Apache Pig - ToDate()


This function is used to generate a DateTime object according to the given parameters.


The syntax of ToDate() function can be any of the following −

grunt> ToDate(milliseconds)
grunt> ToDate(iosstring) 
grunt> ToDate(userstring, format)
grunt> ToDate(userstring, format, timezone)


Assume that there is a file named date.txt in the HDFS directory /pig_data/. This file contains the date-of-birth details of a particular person, id, date, and time.


001,1989/09/26 09:00:00
002,1980/06/20 10:22:00
003,1990/12/19 03:11:44 

And, we have loaded this file into Pig with a relation named date_data as shown below.

grunt> date_data = LOAD 'hdfs://localhost:9000/pig_data/date.txt' USING PigStorage(',')
   as (id:int,date:chararray);

Following is an example of the ToDate() function. Here we are converting the DateTime object corresponding to the date-of-birth of every employee.

grunt> todate_data = foreach date_data generate ToDate(date,'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss')
   as (date_time:DateTime >);

The result (DateTime object of every employee) of the statement will be stored in the relation named todate_data. Verify the content of this relation using the Dump operator as shown below.

grunt> Dump todate_data;

