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Execute Python-3 Online

# Week 4 Cohort Questions

# Get DNA Base Count

def get_base_counts(dna):
    dna_list = list(dna)
    ans = {}
    bases = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']
    for k in dna_list:
        if k == 'A' or k == 'C' or k == 'G' or k == 'T':
            return 'The input DNA string is invalid'
    for i in bases:
        count = 0
        for a in dna_list:
            if a == i:
                count += 1
        ans[i] = count
    return ans

def leap_year(year):
  if year%4 != 0:
      return False
  elif year%100 != 0:
      return True
  elif year%400 != 0:
      return False
      return True

def day_of_week_jan1(year):
  day = (1 + 5*((year - 1)%4)+4*((year - 1)%100)+6*((year - 1)%400))%7
  return day

def num_days_in_month(month_num, leap_year):
  num = 0
  if month_num == 2:
    if leap_year == True:
      num = 29
    elif True:
      num = 28
  if month_num == 1 or month_num == 3 or month_num == 5 or month_num == 7 or month_num == 8 or month_num == 10 or month_num == 12:
      num = 31
  elif month_num == 4 or month_num == 6 or month_num == 9 or month_num == 11:
      num = 30
  return num

def day_of_year(month, leap_year):
  day = 0
  for i in range(1, month+1):
        day += num_days_in_month(i-1, leap_year)
  return day

def first_day_of_month(year, month):
  day = day_of_week_jan1(year) + (day_of_year(month, leap_year(year)))%7
  while day >= 7:
        day -= 7
  return day

def construct_cal_month(month_num, first_day_of_month, num_days_in_month):
    Month = month[month_num]
    num = num_days_in_month
    num_list = list(range(1, num + 1))
    day_list = list()
    for i in num_list:
    line = ""
    p = 0
    if first_day_of_month == 7:
      line = line
      line = line + "   " * first_day_of_month
    while p < len(day_list):
        line += day_list[p]
        p += 1
    linelist = list(line)
    linelist.insert(21, "+")
    linelist.insert(43, "+")
    linelist.insert(65, "+")
    linelist.insert(87, "+")
    linelist.insert(109 ,"+")
    breaker = ""
    linestring = breaker.join(linelist)
    newlist = linestring.split("+")
    result = []
    for i in newlist:
    if result[len(result)-1] == "":
    return result

def construct_cal_year(year):
    yearlist = []
    for i in range(1,13):
      yearlist.append(construct_cal_month(i,first_day_of_month(year, i), num_days_in_month(i, leap_year(year))))
    return yearlist

def display_calendar(year):
  output = construct_cal_year(year)
  outputstring = ""
  for i in output:
    if i == year:
      outputstring += i[0]+"\n"
      outputstring += "  S  M  T  W  T  F  S\n"
      k = 1
      while k < len(i):
        outputstring += i[k] +"\n"
        k += 1
      if len(i) > 5:
        outputstring += "\n"
  outputstring = outputstring.rstrip()
  return outputstring

# Game: Craps is a popular dice game played in casinos. Write a program allowing you to play a variation of the game. This is how the game would be played:
    # (a) For the first round, roll two dice. Each die has six faces, and each face reflects a value from 1 to 6. Check the sum of the two dice.
        # 1. If the sum is 2, 3 or 12 (called craps), you lose
        # 2. If the sum is 7 or 11 (called natural), you win
        # 3. If the sum is another value (i.e. 4,5,6,8,9, or 10), you earn points equal to the sum obtained.
    # (b) Continue to roll the dice until the sum of both dice is either a 7 or the points obtained in the first round.
        # 1. If 7 is rolled, you lose
        # 2. If the sum obtained is equal to the points you obtained in the first round, you win
        # 3. For other sums, continue to roll the dice

#Your program acts as a single player, and should print the output you see below when the
#various conditions are met. The function play_craps() should return 0 if you lose and
#1 if you win. The main program is given here, together with the sub functions you will
#need to dene. Hint: if you are unsure how to start, take a look at the main function
#play_craps() and see how the sub functions are being called by the main function, to get
#a better idea of what is required of each sub function.

import random as rng

rng.seed(a = None)

def roll_two_dices():
    n1 = rng.randrange(1, 7)
    n2 = rng.randrange(1, 7)
    return [n1, n2]

def print_lose():
    print('You lose')

def print_win():
    print('You win')

def print_point(p):
    print('Your points are' ,p)

def is_craps(n):
    for i in craps:
        if n == i:
            return True
    return False

def is_naturals(n):
    for i in naturals:
        if n == i:
            return True
    return False

# You shouldn't need to edit the function below

def play_craps():
    while True:
        print ('You rolled %d + %d = %d'%(n1,n2,sumn))   #initial points obtained here
        if point==-1:              #At the initialisation of point == -1 (see line 29)
            if is_craps(sumn):  #if the sum is in the set of craps
                print_lose()     #then it is an immediate loss
                return 0
            elif is_naturals(sumn):   #if the sum is in the set of naturals
                print_win()     #then it is an immediate  win
                return 1
            if sumn==7:
                return 0
            elif sumn==point:
                return 1   #goal of the game is to keep rolling dice until the sum == points obtained

# Calendar Year

month = {1:"January", 2:"February", 3:"March",4:"April", 5:"May", 6:"June", 7:"July", 8:"August", 9:"September", 10:"October", 11:"November", 12:"December"}

def leap_year(year):
  if year%4 != 0:
      return False
  elif year%100 != 0:
      return True
  elif year%400 != 0:
      return False
      return True

def day_of_week_jan1(year):
  day = (1 + 5*((year - 1)%4)+4*((year - 1)%100)+6*((year - 1)%400))%7
  return day

def num_days_in_month(month_num, leap_year):
  num = 0
  if month_num == 2:
    if leap_year == True:
      num = 29
    elif True:
      num = 28
  if month_num == 1 or month_num == 3 or month_num == 5 or month_num == 7 or month_num == 8 or month_num == 10 or month_num == 12:
      num = 31
  elif month_num == 4 or month_num == 6 or month_num == 9 or month_num == 11:
      num = 30
  return num

def day_of_year(month, leap_year):
  day = 0
  for i in range(1, month+1):
        day += num_days_in_month(i-1, leap_year)
  return day

def first_day_of_month(year, month):
  day = day_of_week_jan1(year) + (day_of_year(month, leap_year(year)))%7
  while day >= 7:
        day -= 7
  return day

def construct_cal_month(month_num, first_day_of_month, num_days_in_month):
    Month = month[month_num]
    num = num_days_in_month
    num_list = list(range(1, num + 1))
    day_list = list()
    for i in num_list:
    line = ""
    p = 0
    if first_day_of_month == 7:
      line = line
      line = line + "   " * first_day_of_month
    while p < len(day_list):
        line += day_list[p]
        p += 1
    linelist = list(line)
    linelist.insert(21, "+")
    linelist.insert(43, "+")
    linelist.insert(65, "+")
    linelist.insert(87, "+")
    linelist.insert(109 ,"+")
    breaker = ""
    linestring = breaker.join(linelist)
    newlist = linestring.split("+")
    result = []
    for i in newlist:
    if result[len(result)-1] == "":
    return result

def construct_cal_year(year):
    yearlist = []
    for i in range(1,13):
      yearlist.append(construct_cal_month(i,first_day_of_month(year, i), num_days_in_month(i, leap_year(year))))
    return yearlist

def display_calendar(year):
  output = construct_cal_year(year)
  outputstring = ""
  for i in output:
    if i == year:
      outputstring += i[0]+"\n"
      outputstring += "  S  M  T  W  T  F  S\n"
      k = 1
      while k < len(i):
        outputstring += i[k] +"\n"
        k += 1
      if len(i) > 5:
        outputstring += "\n"
  outputstring = outputstring.rstrip()
  return outputstring

# Factorial

def fact_rec(n):
    if n == 1 or n == 0:
        return 1
        return n*fact_rec(n-1)

# Modular Design

# NB: you do not need to submit the 'get_data' function

def get_data():
    integer1 = input('Enter first integer: ')
    integer2 = input('Enter second integer: ')
    return integer1, integer2

def extract_values(values):
    str_list = values.split()
    for i in range(len(str_list)):
        str_list[i] = int(str_list[i])
    int_tuple = (str_list[0], str_list[1])
    return int_tuple

def calc_ratios(values):
            return values[0]/values[1]
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            return None

# Week 6 Cohort Questions

# Reverse String

def reverse(string):
    r = []
    for i in range(len(string)-1, -1, -1):
    return ''.join(r)

# Check Password Validity

def check_password(password):
    if len(password)<8:
        return False
    for i in password:
        if 48<=ord(i)<=57 or 65<=ord(i)<=90 or 97<=ord(i)<=122:
            return False
    count = 0
    for i in password:
        if 48<=ord(i)<=57:
            count += 1
    if count < 2:
        return False
    return True

# Longest Common Prefix

def longest_common_prefix(string1, string2):
    ans = ""
    a = 0
    while True:
        if string1[a] == string2[a]:
            ans += string1[a]
        elif string1[a] != string2[a]:
        if len(ans)==len(string1) or len(ans)==len(string2):
        a += 1
    return ans

# Week 6 Homework

# Strings: Binary to Decimal

def binary_to_decimal(binstr):
    return int(binstr,2)

# Compressed string to uncompressed string

def uncompress(string):
    numbers = []
    strings = []
    for i in string:
        if i.isdigit():
    ans = ''
    k = 0
    for a in numbers:
        ans += int(a)*strings[k]
        k += 1
    return ans

# DNA Base counts

def get_base_counts2(dna):
    dna_list = list(dna)
    ans = {}
    bases = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']
    for k in dna_list:
        if k == 'A' or k == 'C' or k == 'G' or k == 'T':
    for i in bases:
        count = 0
        for a in dna_list:
            if a == i:
                count += 1
        ans[i] = count
    if len(ans)==0:
        return 'The input DNA string is invalid'
    return ans

# Files and I/O

f = open('text_files/constants.txt', 'r')

def get_fundamental_constants(f):
    ff = f.readlines()
    ans = {}
    for i in ff:
        nameget = False
        for a in i.split():
            isname = True
            if nameget == False:
                for b in a:
                    if 65<=ord(b)<=90 or 97<=ord(b)<=122:
                        nameget = True
                        isname = False
            if isname==True and nameget==False:
                name = a
                num = float(a)
            except ValueError:
                num = int(a)
            except ValueError:
            ans[name] = num
        except UnboundLocalError:
    return ans

# Files: Process Scores

f = open('text_files/scores.txt')

def process_scores(f):
    ff = f.readline()
    total = 0
    for i in ff.split():
        total += float(i)
    fff = ff.split()
    avg = total/(len(fff))
    return total, avg

#  Week 8 Cohort Questions

class Coordinate:
    def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def magnitude(self):
        return (self.x ** 2 + self.y ** 2) ** .5

    def translate(self, dx, dy):
        self.x += dx
        self.y += dy
        return self

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (self.x, self.y) == (other.x, other.y)

class Celsius:
    def __init__(self, temperature=0):
        self.C = temperature

    def to_fahrenheit(self):
        return (9 / 5. * self.C) + 32

    def get_temperature(self):
        return self.C

    def set_temperature(self, value):
        if value > -273:
            self.C = value
            self.C = -273

    temperature = property(get_temperature, set_temperature)

import time

class StopWatch:
    def __init__(self):
        self.start_time = time.time()
        self.end_time = -1

    def start(self):
        self.start_time = time.time()
        self.end_time = -1

    def stop(self):
        self.end_time = time.time()

    def elapsed_time(self):
        if self.end_time == -1:
            return None
        elif self.end_time - self.start_time < 0:
            return None
            return round(self.end_time - self.start_time, 1)

class Line:
    def __init__(self, c0, c1):
        self.c0 = c0
        self.c1 = c1

    def __call__(self, x):
        return float(self.c0 + self.c1 * x)

    def table(self, L, R, n):
        s = ''
        if R == L:
            n = 1
        import numpy as np
        for x in np.linspace(L, R, n):
            y = self(x)
            s += '%10.2f%10.2f\n' % (x, y)
        return 'Error in printing table' if s == '' or L > R else s

line = Line(3, 4)
print(Line.table(line, 3, 2, 15))

class Time:
    def __init__(self, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0):
        self._hours = hours % 24
        self._minutes = minutes % 60
        self._seconds = seconds % 60

    def get(time):
        minutes = time._hours * 60 + time._minutes
        seconds = minutes * 60 + time._seconds
        return seconds

    def __str__(self):
        return "Time: %d:%d:%d" % (self._hours, self._minutes, self._seconds)

    def seconds(self, seconds):
        self._hours = seconds // 3600 % 24
        seconds -= self._hours * 3600
        self._minutes = seconds // 60 % 60
        seconds -= self._minutes * 60
        self._seconds = seconds % 60
        return seconds

    elapsed_time = property(get, seconds)

t = Time(100, 19, 10)
t.elapsed_time = 45550

class Account:
    def __init__(self, owner, account_number, amount):
        self._owner = owner
        self._account_number = account_number
        self._balance = amount

    def deposit(self, amount):
        self._balance += amount
        return self

    def withdraw(self, amount):
        self._balance -= amount
        return self

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s, %s, balance: %s' % (self._owner, self._account_number, self._balance)

class Diff:
    def __init__(self, f, h=1e-4):
        self.f = f
        self.h = float(h)

    def __call__(self, x):
        f, h = self.f, self.h
        return (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h

class Polynomial:
    def __init__(self, coefficients):
        self.coeff = coefficients

    def zip_longest(a, b):
        for i in range(max(len(a), len(b))):
            if i >= len(a):
                yield [b[i]]
            elif i >= len(b):
                yield [a[i]]
                yield [a[i], b[i]]
            i += 1

    def __add__(self, target):
        return Polynomial([sum(i) for i in Polynomial.zip_longest(self.coeff, target.coeff)])

    def __sub__(self, target):
        return Polynomial([sum(i) for i in Polynomial.zip_longest(self.coeff, [-i for i in target.coeff])])

    def __call__(self, x):
        val = []
        for i, j in enumerate(self.coeff):
            val.append(j * x ** i)
        return sum(val)

    def __mul__(self, target):
        ls = [0] * (len(self.coeff) * len(target.coeff) - 1)
        for i, j in enumerate(self.coeff):
            for k, l in enumerate(target.coeff):
                ls[i + k] += j * l
        end = len(ls)
        for i in ls[::-1]:
            if i != 0.:
                end -= 1
        return Polynomial(ls[0:end])

    def differentiate(self):
        ls = [0] * (len(self.coeff) - 1)
        for i, j in enumerate(self.coeff):
            ls[i - 1] += i * j
        self.coeff = ls

    def derivative(self):
        deriv = []
        power = 1
        for i in range(1, len(self.coeff)):
            deriv.append(self.coeff[i] * power)
            power += 1
        return Polynomial(deriv)

p1 = Polynomial([1, -1])
p2 = Polynomial([0, 1, 0, 0, -6, -1])
p3 = p1 + p2
[1, 0, 0, 0, -6, -1]
p4 = p1 * p2
[0, 1, -1, 0, -6, 5, 1]
p5 = p2.derivative()
[1, 0, 0, -24, -5]
p = Polynomial([1, 2, 3])
q = Polynomial([2, 3])
r = p - q
[-1, -1, 3]
r = q - p
[1, 1, -3]
P = Polynomial([1, -1])
Q = Polynomial([0, 1, 0, 0, -6, -1])
R = P - Q
E = Polynomial([1, 3, 5, 7, 9])

from math import *

class F:
    def __init__(self, a, w):
        self.a = a
        self.w = w

    def __call__(self, x):
        return (exp(-self.a * x)) * sin(self.w * x)

class Line0:
    def __init__(self, p1, p2):
        self.p1 = p1
        self.p2 = p2

    def __call__(self, x):
        m = (self.p1[1] - self.p2[1]) / (self.p1[0] - self.p2[0])
        c = self.p1[1] - m * self.p1[0]
        return m * x + c

#  Week 9

## CS1 COKE ##
from libdw import sm
class CM(sm.SM):
    start_state = 0
    def get_next_values(self,state, inp):
        if state == 0 and inp == 50:
            return (1, (50, '--',0))
        if state == 1 and inp == 50:
            return (0, (0, 'coke',0))
        if state == 1 and inp == 100:
            return (0, (0,'coke',50))
        if state == 0 and inp == 100:
            return (0, (0,'coke',0))
            return (0, (0,'--',inp))

from libdw import sm

class SimpleAccount(sm.SM):
    def __init__(self, start_deposit):
        self.M = start_deposit

    def get_next_values(self, state, inp):
        state = self.M
        if self.M < 100 and inp < 0:
            self.M = state + inp - 5
            return self.M, self.M
            self.M = state + inp
            return self.M, self.M

from libdw import sm
class CommentsSM(sm.SM):
    start_state = 0
    def get_next_values(self, state, inp):
        if state == 0 and inp != '#':
         return (0, None)
        if state == 0 and inp == '#':
         return (1, inp)
        if state == 1 and inp !='\n':
         return (1, inp)
        if state == 1 and inp == '\n':
         return (0, None)

from libdw import sm
class FirstWordSM(sm.SM):
    start_state = 0
    def get_next_values(self, state, inp):
        if state == 0 and inp in [' ','\n']:
         return (0, None)
        if state == 0 and inp not in [' ','\n']:
         return (1, inp)
        if state == 1 and inp == ' ':
         return (2, None)
        if state == 1 and inp != ' ':
         return (1, inp)
        if state == 2 and inp !='\n':
         return (2, None)
        if state == 2 and inp == '\n':
         return (0, None)

# Consider a state machine with: Q1:
# inputs: 0, 1, 2
# states: 0, 1, 2, 3
# outputs: 0, 1, 2, 3
# initial state: 0
# transition function:
# States 00 0 0 1 2
# old state: 0 1 3 0
# old state: 1 2 0 0
# old state: 2 3 1 0
# old state: 3 0 2 0
# output function: same as transition function
# It maybe helpful for you to draw a state diagram of this machine, to visualize its operation.
# What is the best description of this machine?
# Ans:
# It counts forward and backward mod 4, and has a reset input. Q2:
# Input: [0,0,2,0,0,0,1,1,1] Output: [1,2,0,1,2,3,2,1,0] Q3:
# Output: [3,2,0,1,2,3] Input: [1,1,2,0,0,0]

# Midterms 2016

# Q.1 [10 points]
# State the similarities and differences between list and dictionary data structures. State what kind of data is suitable for each data structure and give examples.
# Similarities:
# Both lists and dictionaries are mutable.
# Both lists and dictionaries can be generated via comprehensions.
# Both lists and dictionaries are part of the 'collections' module.
# Both lists and dictionaries contain elemets that can be of any combination of data types.
# Differences:
# Lists mantain order of thier elements while dictionaries are unordered.
# Lists allow duplication while dictionary items are unique.
# List items are accessed by index while dictionary items are accessed by keys.
# Lists are implemented internally as variable-length arrays while dictionaries are implemented internally as resizable hash tables.
# Examples:
# Use dictionaries to associate values with keys for efficient 'by key' seaching:
# Telephone { 'Drake' : '1-800-468-546325464' }
# Address { 'Sponge Bob' : '124 Conch Street, Bikini Bottom, Pacific Ocean' }
# Translation { "EN" : "DE", "red" : "rot", "green" : "grün", "blue" : "blau", "yellow":"gelb" }
# Use lists for an ordered sequence of items:
# Race standings [ 'me', 'me', 'me again', 'you' ]
# Instructions [ 'To add in pot:', 'shark', 'cuttlefish', 'squid', 'mantis shrimp', 'anemone' ]
# Sensor readings [ '0.21532', '0.98765', '1.12353', '9999.99999' ]

# Q.2 [10 points]
# A student wrote the following Python program to instruct the robot to move. From the written code, answer the following:
# a) Explain briefly what the student tries to do with the code. Give some numerical values in your explanation related to the speed of the robot. [3 pts]
# b) How many times is the function increasePower()being called? Explain briefly how you arrived at your answer.[3 pts]
# c) Explain what will happen if the sleep(2) statement is removed from the code? [4 pts]

from time import sleep
from eBot import eBot

ebot = eBot.eBot()
power = 0.1
def increasePower(power):
    power += 0.1
    return power
while power <= 1:

# a) The student is trying to accelerate the robot from the speed equivalent of power = 0.1 to that of power = 1 at increments of 0.1 every 2 seconds.
# b) The functions increasePower() is called 9 times. This is as there are 9 intervals between 0.1 and 1 with increment of 0.1.
# c) The robot will accelerate from the speed equivalent of power 0.1 to that of power= 1 instantly. This is as without the sleep(2) command, there is virtually no delay between the sucessive increasePower() commands until the while condition of power = 1 is met.
# Q.3 [5 points]
# Write a function norm(z1,z2,z3) that returns the Euclidean norm in 3-dimensional complex space  $C^{3}$, where z1, z2,and z3 are complex numbers. The norm is calculated using the following formula:
# $$ ||\ Z\ ||\ :=\ \sqrt{z_1 \overline{z_1}\ +\ z_2 \overline{z_2}\ +\ z_3 \overline{z_3}}  $$
# The function should return a real number rather than a complex number, and the number should be rounded to three decimal places.

#from numpy.linalg import norm
#normal = lambda z1, z2, z3: round(norm([z1,z2,z3]),3)
def normal(z1,z2,z3):
    return round(abs((z1*z1.conjugate() +z2*z2.conjugate()+ z2*z2.conjugate())**.5), 3)

print ('test 1')
print (ans)
print ('test 2')
print (ans)
print ('test 3')
print (ans)

# Q.4 [10 points]
# Write a function factors(n) that takes an integer n as an input and returns a list that includes all
# the positive number factors of n, where n ≥ 1. The output returns the list of all the factors in an ascending order.

def factors(n):
    return [i for i in range(1,n+1) if n % i == 0]

print ('test 1')
print (ans)
print ('test 2')
print (ans)
print ('test 3')
print (ans)
print ('test 4')
print (ans)
print ('test 5')
print (ans)
print ('test 6')
print (ans)
print ('test 7')
print (ans)

# Q.5 [10 points]
# Write a function combinations(n1,n2) that takes in two integers n1 and n2, and returns a list of tuples of all
# possible combinations of two integers, both of which range from n1 to n2. The function also returns a second output
# which is the total number of all combinations. The output combinations must start from the lower number to the higher
# number as shown in the expression below and in the output test cases. You are not allowed to use any built-in function
# that gives the same result immediately.

def combinations(a,b):
 return([] if any([a,b])==0 else [(i,j) for i in range(a,b) for j in range(a+1,b+1) if i<j]), len([] if any([a,b])==0 else [(i,j) for i in range(a,b) for j in range(a+1,b+1) if i<j])

print ('test 1')
print (ans)
print ('test 2')
print (ans)
print ('test 3')
print (ans)
print ('test 4')
print (ans)

# Q.6 [Total: 40 points]
# # Gaussian Elimination is an algorithm for solving systems of linear equations. In this question, you will write a
# # program to perform Gaussian Elimination. Note that the indices of the rows and columns for the matrices startfrom 0.
# # You will need to write and submit four functions:
# # a) readMatrix(f)
# # b) mulRowByC(matOp,i,c)
# # c) addRowMulByC(matOp,i,c,j)
# # d) gaussElimination(data)

# PART A ##
def readMatrix(f):
    list = []
    output = dict()
    for line in (f):
        if line == 'DATA\n':
        elif line == 'OP\n':
            output['matrix'] = list
            list = []
        elif line == 'END':
            sublist = line.strip('\n')
            sublist = sublist.split(' ')
            sublist = [float(i) for i in sublist]
    output['op'] = list
    return output

## PART C ##
def addRowMulByC(matOp, i, c, j):
    m = [x*c for x in matOp[int(i)]]
    new = []
    for x in range(len(m)):
        new.append(m[x] + matOp[int(j)][x])
    matOp[int(j)] = new
    return matOp

## PART B ##
def mulRowByC(matOp, i, c):
    return (addRowMulByC(matOp, i, c-1, i))

## PART D ##
import copy
def gaussElimination(data):
    matA = copy.copy(data['matrix'])
    matOp = data['matrix']
    operations = data['op']
    for i in operations:
        if len(i) == 4:
            addRowMulByC(matOp, *(i[1:]))
        elif len(i) == 3:
            mulRowByC(matOp, *(i[1:]))
    return(matA, [[round(float(i), 2) for i in nested] for nested in matOp])

# replace filename with either 'gauss1.txt' or 'gauss2.txt'
f=open('/Users/[your name]/Desktop/midterm2016/midterm2016/gauss1.txt','r') #Change accordingly
print (matA)
print (result)

# Q.7 [15 points]This question comprises of two parts: (a) Programming, and (b) Written.
# Write a function maxProductThree(num)that returns the maximum product from any three numbers in a list of integers.
# The list may contain both positive, zero, negative integers,and duplicates, but the maximum product can only be either
# a negative or a positive number. You can assume that the list contains at least three non-zero numbers so the maximum
# product will never be zero.
# Sample Solution 1: Brute Force (~30 seconds)

def maxProductThree(num):
 ls = []
 for i in num:
    for j in num:
       if j != i:
        for k in num:
          if k != j and k!= i:
 return max(ls)

## TIMER ##
import time
start_time = time.time()
print (maxProductThree(num))
num = [4, -139, -848, -142, -779, 406, 899, -932, 565, -678, -197, 442, 145, -711, -495, -743, 602, 841, 312, 104, 814, 771, 772, 292, -718, -151, 503, -265, -812, 792, 209, -734, -343, -674, 129, -421, -138, 826, -739, 625, 529, 391, 367, -166, 764, -178, -104, -380, -204, 697, -471, -811, -580, 207, -980, -983, -478, -551, -591, 121, -51, -424, 922, -521, -789, 30, -121, 847, 862, -232, -669, 990, -878, 690, 408, -452, -713, -644, -163, 526, -929, 767, -174, 110, 477, 188, 575, 328, 685, 93, 596, -865, -987, -321, 28, 383, -53, 405, 271, 783, 25, -255, -885, 747, -375, -44, -515, 598, 100, 830, 915, -663, -32, 112, -686, -796, 647, -397, -592, -309, -6, -706, -47, 116, 528, 454, -201, -303, -927, -418, -177, -858, -294, -449, 738, 573, -143, -331, 392, 958, -964, 742, -472, -650, 725, 555, 34, -130, -769, 835, -659, 849, 500, -850, 933, -70, -504, -729, 366, -224, -531, 780, -974, 83, -373, 273, -956, 187, 106, 549, -961, 509, 837, 72, -785, -871, 821, -915, 676, 185, 261, -558, 692, 37, -474, -641, -498, 949, 873, 494, 582, -698, 239, -153, 186, 167, -169, 198, -754, 409, 431, 437, -4, 147, 804, 157, 35, 332, -78, 18, -483, -487, -813, 160, -210, -493, 396, 280, 97, -445, -649, -306, 56, 965, 305, 231, -690, -681, 163, 325, -862, 492, 15, -903, -685, 558, -968, 307, 768, -112, 179, 267, 781, -268, 576, -429, 63, -828, 832, -798, -85, -56, 171, 11, -579, -897, 663, -337, 463, 518, 6, -437, 820, 33, 330, -280, 745, -179, -654, -79, -301, -106, -628, 840, 486, 643, 535, 664, 438, 612, -363, -757, -503, -857, -843, 143, -661, 831, 38, -444, -494, 656, 661, -906, -803, 991, -451, 336, 283, -243, 258, 40, -863, -920, -295, 372, -621, 128, 897, -762, 253, 774, -550, 445, -349, -118, 760, -642, 534, -683, -338, -252, 809, 574, -966, -208, -392, -889, 58, 174, -619, -446, 300, 952, 434, -538, 469, -809, -205, -780, 932, 653, -72, 715, 50, -367, 220, -501, 333, -296, 892, -788, 196, 749, 375, 240, 581, -516, -396, -901, -473, -967, 560, -870, -537, 217, 646, 483, 401, 282, 592, -833, 590, -340, 813, -583, 740, -186, -45, -390, 470, -251, 127, -202, 317, 137, 998, 793, -466, 569, 732, 381, 491, 140, -573, -786, 269, 517, -119, 674]
print (maxProductThree(num))
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# Sample Solution 2: Cases (~0.003 seconds)

def maxProductThree(num):
 i = [i for i in sorted(num) if i != 0]
 return max([i[-3]*i[-2]*i[-1],i[-1]*i[0]*i[1]])

## TIMER ##
import time
start_time = time.time()
print (maxProductThree(num))
num = [4, -139, -848, -142, -779, 406, 899, -932, 565, -678, -197, 442, 145, -711, -495, -743, 602, 841, 312, 104, 814, 771, 772, 292, -718, -151, 503, -265, -812, 792, 209, -734, -343, -674, 129, -421, -138, 826, -739, 625, 529, 391, 367, -166, 764, -178, -104, -380, -204, 697, -471, -811, -580, 207, -980, -983, -478, -551, -591, 121, -51, -424, 922, -521, -789, 30, -121, 847, 862, -232, -669, 990, -878, 690, 408, -452, -713, -644, -163, 526, -929, 767, -174, 110, 477, 188, 575, 328, 685, 93, 596, -865, -987, -321, 28, 383, -53, 405, 271, 783, 25, -255, -885, 747, -375, -44, -515, 598, 100, 830, 915, -663, -32, 112, -686, -796, 647, -397, -592, -309, -6, -706, -47, 116, 528, 454, -201, -303, -927, -418, -177, -858, -294, -449, 738, 573, -143, -331, 392, 958, -964, 742, -472, -650, 725, 555, 34, -130, -769, 835, -659, 849, 500, -850, 933, -70, -504, -729, 366, -224, -531, 780, -974, 83, -373, 273, -956, 187, 106, 549, -961, 509, 837, 72, -785, -871, 821, -915, 676, 185, 261, -558, 692, 37, -474, -641, -498, 949, 873, 494, 582, -698, 239, -153, 186, 167, -169, 198, -754, 409, 431, 437, -4, 147, 804, 157, 35, 332, -78, 18, -483, -487, -813, 160, -210, -493, 396, 280, 97, -445, -649, -306, 56, 965, 305, 231, -690, -681, 163, 325, -862, 492, 15, -903, -685, 558, -968, 307, 768, -112, 179, 267, 781, -268, 576, -429, 63, -828, 832, -798, -85, -56, 171, 11, -579, -897, 663, -337, 463, 518, 6, -437, 820, 33, 330, -280, 745, -179, -654, -79, -301, -106, -628, 840, 486, 643, 535, 664, 438, 612, -363, -757, -503, -857, -843, 143, -661, 831, 38, -444, -494, 656, 661, -906, -803, 991, -451, 336, 283, -243, 258, 40, -863, -920, -295, 372, -621, 128, 897, -762, 253, 774, -550, 445, -349, -118, 760, -642, 534, -683, -338, -252, 809, 574, -966, -208, -392, -889, 58, 174, -619, -446, 300, 952, 434, -538, 469, -809, -205, -780, 932, 653, -72, 715, 50, -367, 220, -501, 333, -296, 892, -788, 196, 749, 375, 240, 581, -516, -396, -901, -473, -967, 560, -870, -537, 217, 646, 483, 401, 282, 592, -833, 590, -340, 813, -583, 740, -186, -45, -390, 470, -251, 127, -202, 317, 137, 998, 793, -466, 569, 732, 381, 491, 140, -573, -786, 269, 517, -119, 674]
print (maxProductThree(num))
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# b) There are only 2 potential cases: the product of the 3 largest intergers in the list or the product of the largest
# interger with the 2 smallest intergers from the list. The higher of the 2 cases yields the solution.

# DW midterm 2017 Solutions

import math
def combination(credit):
    credit = (credit - 10.0)/20.0 # 3
    out = 2.0*credit - 1.5
    return out
def activation(a):
    probability = 1.0/(1 + math.exp(-a))
credit = 16.0
output = activation( combination(credit) ) # 14
print(output) # 16

# Q1(a) A student calculates that when line 3 is executed, credit will have a value of 0.3. However, when line 15 is
# executed, he is surprised to see 16.0 displayed on the screen. Explain why this is the case. (4 points)
# Sample answer 1:
# 'credit' in the function 'combination' refers to the function parameter credit from the local namespace, instead of
# the 'credit' from the global namespace. This is because the local namespace takes precedence over the global namespace.
# Hence 'credit' at line 3 is the assigned value resulting for the set of operations on the right. The change value
# of 'credit' from the local namespace does not affect 'credit' from the global namespace. Hence 'credit' in the global
# namespace remains as 16.0 as is printed as such.
# Sample answer 2:
# The student expects 0.3 to be displayed instead of 16.0 and is thus surprised. This suggests that the student expects
# the value of 'credit' from the local namespace of function 'combination' instead. However, since print(credit)is
# located at the outermost indentation level, 'credit' value of 16 from the global namespace is printed instead.
# To obtain the student's expected output of 0.3, the student should shift print(credit) to the line just after #3 at' \
#                      ' the same indentation level. This is because the local namespace takes precedence over the ' \
#                      'global namespace within the same indentation level of the function.
# Additional notes:
# We have seen that multiple namespaces can exist independently from each other and that they can contain the same
# variable names on different hierachy levels. The “scope” defines on which hierarchy level Python searches for a
#     particular “variable name” for its associated object. Now, the next question is: “In which order does Python
#     search the different levels of namespaces before it finds the name-to-object’ mapping?”
# To answer is: It uses the LEGB-rule, which stands for Local -> Enclosed -> Global -> Built-in, where the arrows
#     should denote the direction of the namespace-hierarchy search order.
# - Local can be inside a function or class method, for example.
# - Enclosed can be its enclosing function, e.g., if a function is wrapped inside another function.
# - Global refers to the uppermost level of the executing script itself, and
# - Built-in are special names that Python reserves for itself.
# So, if a particular name:object mapping cannot be found in the local namespaces, the namespaces of the enclosed
# scope are being searched next. If the search in the enclosed scope is unsuccessful, too, Python moves on to the
# global namespace, and eventually, it will search the built-in namespace (side note: if a name cannot found in
# any of the namespaces, a NameError will is raised).
# (b) When line 14 is executed, describe the sequence of the function calls and how data is passed among these
# functions and back to the variable output. Hence, explain why when line 16 is executed, None is displayed on
# the screen. (6 points)
# Sample answer:
# - activation is called, but it requires an argument a
# - combination is called, and passes credit as a argument
# - combination returns out, which is passed into activation
# - activation only prints probability but does not return anything
# - output is None, and is printed as such in line 16.
# Additional notes:
# A parameter is a variable in a method definition. When a method is called, the arguments are the data you
# pass into the method's parameters. Parameter is variable in the declaration of function.
# Argument is the actual value of this variable that gets passed to function.
# Q.2 [10 points]
# A student was asked to write a function to rotate the robot on itself a given number of times, either in clockwise
# or counterclockwise rotation. The student notes that it takes about 5 seconds to do a full rotation at 100% speed on
# one of the wheels. However, when testing his program, he realized something went wrong.
# A) Can you spot any syntax error in the code (including type errors) that would prevent the program to run?
# Please indicate the lines and how would you correct them. (3 points)
# B) After fixing syntax errors, can you spot any logical mistakes in the code? Please indicate the lines and how
# would you correct them. Briefly summarize the behavior of the robot for the given test case if the logical mistakes
# are not fixed. (7 points)

from eBot import eBot
# import import time # SYNTHAX ERROR: double import
import time

# Rotate and conquer
def one_round(direction):  # LOGICAL ERROR: direction not speed
    if direction == 'clockwise':  # SYNTAX ERROR: == instead of =
        ebot.wheels(0, 1)
    elif direction == 'counter clockwise':  # SYNTAX ERROR: == instead of =
        ebot.wheels(1, 0)

def rotate(times, direction):
    # print ('Rotating' + times + ' times in direction: ' + direction) # SYNTHAX ERROR: int + str type
    print('Rotating' + str(times) + ' times in direction: ' + str(direction))
    for i in range(1, times):
        one_round(direction)  # LOGICAL ERROR: direction not speed
        time.sleep(3)  # LOGICAL ERROR: delay for loop before next iteration

ebot = eBot.eBot()  # create an eBot object
ebot.connect()  # connect to the eBot via Bluetooth
# Test case, this should rotate 3 full times clockwise...
rotate(3, clockwise)
# Prof! My code does not work!

ebot.disconnect()  # disconnect the Bluetooth communication

# The robot will only rotate clockwise once.¶
# Q.3 [5 points]
# A regular polygon is an n-sided polygon in which all sides are of the same length and all angles have the same degree.
# The formula for computing the area of a regular polygon is: $$ Area = \frac{n\times s^{2}}{4\times tan(\frac{n}{\pi})} $$
# Here, s is the length of a side. Write a function named area_r_polygon that takes the number of sides and the length
# of a side as arguments, then returns the area of the regular polygon up to 3 decimal places.
# Note: Use math.pi to obtain an accurate value for pi.

import math
def area_r_polygon(n,s):
    return round(n*s**2/(4*math.tan(math.pi/n)),3)
# area_r_polygon = lambda n,s: (round(n*s**2/(4*math.tan(math.pi/n)),3))

print('Test case 1: n=5, s=6.5')
print(area_r_polygon(5, 6.5))
print('Test case 2: n=7, s=3.25')
print(area_r_polygon(7, 3.25))
print('Test case 3: n=2, s=12.5')
print(area_r_polygon(2, 12.5))

# Q.4 [10 points]
# The number 3, 5, 6, and 9 are all integers below 10 that are multiples of either 3 or 5; the sum of 3, 5, 6, 9 is 23.
# Similarly, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 are all integers below 12 that are multiples of either 2 or 4; the sum of 2,4, 6, 8, 10 is 30.
# Write a function mysum(a,b,limit) that accepts three arguments: a, b and limit. The arguments a and b are integers
# greater than zero and lesser than limit. The function mysum(a,b,limit) should return the sum of all the multiples of
# a or b, the multiples being lesser than limit. If the user enters a or b to be less than zeroor non-integers, the
# function should return the error message “Wrong input” as a string.

def mysum(a,b,limit):
        if a >= limit or b >= limit or a <= 0 or b <= 0:
            return 'Wrong input'
        if type(a) != int or type(b) != int:
            return 'Wrong input'
        return 'Wrong input'
    sum_ = 0
    for i in range(int(limit/a)+1):
        if i*a < limit:
            sum_ += i*a

    for j in range(int(limit/b)+1):
        if j*b < limit:
            sum_ += j*b

    for k in range(int(limit/(a*b))+1):
        if k*a*b < limit:
            sum_ -= k*a*b

    return sum_

print(mysum(2,3,0)) # Returns 'Wrong input' as a and b should be lesser than limit

# Q.5 [10points]
# Write a function called get_students(students, course)which takes in a list and a string. The input list ismade up of
# a sequence of binary tuples, each with a student name and a list of courses that the student has enrolled in.
# The second argument is astring containing the name of a course. Your function should return a list of the names
# of students who are enrolled in that course. If no students are taking the course the function should return an empty list.

students = [("Alan", ["CompSci", "Physics", "Math"]),
            ("Justin", ["Math", "CompSci", "Stats"]),
            ("Edward", ["CompSci", "Philosophy", "Economics"]),
            ("Margaret", ["InfSys", "Accounting", "Economics", "CommLaw"]),
            ("Philip", ["Sociology", "Economics", "Law", "Stats", "Music"]),
            ("Mary", ["Math", "CompSci", "Stats"]),
            ("Vera", ["CompSci", "Philosophy", "Economics"]),
            ("Mike", ["InfSys", "Accounting", "Economics", "CommLaw"]),
            ("Donna", ["Sociology", "Economics", "Law", "Stats"])]

def get_students(students, subject):
    lst = []
    for i in range(len(students)):
        if subject in students[i][1]:
    return lst

print(get_students(students, 'Philosophy'))
print(get_students(students, 'History'))
print(get_students(students, 'Math'))
print(get_students(students, 'CompSci'))

# Q.6 [Total: 30 points]
# SUTDBook is a social network website founded by one of SUTD graduates. They are currently hiring some software
# engineers to develop an algorithm to suggest new ‘friends’ to their user. Your task in this question is to build
# this new friends suggestion algorithm.
# Network of users can be represented as a graph of connected nodes where each user is a node. The connection between
# two nodes statesa friend relationship between the two users.
# a) [5points]
# Write a function called get_nodes(fid) which takes in a file object as its input arguments and outputs a list
# of tuples. Each tuple shows a friend connection between two users and each user is represented by an integer.
# b) [10 points]
# Write a function create_graph(nodes) which takes in a list of tuples and returns a graph of friend connection as
# a dictionary. The list of tuples is obtained from the output of get_nodes(fid)in part (a) and represents a friend
# connection between two users. The outputof the function is a dictionary with each user as a key. The value is also
# a dictionarythat contains key-value pair of each of the user’s friends.
# c) [5points]
# Write a functioncalled get_friends(G,node) that takes in two arguments. The first argument is a dictionary that
# contains the network of friends and the second argument is the node(or user)of interest.
# The function get_friends(G,node)returns a list of friends that particular user has.
# d) [10 points]
# Write a function called suggested_new_friends(G,node) that takes in a dictionary describing the friends network and
# an integer representing a user. The function returns a list of suggested new friends for the input user.

# PART A ##
def get_nodes(fid):
    lines = fid.readlines()
    lines_s = [line.strip("\n") for line in lines]
    lines_r = [line.strip("\r") for line in lines_s]
    tuples_ = [line.split(" ") for line in lines_r]
    tuples_i = [tuple([int(number) for number in pair]) for pair in tuples_]
    return tuples_i

## PART B ##
def create_graph(nodes):
    g ={}
    for a, b in nodes:
     g.setdefault(a, {}).update({b:1})
     a,b = b,a
     g.setdefault(a, {}).update({b:1})
    return g

## PART C ##
def get_friends(G,user):
    return list(G[user])
#get_friends = lambda G,user: list(G[user])

## PART D ##
def most_frequent(lst):
    count_dict = {}
    for i in lst:
        if count_dict.get(i) == None:
         count_dict.update({i : lst.count(i)})
    return [x for x in count_dict.keys() if count_dict[x] == max(count_dict.values())], max(count_dict.values())

def suggested_new_friends(G,node):
    friends_list = get_friends(G,node)
    friend_friend_list = []
    for friend_friend in friends_list:
        for friend_friend in get_friends(G,friend_friend):
            if friend_friend != node:
    return most_frequent(friend_friend_list)

f=open('/Users/[yourname]/Desktop/midterm2017/midterm2017/facebook_less.txt','r') #Change accordingly
nodes= get_nodes(f)
G= create_graph(nodes)
print ('Friends of 1from facebook_less.txt')
print (get_friends(G,1))
print ('Suggested new friends for 1')
print (suggested_new_friends(G,1))
f=open('/Users/[yourname]/Desktop/midterm2017/midterm2017/sutdbook1.txt','r') #Change accordingly
nodes= get_nodes(f)
G= create_graph(nodes)
print ('Friends of 0 from sutdbook1.txt')
print (get_friends(G,0))
print ('Suggested new friends for 0')
print (suggested_new_friends(G,0))
f=open('/Users/[yourname]/Desktop/midterm2017/midterm2017/sutdbook2.txt','r') #Change accordingly
nodes= get_nodes(f)
G= create_graph(nodes)
print ('Friends of 0 from sutdbook2.txt')
print (get_friends(G,0))
print ('Suggested new friends for 0')
print (suggested_new_friends(G,0))

# Q.7 [15 points]
# Design an efficient algorithm that determines the number of ways 5 non-negative integers can sum up to N.
# Your code must be able to handle large N values (150+) under 20 seconds. (Timer included to each cell as proof)
# Negative Example: Brute Force (Don't even try to time it)

def nos(n):
 ans = 0
 for i in range(n+1):
    for j in range(n+1):
        for k in range(n+1):
            for l in range(n+1):
                for m in range(n+1):
                    if i + j + k + l + m == n:
                        ans += 1
 return ans

# Sample Solution 1: Recursion + Nested Loops (~10 seconds)

def nos(n, x = 5):
    if x == 1:
        return 1
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        solutions = 0
        for i in range(x):
            for j in range(n):
                solutions += nos(j, i)
        return solutions
## TIMER ##
import time
start_time = time.time()
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# Sample Solution 2: Pure Recursion (~4 seconds)

def nos(n, x=5):
    if x == 1:
        return 1
    if n == 1:
        return x
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    return sum([nos(n-m,x-1) for m in range(n+1)])
## TIMER ##
import time
start_time = time.time()
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# Sample Solution 3: Top-down DP with Memomisation & Decorators (Sample 1: ~0.1 seconds; Sample 2: ~0.04 seconds)

def memo_nos(f):
    nos_ans = {}
    def helper_nos(*args):
        if str(args) not in nos_ans:
            nos_ans[str(args)] = f(args[0],args[1])
        return nos_ans[str(args)]
    return helper_nos


## TIMER ##
import time
start_time = time.time()
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# Sample Solution 4: Combinatorics (<0.001 seconds; so fast that Python might return 0 seconds)

from scipy.special import comb
def nos(n, x=5):
    return int(comb(n+x-1 , x-1, exact=False, repetition=False))
#nos = lambda n, x=5: comb(n+x-1 , x-1, exact=False, repetition=False)
## TIMER ##
import time
start_time = time.time()
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# Sample Solution 5: Combinatorics with loops (~1 second; Uses the same logic as solution 4)¶

def nos(n ,x=5):
    sol = 0
    for a in range(n + 1):
        for b in range(n + 1 - a):
            for c in range(n + 1 - a - b):
                for d in range(n + 1 - a - b - c):
                    sol += 1
    return sol
## TIMER ##
import time
start_time = time.time()
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# DW mid-terms 2018 solutions
# These solutions are student compiled and might contain errors (especially for qn 1 & 2)
# Credit goes to Team Anonymous on Piazza
# Part A

x = 'aces'
y = 1.23
z = x
x = y
y = z
print(x, y)

# Q1(a) After the above code is executed, at line 6, what is seen on the screen is 1.23aces.
# By explaining what each line of the code below (for lines 1 to 5) does, show how the code below switches the objects
# assigned to variables x and y.
# Your explanation must state when objects are created and their data types, and also how names are assigned to these
# objects. Diagrams could be helpful in your explanation. (6 points)
# Sample answer 1:
# At line 1, string object 'aces' is assigned to frame 'x'. At line 2, float object of value 1.23 is assigned to frame
# 'y'. At line 3, a shallow copy of string object 'aces' from frame 'x' is assigned to frame 'z'. At line 4, a shallow
# copy of the float object of value 1.23 from frame 'y' is assigned to frame 'x' and overwirtes the string object 'aces'.
# At line 5, a shallow copy of string object 'aces' from frame 'z' is assigned to frame 'y' and overwrites the float
# object of value 1.23. The final result is:
# Stack | Object after line 3 > 4 > 5
# x | 'aces' > 1.23 > 1.23
# y | 1.23 > 1.23 > 'aces'
# z | 'aces' > 'aces' > 'aces'
# The contents of both x & y are fetched when print(x,y) is executed at line 6. Thus, 1.23aces is printed
# in the order of x then y.
# Q1(b) When the following code is executed, after line 12, what is seen on the screen is True.
# i) Using how names are assigned to objects in memory, explain why. Diagrams could be helpful in your explanation.
# (3 points)
# ii) The intention of the programmer is to create two lists showing the words for ‘seven’, ‘eight’ and ‘nine’ for both
# Greek and French. State one modification to the code at line 8 so that line 13 prints out the correct output. (1point)

french= [ 'sept', 'huit', 'neuf'] # the words mean 'seven','eight','nine'.
greek = french # this is line 8
greek[0] = 'epta' # 'seven'
greek[1] = 'okto' # 'eight'
greek[2] = 'enea' # 'nine'
print(greek is french) # this is 'line 12'
print(french, greek)

# Sample answer 1:
# i) At line 1, a list object is created for frame 'french'. At line 2, frame 'greek' is assigned to refer to the same
# list object as frame 'french'. Thus, even after the contents of the list is changed, line 12's shallow equivalence
# check 'is' returns true as both frames 'french' and 'greek' still refers to the same list object in memory.
# ii) I would repace line 8 with 'greek = list(french)' to another list object similar in contents to frame 'french'
# is created for frame 'greek'.
# Q2 [10 points]
# a) Is there anything wrong with the following program? If yes, what is wrong? (2 points)

import = int(input("Enter a number: "))
if import==2:

# Sample solution 1:
# Synthax error. 'import' is a reserved keyword in python and neither be used as a variable name nor be assigned to
# an 'int' type object.
# b) If break is removed from the following programand the program is run, what will be printed out? (2 points)

my_string = "Computing"
for character in my_string:
    if character == "u":
        print("Found 'u' :)")

# Solution:
# C
# o
# m
# p
# u
# Found 'u' :)
# t
# i
# n
# g
# c) Look at the following function:

def my_function(n):
    return_value = None
    if n == 0 or n == 1:
        return_value = False # not run
    while i*0.5:
        if n%i==0:
            return_value = False # not run
            break # not run
        i += 1
        return_value = True
    return return_value

# Let the function tested to be my_function(37)
# a) What will be the output? (1 point)
# b) Identify the lines of the program which will be executed when the input is 37.
# Do this by entering the codes from those lines to eDimension. (2 points)
# Solution:
# a) True.
# b) (enter those lines of code not tagged by # not run)
# d) In the context of the 1D projects you have completed so far in this course, look at the following function:

def forward(speed, duration):
    robot.wheels(speed, speed)

# a) Why is it not necessary to have a return statement in this function? (1 point)
# b) If we change robot.wheels(speed, speed) to robot.wheels(speed1, speed2) and the function header is also modified
# to take in speed1 and speed2, how will the movement of the robot change? You can assume that speed1 and speed2 are
# different and both speed1 and speed2 are positive numbers. (1 point)
# Sample solution 1:
# a) In the above function to move the robot forward at some speed for some duration, no values are expected to be
# reused or caught by the function. Hence, no return statement is required.
# b) If speed1 > speed2, the robot will still travel forward but with a leftwards dispalcement. If speed1 < speed2,
# the robot will still travel forward but with a rightwards dispalcement.
# Part B
# Q3 [10 points]
# A frustum is a parallel truncation of a right pyramid. A piece of metal is in the shape of a frustum with a square
# base. The side length of the top square is s1 and the side length of the bottom square is s2.
# The height of the frustum is H.
# The volume of the frustum is given by the formula:
# $$Volume = \frac{H}{3}(A1 + A2 + \sqrt{A1 \text{ x } A2})$$ where A1 is the area of the upper square, A2 is the
# area of the lower square, and H is the height of the frustum.
# a) Write a python function area_square(s) that takes the side of a square as an input argument s, and returns the
# area of the square.
# b) Write a python function vol_frustum(top_area, bottom_area, height) that takes three arguments, a top area,
# a bottom area and a height in that order, and returns the volume of the frustum.
# c) Write a python function get_volume(s1, s2, height) that takes three arguments, a top side length, a bottom
# side length and a height and returns the volume of a frustum based on those dimensions.
# This function should first call area_square to obtain the two needed areas, and then call vol_frustum to evaluate
# the volume.
# All input arguments and return values are floats. Please round only your final output of get_volume to three
# decimal places. Please use math.sqrt() to compute the square root in your python code. Note that you get only
# full marks if your get_volume function makes use of the other two functions.

import math

def area_square(s):
    return s ** 2.

def vol_frustum(top_area, bottom_area, height):
    return (height / 3) * (top_area + bottom_area + math.sqrt(top_area * bottom_area))

def get_volume(s1, s2, height):
    return round(vol_frustum(area_square(s1), area_square(s2), height), 3)

print('{:.3f}'.format(vol_frustum(1, 4, 2)))
print('{:.3f}'.format(vol_frustum(2, 2, 2)))
print('{:.3f}'.format(get_volume(1, 2, 2)))
print('{:.3f}'.format(get_volume(1.5, 3.3, 5.0)))
print('{:.3f}'.format(get_volume(3.6, 6.4, 4.0)))

# Q4 [10 points]
# Implement a function determinant(matrix) that takes a matrix as input (represented as a nested list) and returns
# its determinant as output. The function should satisfy the following requirements:
# 1) If the input matrixis not of dimension n x n (for 1 ≤n ≤3), the function should return None
# 2) The function is to be implemented withoutimporting any libraries.

def determinant(matrix):
    M = matrix
        a = len(M)
        a = len(M[0])
        return None

    if len(M) == 1:
        for row in M:
            if len(row) != 1:
                return None
        return M[0][0]
    if len(M) == 2:
        for row in M:
            if len(row) != 2:
                return None
        return M[0][0] * M[1][1] - M[0][1] * M[1][0]
    if len(M) == 3:
        for row in M:
            if len(row) != 3:
                return None
        return (M[0][0] * M[1][1] * M[2][2]
                + M[1][0] * M[2][1] * M[0][2]
                + M[2][0] * M[0][1] * M[1][2]
                - M[0][2] * M[1][1] * M[2][0]
                - M[1][0] * M[0][1] * M[2][2]
                - M[0][0] * M[2][1] * M[1][2])

print(determinant([[-5, -4], [-2, -3]]))
print(determinant([[2, -3, 1], [2, 0, -1], [1, 4, 5]]))
print(determinant([[0, 3, 5], [5, 5, 2], [3, 4, 3]]))
print(determinant([[23], [-4, 4]]))

# Q5 [15 points]
# The Newton-Raphson (NR) method is an iterative method that approximates the root of a function.
# The accuracy of the answer is enhanced in successive iterations.
# You need two create two functions: nrootand nroot_complex. The function nroot(n, i, num) is to determine
# the root of non-negative num. The function nroot_complex(n,i,num) to determine the root of negative num.
# Thefunction nroot_complex should call nroot to do the NR approximation. Note the output should give a constant$*$1j
# where j is the imaginary square root of -1. For odd n the output should give a negative value instead of constant$*$1j.
# This means that:
# • When num is a non-negative number, nroot_complex should give the same result as nroot.
# • When num is a negative number and n is even, nroot_complex should give a complex number with no real part,
# and its magnitude is the same as the output of nrootwhen num is positive.
# • When numis a negative number and n is odd, nroot_complex should give a negative real number, and its magnitude is
# the same as the output of nroot when numis positive.
# Round the output of nroot to 3 decimal places.Use x = 1 as your initial value.

def nroot(n, t, num):
    x = 1
    for i in range(t):
        x -= ((x ** n - num) / (n * (x ** (n - 1))))
    return round(x, 3)

def nroot_complex(n, t, num):
    if num > 0 or num == 0:
        return nroot(n, t, num)
    if num < 0 and n % 2 == 1:
        return -nroot(n, t, -num)
        return str(nroot(n, t, -num)) + 'j'

print(nroot(2, 5, 2))
print(nroot_complex(2, 5, -4))
print(nroot_complex(3, 5, -8))

# Q6 [30 points]
# In this problem you will write a program to find a path through MRT stations from a starting station to
# an ending station with a maximum of one interchange.
# The overall function is called find_path and it takes three arguments: (1) a file object to a text file
# containing the MRT lines and stations, (2) the starting station, and (3) the ending station.
# This function should return a list of stations from a starting station to an ending station with a maximum
# of one interchange. The problem is decomposed by writing several other functions, described in the following parts.
# For simplicity, the information given to you in this question is limited to the North South line and the East West line.
# Also, the branch line to Changi Airport is treated as a separate line. Hence the three lines are labelled
# in this question as follows: (1) NorthSouthLine (2) EastWestLine (EW) and (3) EastWestLine (CG).
# a) read_stations(f): This function takes in a file object and returnsa dictionary. The dictionary has the MRT lines
# as its keys. The value of each key is a list of stations in that MRT line.
# b) get_stationline(mrt): This function takes in a dictionary of MRT lines (i.e. the output of part (a) ).
# The function returns another dictionary which contains all the stations as its keys. The value for each key is a list
# of the MRT lines for that particular station. Note that if the station is an interchange, the list should contain all
# the lines calling at that station.
# c) get_interchange(stationline): This function takes in a dictionary of stations and their lines
# (i.e. the output of part (b)). The function returns another dictionary which contains all the interchange stations as
# its keys. The value for each key is a list of the MRT lines for that particular interchange stations.
# d) find_path(f, start, end): This function takes in three arguments: (1) the file object to a text file
# containing all the MRT lines and stations, (2) the startingstation, and (3) the endingstation. The function should
# return a list of stations starting from the starting station to the ending station with a maximum of one interchange.
# If there are more than one possible paths, the following considerations should be taken into account:
# • If there is a path without changing MRT lines, the result should return this path.
# • If the path must involve changing MRT lines, it will return the path with a minimum number of stations and
# containing only one interchange station.
# • If no such path can be found as above, it will return None.

## PART A ##
def read_stations(s):
    st = ''.join(s.readlines()).split("=")
    ans = {}
    for i in range(int((len(st) - 1) / 2)):
        ans[st[2 * i + 1]] = (st[2 * (i + 1)].strip("\n")).split(", ")
    return ans

## PART B ##
def get_stationline(mrt):
    ans = {}
    for lines in mrt:
        for station in mrt[lines]:
            if station not in ans:
                ans[station] = []
    return ans

## PART C ##
def get_interchange(stationline):
    ans = {}
    for stations in stationline:
        if len(stationline[stations]) > 1:
            ans[stations] = stationline[stations]
    return ans

## PART D ##
def create_graph(f):
    stations = read_stations(f)
    stationline = get_stationline(stations)
    interchange = [*get_interchange(stationline)]
    network = {}
    # Create a dictionary where station (key) is linked to all its connected stations (values)
    for line in stations:
        stations_ = stations.get(line)
        network[stations_[-1]] = [stations_[-2]]  # End stations only conencted to one other station
        for station in range(0, len(stations_) - 1):
            network.setdefault(stations_[station], [stations_[station - 1]]).append(stations_[station + 1])
        if stations_[0] not in interchange:
            network[stations_[0]] = [stations_[1]]  # Removing non interchange connections that loops
    network['City Hall'].append('Dhoby Ghaut')  # Add this pesky back edge
    for key in network:
        network[key] = set(network.get(key))  # Apply set structure to dictionary values
    return network

def bfs_paths(graph, start, goal):
    # Since we only want the shortest path, we use Breath First Search on a queue structure for efficiency
    queue = [(start, [start])]
    while queue:
        (vertex, path) = queue.pop(0)
        for next in graph[vertex] - set(path):
            if next == goal:
                yield path + [next]
                queue.append((next, path + [next]))

import collections as c

def find_path(f, start, end):
        graph = create_graph(f)
        possible_paths = list(bfs_paths(graph, start, end))  # remember to reset readlines() counter to 0
        stations = read_stations(f)
        stationline = get_stationline(stations)
        interchange = [*get_interchange(stationline)]
        ans = []
        for path in possible_paths:
            line_counter = []
            for station in path:
            # We count the total number of line types present. More than 1 interchange used if line type > 2
            if len(c.Counter(line_counter)) <= 2:
        return ans[0]  # Since we used BFS, first path found is always the shortest
        # A general catch block to return None
        return None

    ## TEST CASES ##

print('Test 1')
f = open('mrt_lines_short.txt', 'r')  # Make sure directory is correct
ans = find_path(f, 'Boon Lay', 'Clementi')
print('Test 2')
f = open('mrt_lines_short.txt', 'r')  # Make sure directory is correct
ans = find_path(f, 'Changi Airport', 'Orchard')
print('Test 3')
f = open('mrt_lines_short.txt', 'r')  # Make sure directory is correct
ans = find_path(f, 'Boon Lay', 'Bukit Gombak')
print('Test 4')
f = open('mrt_lines_short.txt', 'r')  # Make sure directory is correct
ans = find_path(f, 'Tanah Merah', 'Orchard')

# Q7 [15 points]
# Write a function decompose(pence), that takes as input some number of pence (as an integer), and returns as output
# an integer expressing how many different ways that the amount can be made up by using the available coins.
# At present, there are eight coins in general circulation:
# 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1, and £2
# Note that the function decompose(pence) can be implemented in a number of different ways,
# including by using brute force (i.e. exhaustive search). However, brute force implementations may only score a
# maximum of 12 points; the full 15 are only available for more elegant/efficient solutions.
# Sample Solution 1: Naive for loops (Brute force; Don't even try to time it)

def decompose(pence):
    coins = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200]
    count = 0
    for x1 in range(pence):
        for x2 in range(pence):
            for x3 in range(pence):
                for x4 in range(pence):
                    for x5 in range(pence):
                        for x6 in range(pence):
                            for x7 in range(pence):
                                for x8 in range(pence):
                                    if (x1 * coins[0] + x2 * coins[1] + x3 * coins[2] + x4 * coins[3]
                                            + x5 * coins[4] + x6 * coins[5] + x7 * coins[6] + x8 * coins[7])
                                        == pence:
                                        count += 1  # Cancer

return count + 1

import time

start_time = time.time()
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# Sample Solution 2: Pure recursion (Exhasutive; ~10mins)

def decompose(pence, num_types=len(coins)):
    coins = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200]
    # If pence = 0 then there is only 1 solution
    if (pence == 0):
        return 1

    # If n is less than 0 then no solution exists
    if (pence < 0):
        return 0;

        # If there are no coins and n is greater than 0, then no solution exist
    if (num_types <= 0 and pence >= 1):
        return 0

    # Recursion step
    return decompose(pence, num_types - 1) + decompose(pence - coins[num_types - 1], num_types);

import time

start_time = time.time()
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# Sample Solution 3: Recursion with some memomisation (Exhasutive with some elegance; ~5mins)

def decompose(pence, coins=[1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200]):
    # If pence = 0 then there is only 1 solution
    if pence == 0:
        return 1

    # If n is less than 0 then no solution exists
    if pence < 0:
        return 0
    num_ways = 0

    # Store previously computed sub-problems in a dictionary to avoid re-computing it
    dic_ways = {}
    for i in range(len(coins)):
        coin = coins[i]
        if pence - coin not in dic_ways:
            # Recursion step
            num_ways += decompose(pence - coin, coins[i:])
            dic_ways[pence - coin] = True
    return num_ways

import time

start_time = time.time()
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# Sample solution 4: Expansion of partition equation into series (Elegant but inefficient; ~30s)

from sympy import *
def decompose(pence):
    x = symbols('x')
    partition_series = series(1/(( 1 - x)*(1-x**2)*(1-x**5)*(1-x**10)
    *(1-x**20)*(1-x**50)*(1-x**100)*(1-x**200)), n = pence+2)
    coef = Poly(partition_series.removeO(),x)
    return coef.all_coeffs()[1]

import time
start_time = time.time()
print (decompose(1))
print (decompose(5))
print (decompose(7))
print (decompose(130))
print (decompose(200))
print (decompose(700))
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# Sample solution 5: Smart brute force (Efficent but inelegant; 1.5s)

def decompose(pence):
    count = 0
    for x1 in range(0,pence+1,200):
        for x2 in range(x1,pence+1,100):
            for x3 in range(x2,pence+1,50):
                for x4 in range(x3,pence+1,20):
                    for x5 in range(x4,pence+1,10):
                        for x6 in range(x5,pence+1,5):
                            for x7 in range(x6,pence+1,2):
    return count

import time
start_time = time.time()
print (decompose(1))
print (decompose(5))
print (decompose(7))
print (decompose(130))
print (decompose(200))
print (decompose(700))
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# Sample solution 6: Top-down Dynamic Programming; Recursion with memoization & decorators
# (Efficient & quite elegant; ~0.002s)

def memoize(func):
    cache = dict()

    def memoized_func(*args):
        if args in cache:
            return cache[args]
        result = func(*args)
        cache[args] = result
        return result

    return memoized_func

## The above code is a quick and dirty memo fucntion that can be used widely ##
## to speed up problems with overlapping sub-problems (avoid recomputation) ##

## Pure recursion from sample solution 2 ##
def decompose(pence, num_types=len(coins)):
    coins = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200]
    # If pence = 0 then there is only 1 solution
    if (pence == 0):
        return 1

    # If n is less than 0 then no solution exists
    if (pence < 0):
        return 0;

        # If there are no coins and n is greater than 0, then no solution exist
    if (num_types <= 0 and pence >= 1):
        return 0

    # Recursion step
    return decompose(pence, num_types - 1) + decompose(pence - coins[num_types - 1], num_types);

import time

start_time = time.time()
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# Sample Solution 7: Bottom-up Dynamic Programming (Most elegant & efficient; ~0.001s)

def decompose(pence):
        coins = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200]
        num_types = len(coins)
        # table[i] will be storing the number of solutions for
        # value i. We need n+1 rows as the table is constructed
        # in bottom up manner using the base case (pence = 0)
        # We first initialize all table values as 0
        table = [0 for accumulative_num_of_ways in range(pence + 1)]

        # If pence = 0 then there is only 1 solution
        table[0] = 1

        # Pick all coins one by one and update the table[] values
        # after the index greater than or equal to the value of the
        # picked coin
        for type_ in range(0, num_types):
            for value in range(coins[type_], pence + 1):
                table[value] += table[value - coins[type_]]
                # We only want the number of ways to find change for value = pence
        return table[pence]
        # Our bottom up approach innately deals with special cases
        # this line catches invalid arguments
        return 0

    ## TEST CASES ##

import time

start_time = time.time()
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))


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