/* Copyright Tutorials Point (India) Private Limited */ /* Its purely illegal to reproduce or use this code in any of the applications outside Tutorials Point (India) Private Limited */ /**/ var contentcover; var contentframe; var emailid = ""; var token = ""; var th = ($(window).height()) * 0.99; var tw = ($(window).width() ) * 0.6; var captcha = ""; var codeeditor; var editor_theme = "cobalt"; var editor_font_size = 14; var editor_invisible = false; var editor_gutter = true; var editor_tab_size = 4; var editor_type = "null"; var editor_soft_wrap = "true"; var terminal_mode = 'V'; var $win = null; // Set Authentication code before you proceed further. $("#searchproject").css({ "display": "none" }); $.ajax({ type: "GET", crossDomain: true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, url: SERVER + "/set_auth_code.php", dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { if( userid > 0){ $("#login").css({ "display": "none" }); $("#logout").css({ "display": "block" }); $("#searchproject").css({ "display": "block" }); 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You need to signup if you are willing to:

" }); $win.window('open'); $('#sign').window('center'); } function generateLink() { var content = codeeditor.getValue(); var title = $("#project_title").textbox("getValue"); // Make Ajax call to save file if( title.length < 4 ){ $("#warning").text("Please enter a suitable title (Minimum 4 characters)"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var url = SERVER + "/generate_link.php"; var inputs = { "langid": langid, "title" : title, "content": content }; $.ajax({ url: url, crossDomain: true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, type: "POST", data: inputs, dataType:'json', beforeSend: function() { $("#loading").css( {"top":"12%", "left":"47%"}); $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "visible" }); }, error:function (data, status, error) { $.messager.alert('Error', error, 'info'); $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "hidden" }); return false; }, success: function(data) { if( terminal_mode === "H" ){ $("#loading").css( {"top":"75%", "left":"50%"}); }else{ $("#loading").css( {"top":"50%", "left":"75%"}); 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setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var url = SERVER + "/user_login.php"; var inputs = { "emailid":emailid, "password":password }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: inputs, crossDomain: true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function() { $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "visible" }); }, success: function(data){ if( !data.status ){ userid = data.userid; username = data.username; $("#login").css({ "display": "none" }); $("#logout").css({ "display": "block" }); $("#searchproject").css({ "display": "block" }); $("#logout .l-btn-text").html(username); getProjects(); }else{ $("#warning").text(data.message); } setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 5000); $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "hidden" }); } }); } function sendPasswordCode() { var emailid = $("#emailid").textbox("getValue"); if( !validateEmail( emailid) ){ $("#warning").text("Enter a valid email address"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var captcha = $("#captcha_value").textbox("getValue"); if( captcha.length < 6 ){ $("#warning").text("Please enter given number from the image"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var url = SERVER + "/send_code.php"; var inputs = { "emailid":emailid, "captcha":captcha }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: inputs, crossDomain: true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function() { $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "visible" }); }, success: function(data) { $("#warning").text(data.message); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 5000); $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "hidden" }); } }); } function openCompileOptions() { $win = $('#sign').window({ title: 'Compilation Options', iconCls: 'icon-execute-project', width: '580', height: '350' }); $win.window('open'); $('#sign').window('refresh', SERVER + "/compile_options.php"); } function openSearchProject() { $win = $('#sign').window({ title: 'Search Project', iconCls: 'icon-search', width: '580', height: '350' }); $win.window('open'); $('#sign').window('refresh', SERVER + "/search_project.php"); } function openEmbedLink( linkid ) { $win = $('#sign').window({ title: 'Embed Link', iconCls: 'icon-embed', width: '750', height: '450' }); $win.window('open'); $('#sign').window('refresh', SERVER + "/show_permalink.php?permalink="+linkid); } function usePasswordCode() { var inputs = { 'hello': 'bye' }; $.ajax({ type: "GET", data: inputs, crossDomain: true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, url: SERVER + "/get_captcha.php", dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { if( data.captcha.length > 10 ){ captcha = data.captcha; var tab = $('#codebox').tabs('getSelected'); $('#codebox').tabs('update', { tab:tab, options: { title: 'Change Password', href: SERVER + "/" + 'change-password.htm', } }); tab.panel('refresh', SERVER + "/" + 'change-password.htm'); } } }); } function changeMyPassword(){ var oldPassword = $("#oldpassword").textbox("getValue"); if( oldPassword.length < 6 ){ $("#warning").text("Enter atleast 6 characters for your password"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var password1 = $("#password1").textbox("getValue"); if( password1.length < 6 ){ $("#warning").text("Enter atleast 6 characters for your password"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var password2 = $("#password2").textbox("getValue"); if( password1 != password2 ){ $("#warning").text("Given two passwords do not match"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var url = SERVER + "/change_my_password.php"; var inputs = { "password": oldPassword, "newpassword":password1 }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: inputs, crossDomain: true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function() { $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "visible" }); }, success: function(data) { $("#warning").text(data.message); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "hidden" }); } }); } function changePassword(){ var code = $("#code").textbox("getValue"); if( code.length < 4 ){ $("#warning").text("Please enter a correct secret code"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var emailid = $("#emailid").textbox("getValue"); if( !validateEmail( emailid) ){ $("#warning").text("Enter a valid email address"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var password1 = $("#password1").textbox("getValue"); if( password1.length < 6 ){ $("#warning").text("Enter atleast 6 characters for your password"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var password2 = $("#password2").textbox("getValue"); if( password1 != password2 ){ $("#warning").text("Given two passwords do not match"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var captcha = $("#captcha_value").textbox("getValue"); if( captcha.length < 6 ){ $("#warning").text("Please enter given number from the image"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var url = SERVER + "/change_password.php"; var inputs = { "code": code, "emailid":emailid, password:password1, captcha:captcha }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: inputs, crossDomain: true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function() { $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "visible" }); }, success: function(data) { $("#warning").text(data.message); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "hidden" }); } }); } function userSignup() { username = $("#username").textbox("getValue"); if( username.length < 4 ){ $("#warning").text("Please enter your full name"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } emailid = $("#emailid").textbox("getValue"); if( !validateEmail( emailid) ){ $("#warning").text("Enter a valid email address"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var password1 = $("#password1").textbox("getValue"); if( password1.length < 6 ){ $("#warning").text("Enter atleast 6 characters for your password"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var password2 = $("#password2").textbox("getValue"); if( password1 != password2 ){ $("#warning").text("Given two passwords do not match"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var captcha = $("#captcha_value").textbox("getValue"); if( captcha.length < 6 ){ $("#warning").text("Please enter given number from the image"); setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); return false; } var url = SERVER + "/user_signup.php"; var inputs = { "username": username, "emailid":emailid, password:password1, captcha:captcha }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: inputs, crossDomain: true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function() { $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "visible" }); }, success: function(data) { if( !data.status ){ userid = data.userid; username = data.username; $("#login").css({ "display": "none" }); $("#logout").css({ "display": "block" }); $("#logout .l-btn-text").html(username); getProjects(); $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "hidden" }); }else{ $("#warning").text(data.message); } setTimeout(function() { $("#warning").text(""); }, 4000); $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "hidden" }); } }); } function saveProject() { if( userid <= 0){ openLogin(); return true; } saveFiles(function(status) { var inputs = {'langid': langid, "projectid" : projectid, "projecttitle" : projecttitle}; $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: inputs, crossDomain: true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json', url: SERVER + "/save_project.php", beforeSend: function() { $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "visible" }); }, success: function(data) { if( data.status ){ $.messager.alert('Error', data.message, 'info'); } $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "hidden" }); } }); }); } function forkProject() { var inputs = {'langid': langid}; saveFiles(function(status) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: inputs, url: SERVER + "/fork_project.php", crossDomain: true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function() { $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "visible" }); 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return false; } else if (title.length > 255) { $.messager.alert('Alert Message', 'Project title should be less than 255 characters', 'info'); return false; } else { projecttitle = $.trim(title); $("h1.main-title").text( projecttitle + " (" + version + ")"); if( userid > 0){ // Make Ajax call to rename project at server var url = SERVER + "/set_project_title.php"; var inputs = { "projectid": projectid, "projecttitle": projecttitle }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, crossDomain: true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, data: inputs, dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function() { $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "visible" }); }, success: function(data) { if (data.status) { $.messager.alert('Error Message', data.message, 'error'); } else { $("h1.main-title").text( projecttitle + " (" + version + ")"); } $("#loading").css({ "visibility": "hidden" }); } }); } } } }).window({width:450}); dlg.find('.messager-input').attr('value', " " + projecttitle); } function setCookie(cname, cvalue) { var d = new Date(); 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var tabtitle = filename; if( tabtitle.indexOf(".java") >= 0 ){ tabtitle = "Source File"; } var tabindex = getTabIndex(tabid); if ($('#codebox').tabs('exists', tabindex)) { if( tabid == "Login" ){ var tab = $('#codebox').tabs('getTab', tabindex ); $('#codebox').tabs('update', { tab:tab, options: { title: 'Login', href: SERVER + "/" + 'login.htm', } }); tab.panel('refresh', SERVER + "/" + 'login.htm'); }else if( tabid == "Permalink" ){ var tab = $('#codebox').tabs('getTab', tabindex ); $('#codebox').tabs('update', { tab:tab, options: { title: 'Permalink', href: SERVER + "/" + 'generate_link_form.htm', } }); tab.panel('refresh', SERVER + "/" + 'generate_link_form.htm'); } $('#codebox').tabs('select', tabindex); return true; }else if( tabid == "Login" ){ $('#codebox').tabs('add', { title: tabtitle, id: tabid, closable: true, href: SERVER + "/login.htm", extractor: function(data) { return data; } }); }else if( tabid == "Permalink" ){ $('#codebox').tabs('add', { title: tabtitle, id: tabid, closable: true, href: SERVER + "/generate_link_form.htm", extractor: function(data) { return data; 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