Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 11 May 2019, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.


'@Author :- Dinesh Kumar Version :- 1.0'

On Error Resume Next

Dim start_date

Dim end_date

Dim input_value

Dim hours

Dim minutes

Dim Total_time_spent

Dim septxt

Dim logPathname

Dim colon

Dim today_date

 Dim objFSO, strInput, objInput
 Dim arrValues, strItem, strLine
 Dim strOutput, objOutput
 Public total
 Dim NewLine
 Dim Total_message

 Const ForReading = 1
 Const ForWriting = 2
 Const Space = " "
 NewLine = "\n"
 Total_message = "TOTAL HOURS FOR"

Function convertTime(seconds)
   ConvSec = seconds Mod 60
   If Len(ConvSec) = 1 Then
         ConvSec = "0" & ConvSec
   End If
   ConvMin = (seconds Mod 3600) \ 60
   If Len(ConvMin) = 1 Then
         ConvMin = "0" & ConvMin
   End If
   ConvHour =  seconds \ 3600
   If Len(ConvHour) = 1 Then
         ConvHour = "0" & ConvHour
   End If
   convertTime = ConvHour & ":" & ConvMin & ":" & ConvSec
End Function

Function CSVParse(ByVal strLine)
    ' Function to parse comma delimited line and return array
    ' of field values.

    Dim arrFields
    Dim blnIgnore
    Dim intFieldCount
    Dim intCursor
    Dim intStart
    Dim strChar
    Dim strValue
    Const QUOTE = """"
    Const QUOTE2 = """"""

    ' Check for empty string and return empty array.
    If (Len(Trim(strLine)) = 0) then
        CSVParse = Array()
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' Initialize.
    blnIgnore = False
    intFieldCount = 0
    intStart = 1
    arrFields = Array()

    ' Add "," to delimit the last field.
    strLine = strLine & ","

    ' Walk the string.
    For intCursor = 1 To Len(strLine)
        ' Get a character.
        strChar = Mid(strLine, intCursor, 1)
        Select Case strChar
            Case QUOTE
                ' Toggle the ignore flag.
                blnIgnore = Not blnIgnore
            Case ","
                If Not blnIgnore Then
                    ' Add element to the array.
                    ReDim Preserve arrFields(intFieldCount)
                    ' Makes sure the "field" has a non-zero length.
                    If (intCursor - intStart > 0) Then
                        ' Extract the field value.
                        strValue = Mid(strLine, intStart, _
                            intCursor - intStart)
                        ' If it's a quoted string, use Mid to
                        ' remove outer quotes and replace inner
                        ' doubled quotes with single.
                        If (Left(strValue, 1) = QUOTE) Then
                            arrFields(intFieldCount) = _
                                Replace(Mid(strValue, 2, _
                                Len(strValue) - 2), QUOTE2, QUOTE)
                            arrFields(intFieldCount) = strValue
                        End If
                        ' An empty field is an empty array element.
                        arrFields(intFieldCount) = Empty
                    End If
                    ' increment for next field.
                    intFieldCount = intFieldCount + 1
                    intStart = intCursor + 1
                End If
        End Select
    ' Return the array.
    CSVParse = arrFields
End Function

septxt = ", "

colon = ": "

today_date= FormatDateTime(Now(), vbShortDate)

logPathname = "C:\Dinesh\LOGFILE.csv"

input_value = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0)

Function FileObject()

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objEnv = objShell.Environment("USER")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile (logPathname, ForAppending, True)

End Function

' User Name Section 

set wsNetwork = createobject("WSCRIPT.Network") 

If input_value = "UNLOCK" Then

objEnv("UNLOCK_TIME") = FormatDateTime(Now(), vbGeneralDate)

Total_time_spent = objEnv("Total_time_spent")

Wscript.Echo "Time Usage last login : " & Total_time_spent  


' LOCK Section 

ElseIf input_value = "LOCK" Then

start_date = objEnv("UNLOCK_TIME")

end_date = FormatDateTime(Now(), vbGeneralDate)

Total_time_spent = convertTime(DateDiff("s",start_date,end_date))

objEnv("Total_time_spent") = Total_time_spent

Const ForAppending = 8

' output Section 

'objTextFile.WriteLine( & start_date   & septxt   & end_date  & septxt  & outUser & septxt & Total_time_spent )

'objTextFile.WriteLine(FormatDateTime(Now(), vbGeneralDate) & septxt  & outUser & septxt & outComputer)

objTextFile.WriteLine(+ FormatDateTime(start_date,vbShortDate) + septxt  + FormatDateTime( start_date,vbShortTime)   + septxt   +FormatDateTime(end_date,vbShortTime)  + septxt  + outUser + septxt + Total_time_spent)



ElseIf input_value = "FINAL_UNLOCK" Then

start_date = objEnv("UNLOCK_TIME")
 strInput = "c:\Dinesh\LOGFILE.csv"

 total = 0

 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 Set objInput = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strInput, ForReading)

 ' Open the output file for writing.
 Set objOutput = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOutput, ForWriting, True)

 ' Read the file.
 Do Until objInput.AtEndOfStream
 strLine = objInput.ReadLine
 ' Skip blank lines.
 If (Trim(strLine) <> "") Then
 ' Parse the fields in the file.
 arrValues = CSVParse(strLine)
 ' Write the value in the third field to the output file.
  total = int(DateDiff("s","00:00:00",arrValues(4))) + total
 End If
wscript.echo total


 objTextFile.WriteLine ( +space  )

 Wscript.echo (+ Total_message +  start_date + colon + convertTime(total))
 objTextFile.WriteLine ( + Total_message +  start_date + colon + convertTime(total) )
 objTextFile.WriteLine ( +space )
 objTextFile.WriteLine ( +space  )
 ' Clean up.

End If


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