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Execute LISP Online

; Assignment 5
; Sophia Reed
; Working in Lisp 

; #2 
; The program subtracts the values passed to varibales x and y and prints the result. Output: 1 10 3
;-----------C++ equivilent-------------------
;#include <iostream>
; using namespace std;
;int foo(int x, int y)
;   return (x - y);
; //main method
;int main(){
;   cout<<foo(4,3)<< endl;
;   cout<<foo(20,10)<< endl;
;   cout<<foo(8,5)<< endl;

; #3
;  The program checks string and the prints values using recurrsive function
;   output: a b c d e 1 2 3 4 5 x y z 
;-----------C++ equivilent-------------------
;#include <iostream>
;using namespace std;
;#include <string>
;void myPrint(string l)
;    if (!l.empty())
;    {
;       cout<<l[0]<<endl;
;       myPrint(l.erase (0,1));
;    }
; }
;//main method
;int main(){
;   myPrint(" 1 2 3 4 5");
;   myPrint("a b c d e");
;   myPrint("x""y""z");
(defun factorial1 (n)
    (let ((sum 1))
        (dotimes (i n)
            (setf sum (* sum (1+ i)))
(defun factorial2 (n)
 (if(= n 1)
    (* n (factorial2(- n 1)))))
(defun fib (n)
  (if (< n 2) n
     (+ (fib (1- n)) (fib (- n 2)))
(defun small(x y)
    (if (< x y )
(defun sum(n)
    (if(= n 0)
 (+ n (sum (- n 1)))))
;1. setq sets the value of the variable x to the list (a b)
;2. setq sets the value of the variable y to the list (a b c)
;3. prints the first element in list x = A
;4. prints the first element in list y = A
;5. prints the remainding elements in list x with parenthesis. Results in list = (B) 
;6. prints the remainding elements in list y with parenthesis. Results in list = (B C) 
;7. prints the first element from the rest of the list x without parenthesis. Results in a symbol = B
;8. prints the first element from the rest of the list y without parenthesis. Results in a symbol = B
;9. prints the first element from the rest of the list x without parenthesis. Results in a symbol = B
;10.prints the first element from the rest of the list y without parenthesis. Results in a symbol = B
;11. prints both x and y lists together in one list 

(setq x '(a b ))
(setq y '(a b c))
(print (car x))
(print (car y))
(print (cdr x))
(print (cdr y))
(print (car(cdr x)))
(print (car (cdr y)))
(print (cadr x))
(print (cadr y))
(print (append x y))


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