Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 11 May 2019, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.



// The following "String Paramaters" can control the way this job functions.
//      There are usually sensible defaults if they are not set (YYMV)
// gitOrg          The GitHub Account ie: 'tripwire'
// Repo            The GitHub Repo of source to test, ie: cap-bridge
// RepoBranch      The GitHub Repo branch, ie: scm/develop or master
// RepoCommit      The GitHub Repo commit, ie: a2c72118a21ba9d093f0a4ba12a4e52c8e056e51
// AxonBranch      The axon-vagrant branch, ie: scm/develop or master
// AxonCommit      The axon-vagrant commit, ie: a2c72118a21ba9d093f0a4ba12a4e52c8e056e51
// Platforms       Optional. List one or more platforms to spin up. ie: cents-6-x64. Default is complete 'linux' list
// TestSuite       The testsuite to run, ie: cucumber
// JobTimeout      Run job with timeout in HOURS
// SaveImageOnTestFailure If 'true', the virtual machine will be kept running if a test failure occurs
// SaveImageOnProvisioningFailure If 'true', the virtual machine will be kept running when provisioning fails

@Library('jenkins-pipeline-common@master') _
def gitOrg = "${params.gitOrg ?: 'tripwire'}"
def axonBranch = "${params.AxonBranch ?: 'master'}"
saveImageOnProvisioningFailure = "${params.SaveImageOnProvisioningFailure ?: 'false'}"
os = reduceOS(params.Platforms ?: 'linux') //without the 'def' keyword 'os' is globally accesible
echo "JENKINSJOB starting: ${System.currentTimeMillis()}"

pipeline {
    agent {
        label "chef && vagrant"
    options {
        timeout(time: 24, unit: 'HOURS')
    environment {
        VSPHERE_PASSWORD = credentials('srvc_jenkinsauto')
        VSPHERE_USER = 'TSS\\srvc_jenkinsauto'
        VSPHERE_GROUP = "${os == 'linux' ? 'Axon_Linux' : 'Axon_Windows'}"
    stages {
        stage('Prepare the space') {
            steps {
                script {
                    echo "HAVEEXECUTOR: ${System.currentTimeMillis()}"

                    // Wipe the workspace so we are building completely clean

                    gitClone('tripwire', 'axon-vagrant', axonBranch, params.AxonCommit)
                    gitCloneSubdir('CAP', 'cap-jenkins-scripts', 'master')
                    gitCloneSubdir(gitOrg, params.Repo, params.RepoBranch, params.RepoCommit)

                    def lockFile = "${os == 'linux' ? 'posix' : 'windows'}"
                    createLockfiles(params.RepoBranch, params.Repo, lockFile)

                    sshagent (credentials: ['d3731a79-cb13-4994-abae-c189db4bdcb2']) {
                        sh "berks vendor"

                    dir("./data") {
                        sh "ln -s ../${params.Repo} ./${params.Repo} && ls ./${params.Repo}"

        stage ('Provision, Test, Report, and Destroy') {
            steps {
                script {
                    def platforms = reducePlatforms(getPlatforms(os),
                        params.Platforms, params.ExcludedPlatforms,
                        params.InstallEG, params.InstallDKMS)
                    // 20 threads/VMs are used by default
                    def threads = 20
                    if (params.Threads != null) {
                        threads = params.Threads as int
                        echo "Setting threads param to ${threads} (PARALLELJOBS)"
                    } else {
                        echo "No Threads build parameter defined. Setting to default value ${threads} (PARALLELJOBS)"
                    for (int i = 0; i < platforms.size(); i += threads) {
                        def runList = getTestReportDestroyRunList(i, threads, platforms)
                        try {
                            parallel runList
                        } catch(err) {
                            // something failed while testing. We can continue, but set the status to failed.
                            failTheBuild("Failed on the testing, reporting, or destroying stage")
                    echo "JENKINSJOB ending: ${System.currentTimeMillis()}"

    post {
        always {
            dir ("./${params.Repo}") {

        success {
            echo 'Success'

        failure {
            echo 'Failed!!!!!!!'

        unstable {
            echo 'Unstable'

        aborted {
            // if user aborts, destroy all VMs
            sh 'vagrant destroy -f'

def test(platform) {
    // Check if we can connect to the platform. If not, abort
    if (!checkVMConnectivity(platform)) {

    if (os == "linux") {
    } else {

def testLinux(platform) {
    // By default, EG is not installed
    if (params.InstallEG != null && params.InstallEG.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
        sh "vagrant ssh '${platform}' -c \"lsmod | grep twnotify\""
    try {
        sh "vagrant ssh '${platform}' -c \"cat /vagrant_data/${params.Repo}/accept/Rakefile > /dev/null\""
    } catch(err) {
        echo "Plugin repositories were not rsynced. Force re-sync"
        sh "vagrant rsync '${platform}'"

    sh "vagrant ssh '${platform}' -c \"cd /vagrant_data/${params.Repo}/accept && sudo bundle install --full-index --retry=20 \""

    // The '|| true' forces the command to return code 0.  If we don't do this,
    // Jenkins 2 will interpret a completed cucumber run that includes test
    // failures as the job itself failing.  We don't want that - we want to get
    // results out and have the J2 UI tell us exactly which tests failed.
    params.TestSuite.split('\\s*,\\s*').each {
        def suiteToRun = it.trim()
        if (params.JobTimeout != null) {
            echo "Executing Rake with Timeout of ${params.JobTimeout}"
            timeout(time: params.JobTimeout.toInteger(), unit: 'HOURS') {
                sh "vagrant ssh '${platform}' -c \"cd /vagrant_data/${params.Repo}/accept && sudo bundle exec rake ${suiteToRun}\" || true"
        else {
            sh "vagrant ssh '${platform}' -c \"cd /vagrant_data/${params.Repo}/accept && sudo bundle exec rake ${suiteToRun}\" || true"

def testWindows(platform) {
    try {
        // Write the git branch to a file in the repo because we are not copying the .git folder over to the VM.
        sh "echo ${params.RepoBranch.trim()} >> data/${params.Repo}/git_branch"
        retryRemoteSSHCommand(platform, "mkdir -p /cygdrive/c/vagrant_data/${params.Repo}", 3, 30)
        transferFilesToVM(platform, "/cygdrive/c/vagrant_data/${params.Repo}", "data/${params.Repo}/*")
    catch(err) {
        // If winrm-upload reported a failure move on. Jenkins seems to do that even if the operation succeeded
        echo "Received some error while uploading files: ${err}. Moving on"

    // The following line increases the amount of RAM given to each instance of WinRM as run by Vagrant.
    // The default value (800mb) was too low, causing the JVM to fail when launching ParTE.
    // (Having the value too low will cause Jenkins 2 to hang and time out when launching ParTE.)
    sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c 'winrm set winrm/config/winrs @{MaxMemoryPerShellMB=\"3000\"}'"


    withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: "d3731a79-cb13-4994-abae-c189db4bdcb2", keyFileVariable: 'GH_id_rsa')]) {
        transferFilesToVM(platform, "/cygdrive/c/Users/vagrant/.ssh/GH_id_rsa", GH_id_rsa)

    sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c \"cd C:/vagrant_data/${params.Repo}/accept && dir\""
    sh """
        vagrant winrm '${platform}' -e -s powershell -c \"
            . ~/Documents/WindowsPowershell/ssh-agent-utils.ps1; ssh-add.exe ~/.ssh/GH_id_rsa
            \\\$env:GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'

            cd C:/vagrant_data/${params.Repo}/accept; bundle install --full-index --retry=20\"

    // The 'ver>nul' guarantees a zero return code.  Rake may return nonzero if tests
    // fail, which Jenkins 2 interprets as the script as a whole failing - it is not.
    // Leave it to the later test report steps to determine that.
    // For an explanation of the usage of 'ver>nul', see:
    params.TestSuite.split('\\s*,\\s*').each {
        def suiteToRun = it.trim()
        if (params.JobTimeout != null) {
            echo "Executing Rake with Timeout of ${params.JobTimeout}"
            timeout(time: params.JobTimeout.toInteger(), unit: 'HOURS') {
                sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -e -s powershell -c \"cd C:/vagrant_data/${params.Repo}/accept ; bundle exec rake ${suiteToRun}\" || true"
        } else {
            sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -e -s powershell -c \"cd C:/vagrant_data/${params.Repo}/accept ; bundle exec rake ${suiteToRun}\" || true"

def loginUsers(platform){
    //  The following block runs only for cap-rsop related test suites.  As such,
    //  they are skipped if the "Repo" parameter is not "cap-rsop".
    //  The tests require that a user that exists on the machine has logged in
    //  at least once before the test will pass.  Of the three possible users,
    //  "rsop", "rsop2", "rsop_exists", only the "rsop" and "rsop2" users need to
    //  be logged in.  The *.bat files set 'autologin' properties and restart the
    //  machine to accomplish the logins.
    if (params.Repo == "cap-rsop") {
        echo 'The following 3 commands should show that users:  rsop, rsop2, and rsop_exists have never logged in before.'
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c \"net user rsop | findstr /B /C:Last\""
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c \"net user rsop2 | findstr /B /C:Last\""
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c \"net user rsop_exists | findstr /B /C:Last\""

        echo 'Setting autologin to login to rsop, then rebooting.'
        // Use winrm to start powershell with elevated privileges and then use cmd to start the batch file
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -e -s powershell -c \"cmd /C C:/vagrant_data/${params.Repo}/tools/vagrant_to_rsop.bat\""
        // NOTE (jchai): The shutdown command has been hanging in J2. I think the command is working but the J2 slave
        // is not receiving the status code from the shutdown command, so let's try to run the command assuming it
        // works
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c \"shutdown -t 0 -r -f\" || true"
        sleep 240

        echo 'Setting autologin to login to rsop2, then rebooting.'
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -e -s powershell -c \"cmd /C C:/vagrant_data/${params.Repo}/tools/rsop_to_rsop2.bat\""
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c \"shutdown -t 0 -r -f\" || true"
        sleep 240

        echo 'Setting autologin to login to vagrant, then rebooting.'
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -e -s powershell -c \"cmd /C C:/vagrant_data/${params.Repo}/tools/rsop2_to_vagrant.bat\""
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c \"shutdown -t 0 -r -f\" || true"
        sleep 240

        echo 'The following 3 commands should show that users:  rsop, rsop2 have logged in, but rsop_exists  has never logged in before.'
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c \"net user rsop | findstr /B /C:Last\""
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c \"net user rsop2 | findstr /B /C:Last\""
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c \"net user rsop_exists | findstr /B /C:Last\""

def fixTWhelloPermissions(platform){
    // The following block is required for cap-exec related tests.  As such,
    // they are skipped if the Repo parameter is not "cap-exec".
    // The tests require that the file /cap-exec/accept/tools/twhello.exe have
    // execute permissions, and downloading the executable via git clone does not
    // set this permission, causing a test to fail in the accept test.
    if (params.Repo == "cap-exec") {
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c 'icacls c:/vagrant_data/cap-exec/accept/tools/twhello.exe /reset'"

def fixFIMtoolsPermissions(platform){
    // The following block is required for cap-fim related tests.  As such,
    // they are skipped if the Repo parameter is not "cap-fim".
    // The tests require that the file cap-fim/accept/helpers/reg_tools/changer-win32.exe have
    // execute permissions, and downloading the executable via git clone does not
    // set this permission, causing a test to fail in the accept test.
    if (params.Repo == "cap-fim") {
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c 'icacls c:/vagrant_data/cap-fim/accept/helpers/reg_tools/changer-win32.exe /reset'"
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c 'icacls c:/vagrant_data/cap-fim/accept/helpers/reg_tools/regln-x86.exe /reset'"

def fixOVALtoolsPermissions(platform){
    // The following block is required for cap-oval related tests.  As such,
    // they are skipped if the Repo parameter is not "cap-oval".
    if (params.Repo == "cap-oval") {
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c 'icacls C:/vagrant_data/cap-oval/accept/helpers/tools/PsGetsid.exe /reset'"
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c 'icacls C:/vagrant_data/cap-oval/accept/helpers/tools/PsGetsid64.exe /reset'"
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c 'icacls C:/vagrant_data/cap-oval/accept/helpers/tools/accesschk.exe /reset'"
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c 'icacls C:/vagrant_data/cap-oval/accept/helpers/tools/accesschk64.exe /reset'"
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c 'icacls C:/vagrant_data/cap-oval/accept/helpers/tools/junction.exe /reset'"
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c 'icacls C:/vagrant_data/cap-oval/accept/helpers/tools/junction64.exe /reset'"
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c 'icacls C:/vagrant_data/cap-oval/accept/helpers/tools/mfacs.exe /reset'"

def fixUpgradeToolsPermissions(platform){
    // The following block is required for cap-upgrade related tests.  As such,
    // they are skipped if the Repo parameter is not "cap-upgrade".
    if (params.Repo == "cap-upgrade") {
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c 'icacls C:/vagrant_data/cap-upgrade/accept/helpers/tools/sleep60.exe /reset'"
        sh "vagrant winrm '${platform}' -s cmd -c 'icacls C:/vagrant_data/cap-upgrade/accept/helpers/tools/sleep60_x64.exe /reset'"

// TODO (jchai): Replace/Delete this method. This does not seem to be functional anymore
def failTheBuild(String message) {
    def messageColor = "\u001B[32m"
    def messageColorReset = "\u001B[0m"

    currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
    echo messageColor + message + messageColorReset

def getTestReportDestroyRunList(start, threads, platforms) {
    def runList = [:]
    for (int i = start; i < platforms.size() && i < start + threads; i++) {
        runList[platforms[i]] = executeTestReportDestroy(platforms[i])
    return runList

def executeTestReportDestroy(platform) {
    return {
        def status = false
        echo "VAGRANTPROV starting: ${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
        status = vagrant(platform, 5) // try 5 times
        if (status) {
            echo "Provisioning of ${platform} was successful. Running tests."
            if (os == "linux") {
            } else {
                sleep 60
            echo "RAKERSPEC starting: ${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
            echo "RAKERSPEC ending: ${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
        } else {
            echo "Provisioning of ${platform} FAILED. Aborting tests."

// It will try to perform setup and provisioning maxFails times, if it fails more than that, then it fails the setup process
def vagrant(platform, maxFails){
    def status = false
    for (int tries = 1; tries <= maxFails; tries++) {
        echo "Setup and provisioning attempt no. ${tries}"

        status = vagrantUpdate(platform)
        if (status) {
            status = vagrantUp(platform)
        } else {
            sh "vagrant box remove '${platform}'"; continue

        if (status) {
            status = vagrantProvision(platform)
            // win7 and win2k8 platforms require to reboot, this sleep is to
            // avoid issues related to vm not restarting before the flow continues
            if (status && (platform.contains('win7') || platform.contains('win2k8'))) {
                sleep 65
        } else {
            vagrantDestroy(platform); continue

        if (status) {
            status = checkVMConnectivity(platform)
        } else {
            if (tries == maxFails) { //only effective during the last try
                if (saveImageOnProvisioningFailure.toLowerCase() == "true") {
                    echo "We had a failure while provisioning and the 'SaveImageOnProvisioningFailure' tag is set. Not killing ${platform}"
                } else {
                    vagrantDestroy(platform); continue
            } else {
                vagrantDestroy(platform); continue

        if (status) {
            return status
        } else {
            echo "Setup and provisioning attempt no. ${tries} failed"
    }   //  attempt 3 times to provision
    echo "Provisioning failed"
    reportErrorJunit(platform, "vagrant up ${platform} failed ${maxFails} times.", "VagrantProvisioning")
    sh "ls -1 PlatformFailedHighlightBlueOceanNode" // dummy command that returns a status code != 0

def vagrantUpdate(platform) {
    def statusCode = sh(script: "vagrant box update '${platform}'", returnStatus: true)
    if (statusCode != 0) {
        echo "Failed to update the vagrant box"
    return (statusCode == 0)

def vagrantDestroy(platform) {
    try {
        sh "vagrant destroy -f '${platform}'"
    } catch(err) {
        sh "vagrant destroy -f '${platform}' || true"

def vagrantSubCommand(platform, command) {
    def subcommand = ""
    if (command == "up") {
        subcommand = "up '${platform}' --no-provision --provider vsphere"
    } else if (command == "provision") {
        subcommand = "provision '${platform}'"
    } else {
        return false

    def statusCode = -1
    try {
        timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') {
            withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'SRVC_Artif_Jenkins_R', variable: 'SERVICE_PASSWORD')]) {
                if (os == "linux") {
                    statusCode = sh(
                        // params.InstallEG is a string parameter. Any value other than 'true' is considered false
                        script: "SERVICE_PASSWORD=\"$SERVICE_PASSWORD\" INSTALLEG=\"${params.InstallEG}\" INSTALLDKMS=\"${params.InstallDKMS}\" SELINUX=\"${params.SELinux}\" BRANCH=\"${params.RepoBranch.trim()}\" vagrant ${subcommand}",
                        returnStatus: true
                } else {
                    statusCode = sh(
                        script: "SERVICE_PASSWORD=\"$SERVICE_PASSWORD\" INSTALLEG=\"${params.InstallEG}\" BRANCH=\"${params.RepoBranch.trim()}\" vagrant ${subcommand}",
                        returnStatus: true
    } catch(err) {
        echo "Virtual Machine provisioning exceeded 30 minutes"

    return (statusCode == 0)

// Create virtual machine
def vagrantUp(platform) {
    def status = vagrantSubCommand(platform, "up")
    if (!status) {
        echo "Failed to create the Virtual Machine"
    return status

// Provision the Virtual Machine, timeout for provisioning attempt is set to 30 minutes
def vagrantProvision(platform) {
    def status = vagrantSubCommand(platform, "provision")
    if (!status) {
        echo "Failed to provision the Virtual Machine"
    return status

def report(platform) {
    // Check if we can connect to the platform. If not, abort
    if (!checkVMConnectivity(platform)) {
        reportErrorJunit(platform, "Attempting to report, connectivity lost to ${platform}", "RakeReportStep")

    def vagrantData = "${os == 'linux' ? '/vagrant_data' : '/cygdrive/c/vagrant_data'}"

    if (params.AxonAgentTest != null && params.AxonAgentTest.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
        transferFilesFromVM(platform, "${vagrantData}/${params.Repo}/accept/reports/*", "data/junit_${platform}")
    } else {
        def testFiles = findRemoteFiles(platform, "${vagrantData}/${params.Repo}/", "TEST*.xml")
        def specFiles = findRemoteFiles(platform, "${vagrantData}/${params.Repo}/", "*spec*.xml")
        def resultFiles = testFiles + ' ' + specFiles
        if (!resultFiles.trim().isEmpty()) {
            retryRemoteSSHCommand(platform, "mkdir -p ${vagrantData}/reports", 5, 30)
            retryRemoteSSHCommand(platform, "cd ${vagrantData}/${params.Repo}/accept && cp -f ${resultFiles} ${vagrantData}/reports/", 3, 120)
            transferFilesFromVM(platform, "${vagrantData}/reports/*", "data/junit_${platform}")
        } else {
            echo "No test result files were found on ${platform}"
    // The twfim cucumber tests generate one .xml file per suite
    sh "find data/junit_${platform} -name *.xml -exec sed -i -e 's/classname=\"/classname=\"${platform}\\./g' {} \\;"
    echo "currentBuild.result before junit: ${currentBuild.result}"
    junit keepLongStdio: true, testResults: "data/junit_${platform}/*.xml"
    echo "currentBuild.result after junit: ${currentBuild.result}"


// Determine if tests failed on the node and gather logs
def gatherLogs(platform) {
    // if set, KeepBuildArtifactsOnSuccess will ensure the generated system logs are saved even in the case of a successful build
    if (params.AxonAgentTest == null && (checkPlatformFailed(platform) ||
       (params.KeepBuildArtifactsOnSuccess != null && params.KeepBuildArtifactsOnSuccess.equalsIgnoreCase("true")))) {

        def vagrantData = "${os == 'linux' ? '/vagrant_data' : '/cygdrive/c/vagrant_data'}"

        // This will only handle the logs from the plugin tests, copy the log files generated from the tests
        def logFiles = findRemoteFiles(platform, "${vagrantData}/${params.Repo}/accept/rakework", "*.log*")
        if (!logFiles.trim().isEmpty()) {
            retryRemoteSSHCommand(platform, "mkdir -p ${vagrantData}/logs", 3, 30)
            retryRemoteSSHCommand(platform, "cd ${vagrantData}/${params.Repo}/accept/rakework && cp -f ${logFiles} ${vagrantData}/logs/", 3, 180)

            if (os == "linux") {
                retryRemoteSSHCommand(platform, "cd ${vagrantData}/logs && sudo chmod +r *", 3, 120)

            // compress the log files before transferring them back
            retryRemoteSSHCommand(platform, "cd ${vagrantData}/logs && tar -czf logs.tar.gz *log*", 3, 120)
            transferFilesFromVM(platform, "${vagrantData}/logs/*.tar.gz", "logs/${platform}_logs")
        } else {
            echo "No log files available on ${platform}"

def destroy(platform) {
    // Check if we can connect to the platform. If not, abort
    if (!checkVMConnectivity(platform)) {
        // NOTE (jchai): Should it automatically try to destroy the VM?
        sh "ls -1 PlatformFailedHighlightBlueOceanNode" // dummy command that returns a status code != 0

    // Check if the node failed tests. If it didn't, destroy the VM
    if (checkPlatformFailed(platform)){
        if ('true'.equalsIgnoreCase(params.SaveImageOnTestFailure)) {
            echo "We had a failure. Not killing ${platform}"
            // Query the test system for its IP Address. Assume that the ip address starts with 10.
            if (os == "linux") {
                def test_system_ip_addr = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "vagrant ssh '${platform}' -c \"ip address | grep 'inet 10' | sed -e 's/^.*inet //' -e 's/\\/.*\$//'\"").trim()
            } else {
                def test_system_ip_addr = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "vagrant ssh '${platform}' -c \"ipconfig | grep '   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 10' | sed -e 's/^.*IPv4 Address.*: //' -e 's/\\/.*\$//'\"").trim()
            echo "IP Address: ${test_system_ip_addr}"
            sh "ls -1 PlatformFailedHighlightBlueOceanNode" // dummy command that returns a status code != 0
        } else {
            echo "We had failures. Per configuration, killing ${platform}"
            sh "ls -1 PlatformFailedHighlightBlueOceanNode" // dummy command that returns a status code != 0
    } else {
        echo "No failures were found. Killing ${platform}"


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