Advanced Excel Statistical - T.TEST Function



The T.TEST function returns the probability associated with a Student's t-Test. Use T.TEST to determine whether two samples are likely to have come from the same two underlying populations that have the same mean.


T.TEST (array1,array2,tails,type)


Argument Description Required/ Optional
Array1 The first data set. Required
Array2 The second data set. Required

Specifies the number of distribution tails.

If tails = 1, T.TEST uses the one-tailed distribution.

If tails = 2, T.TEST uses the two-tailed distribution.


The kind of t-Test to perform.

Look at the Type-Test Table given below.


Type-Test Table

Type Test Performed
1 Paired
2 Two-sample equal variance (homoscedastic)
3 Two-sample unequal variance (heteroscedastic)


  • T.TEST uses the data in array1 and array2 to compute a non-negative t-statistic

    • If tails=1, T.TEST returns the probability of a higher value of the t-statistic under the assumption that array1 and array2 are samples from populations with the same mean.

    • If tails=2, T.TEST returns the value that is double that returned when tails=1 and corresponds to the probability of a higher absolute value of the t-statistic under the “same population means” assumption.

  • The tails and type arguments are truncated to integers.

  • If array1 and array2 have a different number of data points, and type = 1 (paired), T.TEST returns the #N/A error value.

  • If tails or type is nonnumeric, T.TEST returns the #VALUE! error value.

  • If tails is any value other than 1 or 2, T.TEST returns the #NUM! error value.

  • If type is any value other than 1, 2 or 3, T.TEST returns the #NUM! error value.


Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016


T.Test Function
