Python - Tkinter Fonts


There may be up to three ways to specify type style.

Simple Tuple Fonts

As a tuple whose first element is the font family, followed by a size in points, optionally followed by a string containing one or more of the style modifiers bold, italic, underline and overstrike.


  • ("Helvetica", "16") for a 16-point Helvetica regular.
  • ("Times", "24", "bold italic") for a 24-point Times bold italic.

Font object Fonts

You can create a "font object" by importing the tkFont module and using its Font class constructor −

import tkFont

font = tkFont.Font ( option, ... )

Here is the list of options −

  • family − The font family name as a string.

  • size − The font height as an integer in points. To get a font n pixels high, use -n.

  • weight − "bold" for boldface, "normal" for regular weight.

  • slant − "italic" for italic, "roman" for unslanted.

  • underline − 1 for underlined text, 0 for normal.

  • overstrike − 1 for overstruck text, 0 for normal.


helv36 = tkFont.Font(family="Helvetica",size=36,weight="bold")

X Window Fonts

If you are running under the X Window System, you can use any of the X font names.

For example, the font named "-*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*" is the author's favorite fixed-width font for onscreen use. Use the xfontsel program to help you select pleasing fonts.

