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Compile and Execute F# Sharp Online

let list1 = [5; 10; 15; 20; 25; 30]
let list2 = [50; 100; 150; 200; 250; 300]

(* Problem 1 *)      
let largestFunc x y =
    if x > y then x
    else y
let rec maxIntFunc list =
    match list with
    |[] -> 0
    |x::xs -> largestFunc x (maxIntFunc xs)
let maxInt = maxIntFunc list1
printfn "Problem 1: %d" maxInt

(* Problem 2 *)
let rec nElementFunc list n =
    match list with
    |[] -> 0
    |x::xs -> 
        if n = 0 then x
        else nElementFunc xs (n-1)
let nElement = nElementFunc list1 4
printfn "Problem 2: %d" nElement

(* Problem 3 *)
let rec doubleElementFunc list =
    match list with
    |[] -> []
    |x::xs -> 2*x::doubleElementFunc xs
let doubleList = doubleElementFunc list1

printf "Problem 3: "

for x in doubleList do
    printf "%A " x

printfn ""
(*Problem 4*)
let rec inListFunc list n =
    match list with
    |[] -> -1
    |x::xs -> 
        if x = n then 1
        else inListFunc xs n
let inList = inListFunc list1 10

printfn "Problem 4: %d" inList

(*Problem 5*)
let joinInt n list =
    match list with
    |[] -> (n,0)
    |x::xs -> (n, x)

let rec jointListFunc listOne listTwo =
    match listOne with
    |[] -> []
    |x::xs -> (joinInt x listTwo) :: (jointListFunc xs listTwo)

let jointList = jointListFunc list1 list2

printfn "Problem 5: %A" jointList


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