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Array program in LISP

(setf x (make-array '(3 3):initial-contents'((1 2 3)(4 5 6)(7 8 9))))
(write x)

(defun afisare (i j g h)
(print (aref x i j))
(print (aref x g h))

(afisare 0 1 0 2)

(setq myarray (make-array '(3 2 3) 
   '(((a b c) (1 2 3)) 
      ((d e f) (4 5 6)) 
      ((g h i) (7 8 9)) 
(setq array2 (make-array '(3 2) :displaced-to myarray :displaced-index-offset 5)) 
(write myarray)
(write array2)

(setf (get 'student 'Nume) 'Dan)
(setf (get 'student 'Varsta) 21)
(setf (get 'student 'An) 3)
(setf (get 'student 'cnp) 1970506350036)

(write (symbol-plist 'student))

(defun averagenum (n1 n2 n3)
   (/ ( + n1 n2 n3) 3)
(write(averagenum 5 10 6))


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