jQuery Mobile - Grid Layouts


jQuery mobile grid system creates page layouts through a series of rows and columns.

Following table demonstrates the types of grid in detail.

Sr.No. Type & Description
1 Basic grids

Include ui-grid-solo class in <div> to create a single column grid, the grid width is 100%

2 Two column grids

Add class ui-grid-a to a <div> and include two child container with class ui-block-a and ui-block-b to create two column layout.

3 Three-column grids
The ui-grid-b class is used to create a three column grid, it includes three child container with class ui-block-a/b/c.
4 Four-column grids

The ui-grid-c class is used to create a four column grid, it includes four child container with class ui-block-a/b/c/d/e.

5 Five-column grids

The ui-grid-d class is used to create a five column grid, it includes five child container with class ui-block-a/b/c/d.

6 Multiple row grids

Multiple rows can be wrapped in the grid by specifying any column class on a container.

7 Grid solo class

The standard grid is made responsive by overiding the grid styles below a single breakpoint.

8 Responsive grids

The stack grids below 35em (560px), a preset breakpoint can be applied.

9 Breakpoint preset

The stack grids below 35em (560px), a preset breakpoint can be applied. In grid container, include .ui-responsive class.

