are rounded towards zero.

If mode = any other numeric value, negative numbers are rounded away from zero. See Notes below.



  • By default, significance is +1 for positive numbers and -1 for negative numbers

  • By default, positive numbers with decimal portions are rounded up to the nearest integer. For example, 6.3 is rounded up to 7.

  • By default, negative numbers with decimal portions are rounded up (toward 0) to the nearest integer. For example, -6.7 is rounded up to -6.

  • By specifying the Significance and Mode arguments, you can change the direction of the rounding for negative numbers. For example, rounding -6.3 to a significance of 1 with a mode of 1 rounds away from 0, to -7.

  • There are many combinations of Significance and Mode values that affect rounding of negative numbers in different ways.

  • The Mode argument does not affect positive numbers.

  • The significance argument rounds the number up to the nearest integer that is a multiple of the significance specified. The exception is where the number to be rounded is an integer. For example, significance of 3 means the number is rounded up to the next integer that is a multiple of 3.

  • If Number divided by a Significance of 2 or greater results in a remainder, the result is rounded up.

  • If any of the specified arguments are non-numeric, #VALUE! Error.


Excel 2013, Excel 2016


