Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 11 May 2019, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.


entity ActivityArea(t_activity_area) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity Beneficiary(t_beneficiary) {
	active Boolean required,
	aliasBankAccount String required maxlength(50),
	baccAccountNumber String maxlength(50),
	baccBankCode String maxlength(10),
	baccBranchCode String maxlength(10),
	baccRibKey String maxlength(5),
	cardCvv2 String maxlength(5),
	cardPan String maxlength(20),
	cardValidityDate String maxlength(8),
	firstname String maxlength(50),
	lastname String maxlength(50),
	ribmoneyAccountNumber String maxlength(50),
	hasRibmoneyAccount Boolean required,
	number String required maxlength(10),
	pushOrPull Boolean required,
	mobileMoneyAccountNumber String maxlength(20)

relationship ManyToOne {
	Beneficiary{beneficiaryRelationship} to BeneficiaryRelationship,
	Beneficiary{beneficiaryType} to BeneficiaryType,
	Beneficiary{customer} to Customer

entity BeneficiaryRelationship(t_beneficiary_relationship) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity BeneficiaryType(t_beneficiary_type) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity Contract(t_contract) {
	active Boolean required,
	creationDate Instant required,
	filename String  required maxlength(100),
	isMerchantContract Boolean required,
	modificationDate Instant required,
	number String  maxlength(25),
	validationDate Instant,
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	Contract{customer} to Customer

entity ContractDetail(t_contract_detail) {
	active Boolean required,
	comment String maxlength(255),
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	ContractDetail{contract} to Contract

entity ContractOpposition(t_contract_opposition) {
	active Boolean required,
	comment String maxlength(255),
	isCustomerInitiative Boolean required,
	oppositionDate Instant required,
	oppositionReason String maxlength(255),
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	ContractOpposition{contract} to Contract

entity Country(t_country) {
	active Boolean required,
	code String  required maxlength(5),
	longLabel String  required maxlength(50),
	shortLabel String maxlength(20),
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	Country{currency} to Currency

entity Currency(t_currency) {
	active Boolean required,
	code String  required maxlength(5),
	longLabel String  required maxlength(50),
	shortLabel String maxlength(25),
	version Integer

entity Question(t_question) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(150),
	version Integer

entity Customer(t_customer) {
	active Boolean required,
	corporateName String maxlength(50),
	gpsLatitude Double min(0),
	gpsLongitude Double min(0),
	homePhone String maxlength(20),
	mobilePhone String maxlength(20),
	number String  maxlength(25),
	otherQuestion String maxlength(150),
	responses String maxlength(150),
	tradeRegister String maxlength(50),
	version Integer,
	workPhone String maxlength(20) 

relationship ManyToOne {
	Customer{activityArea} to ActivityArea,
	Customer{customerType} to CustomerType,
	Customer{person} to Person,
	Customer{digiRemitUser} to DigiRemitUser,
    Customer{question} to Question

entity CustomerBlacklist(t_customer_blacklist) {
	active Boolean required,
	comment String maxlength(255),
	insertionDate Instant required,
	modificationDate Instant,
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	CustomerBlacklist{customer} to  Customer

entity CustomerType(t_customer_type) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity DocumentType(t_document_type) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity EmployeeType(t_document_type) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity Employee(t_employee) {
	active Boolean required,
	businessEmail String required maxlength(100) pattern(/^[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\.[^@\s]+$/),
	businessPhone String required maxlength(20),
	matricule String  maxlength(20),
	mobilePhone String maxlength(20),
	username String  maxlength(50),
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	Employee{person} to Person,
    Employee{partner} to Partner,
    Employee{employeeType} to EmployeeType,
    Employee{digiRemitUser} to DigiRemitUser,

entity Forex(t_forex) {
	rate Double,
	creationDate Instant,
	active Boolean required

relationship ManyToOne {
	Forex{fromCurrency} to Currency,
	Forex{toCurrency} to Currency

entity Meansofpayment(t_meansofpayment) {
	active Boolean required,
	aliasBankAccount String required maxlength(50),
	baccAccountNumber String maxlength(50),
	baccBankCode String maxlength(10),
	baccBranchCode String maxlength(10),
	baccRibKey String maxlength(5),
	cardCvv2 String maxlength(5),
	cardPan String maxlength(20),
	cardValidityDate String maxlength(8),
	number String required maxlength(10),
    momoAccountNumber String maxlength(20),
	pushOrPull Boolean

relationship ManyToOne {
	Meansofpayment{meansofpaymentType} to MeansofpaymentType,
	Meansofpayment{customer } to Customer

entity MeansofpaymentType(t_meansofpayment_type) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer
//====Emmanuel Don 26/11/2018
relationship ManyToOne {
	MeansofpaymentType{partnerType} to PartnerType,

entity Partner(t_partner) {
	active Boolean required,
	address String maxlength(255),
	city String maxlength(100),
	code String  required maxlength(10),
	gpsLatitude Double min(0),
	gpsLongitude Double min(0),
	name String  required maxlength(50),
	postalCode String maxlength(10),
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	Partner{country} to Country,
	Partner{partnerType} to PartnerType

entity PartnerType(t_partner_type) {
	active Boolean required,
	description String maxlength(255),
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity Periodicity(t_periodicity) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity Person(t_person) {
	active Boolean required,
	address String maxlength(255),
	birthdate String maxlength(10),
	city String maxlength(50),
	email String pattern(/^[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\.[^@\s]+$/),
	firstname String maxlength(50),
	name String maxlength(50),
	postalCode String maxlength(10),
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	Person{country} to Country,
	Person{personType} to PersonType

entity PersonDocument(t_person_document) {
	active Boolean required,
	documentNumber String maxlength(50),
	expirationDate String maxlength(10),
	isValid Boolean required,
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	PersonDocument{document} to DocumentType,
	PersonDocument{person} to Person

entity PersonType(t_person_type) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity Plafond(t_plafond) {
	active Boolean required,
    comment String maxlength(255),
	value Double,
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	Plafond{customerType} to CustomerType,
	Plafond{plafondType} to PlafondType

entity PlafondMeasure(t_plafond_measure) {
	active Boolean required,
    code String maxlength(10),
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity PlafondType(t_plafond_type) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	PlafondType{periodicity} to Periodicity,
	PlafondType{plafondMeasure} to PlafondMeasure

entity PlafondUser(t_plafond_user) {
	active Boolean required,
	comment String maxlength(255),
	value Double,
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	PlafondUser{customer} to Customer,
	PlafondUser{customerType} to CustomerType,
	PlafondUser{plafondType} to PlafondType

entity Price(t_price) {
	active Boolean required,
	amount Double min(0),
	amountInPercent Boolean required,
	amountTransactionMax Double min(0),
	amountTransactionMin Double min(0),
	description String maxlength(255),
	label String maxlength(100),
	modificationDate Instant,
	percent Double min(0),
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	Price{currency} to Currency,
	Price{pricePlan} to PricePlan,
	Price{service} to DigiRemitService,
    Price{fromCountry} to Country,
    Price{toCountry} to Country

entity PriceCommission(t_price_commission) {
	active Boolean required,
	amount Double min(0),
	amountInPercent Boolean required,
	dateCreation Instant required,
	percent Double min(0),
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	PriceCommission{currency} to Currency,
	PriceCommission{partner} to Partner,
	PriceCommission{price} to Price

entity PricePlan(t_price_plan) {
	active Boolean required,
	endDate Instant required,
	label String maxlength(100),
	startDate Instant required,
	version Integer
relationship ManyToOne {
	PricePlan{service} to DigiRemitService,


//=====Emmanuel Don 26-11-2018
//update Service to DigiRemitService
entity DigiRemitService(t_service) {
	description String maxlength(255),
	code String  required maxlength(10),
    label String  required maxlength(100),
	subscription Boolean required

relationship ManyToOne {
	DigiRemitService{serviceAuthentication} to ServiceAuthentication,
	DigiRemitService{transactionType} to TransactionType,
    DigiRemitService{partner} to Partner

entity ServiceAuthentication(t_service_authentication) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity SubscriptionPrice(t_subscription_price) {
	active Boolean required,
	amount Double min(0),
	description String maxlength(255),
	label String maxlength(100),
	modificationDate Instant,
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	SubscriptionPrice{pricePlan} to PricePlan,
	SubscriptionPrice{service} to DigiRemitService,
    SubscriptionPrice{fromCountry} to Country,
    SubscriptionPrice{toCountry} to Country

entity Transaction(t_transaction) {
	active Boolean required,
	comment String maxlength(255),
	feesSupported Boolean required,
    changeFeesSupported Boolean required,
	label String maxlength(100),
	transactionAmount Double min(0),
	transactionDate Instant required,
	transactionFees Double min(0),
    transactionChangeFees Double min(0),
	transactionNumber String maxlength(50),
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	Transaction{beneficiary} to Beneficiary,
	Transaction{transactionChannel} to TransactionChannel,
	Transaction{currency} to Currency,
	Transaction{customer} to Customer,
    Transaction{sender} to Sender,
	Transaction{fromPartner} to Partner,
	Transaction{meansofpayment} to Meansofpayment,
	Transaction{agence} to Partner,
    Transaction{agent} to Employee,
	Transaction{service} to DigiRemitService,
	Transaction{toPartner} to Partner,
	Transaction{transactionStatus} to TransactionStatus,
	Transaction{transactionType} to TransactionType,
	Transaction{price} to Price,
	Transaction{workflow} to Workflow,
	Transaction{workflowStep} to WorkflowStep

entity TransactionChannel(t_transaction_channel) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity TransactionStatus(t_transaction_status) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity TransactionType(t_transaction_type) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity DigiRemitUser(t_digiremit_user) {
	creationDate Instant required,
    username String,
	email String  required pattern(/^[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\.[^@\s]+$/),
	firstname String maxlength(50),
	msisdn String maxlength(20),
	name String maxlength(50),
	updateDate Instant

relationship ManyToOne {
	DigiRemitUser{userProfile} to UserProfile

entity UserConnection(t_user_connection) {
	loginDate Instant required,
	logoutDate Instant    

relationship ManyToOne {
	UserConnection{digiRemitUser} to DigiRemitUser

entity UserProfile(t_user_profile) {
	creationDate Instant required,
	description String maxlength(255),
	name String maxlength(100),
	updateDate Instant

entity Workflow(t_workflow) {
	comment String maxlength(255),
	name String  required maxlength(100),
	active Boolean required,
	version Integer

entity WorkflowAction(t_workflow_action) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	name String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity WorkflowCondition(t_workflow_condition) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	name String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity WorkflowEvent(t_workflow_event) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	version Integer

entity WorkflowSelection(t_workflow_selection) {
	active Boolean required,
	label String  required maxlength(100),
	comment String maxlength(255)

relationship ManyToOne {
	WorkflowSelection{beneficiaryType} to BeneficiaryType,
	WorkflowSelection{meansofpaymentType} to MeansofpaymentType,
	WorkflowSelection{merchant} to Customer           ,
	WorkflowSelection{partner} to Partner,
	WorkflowSelection{service} to DigiRemitService,
	WorkflowSelection{transactionType} to TransactionType,
	WorkflowSelection{workflow} to Workflow

entity WorkflowStep(t_workflow_step) {
	comment String maxlength(50),
	priority Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	WorkflowStep{workflowAction} to WorkflowAction,
	WorkflowStep{workflowCondition} to WorkflowCondition,
	WorkflowStep{workflowEvent} to WorkflowEvent,
	WorkflowStep{finalTransactionStatus} to TransactionStatus,
	WorkflowStep{initialTransactionStatus} to TransactionStatus,
	WorkflowStep{workflow} to Workflow


entity ConfigFileData(t_config_file_data) {
	extension String,
	headerNames String,
	HeaderTypes String,
	active Boolean

relationship ManyToOne {
	ConfigFileData{ftp} to ConfigFTP

entity ConfigFTP(t_config_ftp) {
	ftpHost String,
	ftpPort String,
	ftpUser String,
	ftpPassword String,
	ftpPathIn String,
	ftpPathout String,
	dateCreation Instant,
	active Boolean	

relationship ManyToOne {
	ConfigFTP{partner} to Partner,
	ConfigFTP{service} to DigiRemitService

entity ConfigService(t_config_service) {
	externalLimite Boolean,
	externalFees Boolean,
	externalSecurity Boolean,
	dateCreation Instant,
	dateUpdate Instant,
	active Boolean	

relationship ManyToOne {
	ConfigService{apiExternalLimite} to ExternalApi,
	ConfigService{configFileData} to ConfigFileData,
	ConfigService{apiExternalSecurity} to ExternalApi,
	ConfigService{apiExternalFees} to ExternalApi,
	ConfigService{serviceAuthenticationLocal} to ServiceAuthentication
	ConfigService{service} to DigiRemitService

entity ExternalApi(t_external_api) {
	code String,
	label String,
	url String,
	urlAuthentication String,
	username String,
	password String,
	pathKey String,
	methodSendingData Method,
	parameter String,
	active Boolean

relationship ManyToOne {
	ExternalApi{partner} to Partner

entity GeneralConfig(t_general_config) {
	urlExchangeRate String

enum Method {

entity Sender(t_sender) {
	active Boolean required,
	number String  maxlength(25),
    firstname String,
	lastname String,
    mobilePhone String maxlength(20),
    homePhone String maxlength(20),
	workPhone String maxlength(20) 

entity SenderDocument(t_person_document) {
	active Boolean required,
	documentNumber String maxlength(50),
	expirationDate String maxlength(10),
	isValid Boolean required,
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	SenderDocument{document} to DocumentType,
	SenderDocument{person} to Sender

entity ServiceChannel(t_service_channel) {
	active Boolean,
	version	Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	ServiceChannel{service} to DigiRemitService,
	ServiceChannel{channel} to TransactionChannel

entity ServiceCountrySource(t_service_country_source) {
	active Boolean,
	dateCreation Instant,
	dateLastEdit Instant	

relationship ManyToOne {
	ServiceCountrySource{service} to DigiRemitService,
	ServiceCountrySource{country} to Country,
	ServiceCountrySource{currency} to Currency

entity ServiceCountryRecipient(t_service_country_recipient) {
	active Boolean,
	dateCreation Instant,
	dateLastEdit Instant	

relationship ManyToOne {
	ServiceCountryRecipient{service} to DigiRemitService,
	ServiceCountryRecipient{country} to Country

entity ServiceMeansOfPayment(t_service_means_of_paie) {
	active Boolean,
	version Integer

relationship ManyToOne {
	ServiceMeansOfPayment{service} to DigiRemitService,
	ServiceMeansOfPayment{meansofpaymentType} to MeansofpaymentType

///======== Emmanuel Don

entity ConfigPolicyUser(t_config_policy_user_service){

	dateCreation Instant,
	dateUpdate Instant,
	sizePasswordMin Integer,
	sizePasswordMax Integer,
	durationPassword Integer,
	nbreTentativePpossible Integer,
	durationLockPassword Integer,
	captcha Boolean

relationship ManyToOne {
	ConfigPolicyUser{caractereType} to CaractereType,
	ConfigPolicyUser{tapplication} to TApplication

entity TApplication(t_application){
	label String,
	active Boolean,
	version Integer,
	dateCreation Instant,
	dateUpdate Instant

entity CaractereType(t_caractere_type){
	label String,
	valeur String,
	active Boolean,
	version Integer,
	dateCreation Instant,
	dateUpdate Instant

microservice Contract, ContractDetail, ContractOpposition, Meansofpayment, Beneficiary with FrontOfficeService

dto * with mapstruct
service * with serviceImpl
paginate * with pagination
//paginate B, C with infinite-scroll
//filter A, B


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