JSTL - Core <c:out> Tag


The <c:out> tag displays the result of an expression. This is almost similar to the way <%= %> works. The difference here is that <c:out> tag lets you use the simpler "." notation to access properties. For example, to access customer.address.street, use the tag <c:out value = "customer.address.street"/>.

The <c:out> tag can automatically escape XML tags so they aren't evaluated as actual tags.


The <c:out> tag has the following attributes −

Attribute Description Required Default
Value Information to output Yes None
default Fallback information to output No body
escapeXml True if the tag should escape special XML characters No true


<%@ taglib uri = "https://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix = "c" %>

      <title> <c:out> Tag Example</title>

      <c:out value = "${'<tag> , &'}"/>

The above code will generate the following result −

<tag> , &

