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Učitaj matricu K, generiraj matricu L, ispiši obje matrice, izračunaj Z=K-L, ispiši mat. Z, izračunaj aritmetičku sredinu mat. Z

module procedures
  implicit none


subroutine printArray (darray)      
   real, dimension (:,:), intent(inout) :: darray

   integer :: s1, s2     
   integer :: i, j     
   s1 = size(darray,1)
   s2 = size(darray,2)
   print *, s1,s2
   do i = 1, s1           
      do j = 1, s2                
         print*, "darray(",i,",",j,") = ", darray(i,j)           
      end do      
   end do  
end subroutine printArray 

subroutine calculateArray (K,L,Z)      
   real, dimension (:,:), intent(inout) :: K,L,Z

   integer :: s1, s2     
   integer :: i, j     
   s1 = size(K,1)
   s2 = size(K,2) 
   do i = 1, s1           
      do j = 1, s2                
         ! read*,darray(i,j)
         ! ovo treba uključiti
      end do      
   end do  

end subroutine calculateArray

subroutine fillArray (darray)      
   real, dimension (:,:), intent(inout) :: darray

   integer :: s1, s2     
   integer :: i, j     
   s1 = size(darray,1)
   s2 = size(darray,2)
   print *, s1,s2
   do i = 1, s1           
      do j = 1, s2                
         ! read*,darray(i,j)
         ! ovo treba uključiti
         print*, "darray(",i,",",j,") = ", darray(i,j) 
      end do      
   end do  

end subroutine fillArray 

! this function computes the area of a circle with radius r  
function aritSredina (darray)  

! function result     
implicit none      

   ! dummy arguments        
   real :: aritSredina   
   ! local variables 
   real, dimension (:,:), intent(inout) :: darray
   integer :: s1, s2     
   integer :: i, j   
   real :: sredina
   sredina = 0
   s1 = size(darray,1)
   s2 = size(darray,2)
   do i = 1, s1           
      do j = 1, s2                
         sredina = sredina + darray(i,j)
      end do      
   end do  
   aritSredina = sredina  / (s1 * s2)
end function aritSredina

end module

program dynamic_array 
    use procedures
implicit none 

   !rank is 2, but size not known   
   real, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: darray 
   real, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: K,L,Z
   integer :: s1, s2     
   integer :: i, j    
   real :: sredina
   print*, "Enter the size of the array:"     
   ! read*, s1, s2
   ! Ovaj read treba odkomentirati u pravom programu i komentirati treba s1,s2
   ! Kompajler ima problema sa standarnim inputom pa s1 i s2 postavljam ovdje ručno
   s1 = 4
   s2 = 4
   ! allocate memory      
   allocate ( K(s1,s2) )      
   allocate ( L(s1,s2) )   
   allocate ( Z(s1,s2) )  
   call fillArray(K) 
   call fillArray(L) 
   call printArray(K)
   call printArray(L)
   call calculateArray(K,L,Z) 
   call printArray(Z)
   print *, ""
   print *, "Aritmetička sredina matrice Z je ",  aritSredina(Z)  

   deallocate (K)  
end program dynamic_array


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