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(* This is a comment *)
(* Sample Hello World program using F# *)

open System

let rec fact x =
    if (x <= 2)
    then x
    else x * (fact (x - 1))
printfn "Hello World!"

Console.WriteLine (fact 3)


(* This is a comment *)
(* Sample Hello World program using F# *)
let sum a b : float = a + b
let mul a b : float = a * b
let avg a b : float = (a + b)/2.0

printfn "%A" (sum 20.0 3.0 |> avg <| mul 2.0 3.0)

F# Lambda Expressions

open System
let  multiply (x,y) = x*y
Console.WriteLine(multiply (5,2))

//range of numbers
let k =  [for x in 1..10-> x*x]

//point function
let m (a,b,c) = a+b*c

//recursive function
let rec fact x = if x <= 1 then 1 else x*fact(x-1)
Console.WriteLine (fact(5))

//mutually recursive function
let rec isOdd x = 
if x = 0 then false
elif x = 1 then true
else isEven(x-1)
and isEven x =
if x = 0 then true
elif x = 1 then false
else isOdd (x-1)
Console.WriteLine( isOdd(5))

//swap function
let swap (a, b) = (b, a)
Console.WriteLine (swap(4,5))

//Square function
let dnumb = [for x in 1..5 -> x*2]
Console.WriteLine (dnumb)

//Values as functions
let square = fun x -> x*x
Console.WriteLine (square(3))

//pattern matching using a function *doesnt use match keyword
let rec factorial = function
    | n when n < 1 -> 1
    | n -> n * fact (n - 1) 
Console.WriteLine (fact(5))

let rec fibbonaci = function 
| x when x < 1 -> 1
| x -> fibbonaci (x-1) + fibbonaci (x-2)

//pattern matching without a function *use match and with keywords
let isOdd x = (x%2 = 1)
let describeNo x = match isOdd x with
| true ->printfn "x is odd"
| false ->printfn"x is even"

describeNo 6

let rec fib n =
   match n with
   | 0 -> 0
   | 1 -> 1
   | _ -> fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
for i = 1 to 10 do
   printfn "Fibonacci %d: %d" i (fib i)
let rec fac x = match x with
| x when x < 1 -> 1
| x -> x*fac(x-1)


//Creating lists
let list1 = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10]

//[] the last element should be empty
let list2 = 1::2::3::4::5::6::7::8::9::10::[]
Console.WriteLine (list1)

//The number of elements
Console.WriteLine(List.length list1)

//The sum of the elements in the list
Console.WriteLine(List.sum list1)

//prints out the head = first element
Console.WriteLine(List.head list1)

//prints out the tail = the rest of the elements
Console.WriteLine(List.tail [1;2;3;4])

//Create list with range
let list3 = [1..2..10]

let numbersNear x = [
yield x-1
yield x
yield x+1
Console.WriteLine(numbersNear 4)

//do yield can be used in 2 ways 
//1)using do yield
let list4 = [ for a in 1 .. 10 do yield (a * a) ]

//2) using ->
let list5  = [for x in 1 .. 10 -> x*2 ]

let list = [for a in 1 .. 5 do
match a with
| 3 -> yield! ["p"; "c"; "l"]
| _ -> yield a.ToString ()


open System
(* This is a multi-line comment *)
// This is a single-line comment

let sign num =
   if num > 0 then "positive"
   elif num < 0 then "negative"
   else "zero"

let main() =
   Console.WriteLine("sign 5: {0}", (sign 5))



(* This is a comment *)
(* Sample Hello World program using F# *)
printfn "Hello World!"


(* This is a comment *)
(* Sample Hello World program using F# *)
printfn "Hello World!"

Compile and Execute F# Sharp Online

let list1 = [5; 10; 15; 20; 25; 30]
let list2 = [50; 100; 150; 200; 250; 300]

(* Problem 1 *)      
let largestFunc x y =
    if x > y then x
    else y
let rec maxIntFunc list =
    match list with
    |[] -> 0
    |x::xs -> largestFunc x (maxIntFunc xs)
let maxInt = maxIntFunc list1
printfn "Problem 1: %d" maxInt

(* Problem 2 *)
let rec nElementFunc list n =
    match list with
    |[] -> 0
    |x::xs -> 
        if n = 0 then x
        else nElementFunc xs (n-1)
let nElement = nElementFunc list1 4
printfn "Problem 2: %d" nElement

(* Problem 3 *)
let rec doubleElementFunc list =
    match list with
    |[] -> []
    |x::xs -> 2*x::doubleElementFunc xs
let doubleList = doubleElementFunc list1

printf "Problem 3: "

for x in doubleList do
    printf "%A " x

printfn ""
(*Problem 4*)
let rec inListFunc list n =
    match list with
    |[] -> -1
    |x::xs -> 
        if x = n then 1
        else inListFunc xs n
let inList = inListFunc list1 10

printfn "Problem 4: %d" inList

(*Problem 5*)
let joinInt n list =
    match list with
    |[] -> (n,0)
    |x::xs -> (n, x)

let rec jointListFunc listOne listTwo =
    match listOne with
    |[] -> []
    |x::xs -> (joinInt x listTwo) :: (jointListFunc xs listTwo)

let jointList = jointListFunc list1 list2

printfn "Problem 5: %A" jointList

Compile and Execute F# Sharp Online

let firstList = [5;15;20;25;30]
let secondList = [50;100;150;200;250;300]

let max num1 num2 =
    if num1 > num2 then num1
    else num2

let rec problemOne list =
    match list with
    |[] -> 0
    |head::tail -> max head (problemOne tail)//conspatter ::.
let largestSum = problemOne firstList

printfn "\nPROBLEM ONE\nThe maxiumum integer in the list %A is: %d\n" firstList largestSum

let iterator = 2

let rec problemTwo list intPassed = 
    match list with
    |[] -> 0
    |head::tail -> 
        if intPassed = 0 then head
        else problemTwo tail (intPassed-1)
let sumAtIndex = problemTwo firstList iterator

printfn "\nPROBLEM TWO\nThe integer at index %d in list %A is: %d\n" iterator firstList sumAtIndex

//Second function to reorder the list after it has been doubled so it is in the proper order
let emptyList = []

let rec problemThree (list1 : int list) (list2 : int list) =
    match list1 with
    |head::tail -> problemThree tail ((head*2)::list2)
    |[]-> list2       

let rec problemThreeReOrder (list1 : int list) (list2 : int list) =
    match list1 with
    |head::tail -> problemThreeReOrder tail (head::list2)
    |[] -> list2

let doubledList = problemThree firstList emptyList
let reOrderedDoubledList = problemThreeReOrder doubledList emptyList
printfn "\nPROBLEM THREE \nThe original list is: %A\nThe doubled list is: %A\n" firstList reOrderedDoubledList

let rec problemFourFunction (intPassed : int) (listPassed : int list) : int =
    match listPassed with
    |[] -> -1
    |head::tail ->
        if intPassed = head then 1
        else problemFourFunction intPassed tail
let intResult = problemFourFunction 4 firstList
printfn "\nPROBLEM FOUR\n"
printfn "The searched for integer was %d and the list searched was %A\n" 4 firstList
printfn "If 1 the result was found, if -1 the result wasn't found: --> %d\n" intResult


let emptyTupleList = []
//(list1 : int list) (list2 : int list) (list3 : int list)
let rec problemFive list1 list2 list3 =
    match list1, list2 with
    |(list1Head::list1Tail),(list2Head::list2Tail) -> problemFive (list1Tail) (list2Tail) ((list1Head,list2Head)::(list3))
    |[]-> list3  
let tupleList = problemFive firstList secondList emptyTupleList