Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 11 May 2019, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

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#import packages
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

#create dataset using DataFrame
f1 = df['X'].values
f2 = df['y'].values
X = np.array(list(zip(f1, f2)))

#centroid points

#plot the given points
colmap = {1: 'r', 2: 'b'}
plt.scatter(f1, f2, color='k')

#for i in centroids():
plt.scatter(C_x[0],C_y[0], color=colmap[1])
plt.scatter(C_x[1],C_y[1], color=colmap[2])

C = np.array(list((C_x, C_y)), dtype=np.float32)
print (C)

#plot given elements with centroid elements
plt.scatter(f1, f2, c='#050505')
plt.scatter(C_x[0], C_y[0], marker='*', s=200, c='r')
plt.scatter(C_x[1], C_y[1], marker='*', s=200, c='b')

#import KMeans class and create object of it
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

#using labels find population around centroid
for i in range(len(labels)):
    if (labels[i]==1):

print('No of population around cluster 2:',count-1)
#Find new centroids
new_centroids = model.cluster_centers_

print('Previous value of m1 and m2 is:')

print('updated value of m1 and m2 is:')

updated value of m1 and m2 is:
M1== [0.2475 0.275 ]
M1== [0.1225 0.765 ]

Accessing Class Attributes in Python

import operator
class Employee:
    empId = 0
    name = "Divya"
    age = 22
    department = "Finance"
    def __init__(self, empId, name, age, department):
      self.empId = empId = name
      self.age = age
      self.department = department
employee1 = Employee(10, "Arjun", 32, "Finance")
employee2 = Employee(5, "Swetha", 29, "HR")
employee3 = Employee(3, "Rithika", 29, "HR")
employee4 = Employee(7, "Sakthi", 30, "Sales")
employee5 = Employee(4, "Rakshitha", 40, "Finance")
employee6 = Employee(1, "Raj", 43, "Production")
employee7 = Employee(2, "Ravi", 45, "Sales")
employee8 = Employee(6, "Radha", 42, "Finance")
employee9 = Employee(8, "Priya", 32, "HR")
employee10 = Employee(9, "Ramya", 32, "HR")

store = {}

def display(list_of_employees):
    for emp in list_of_employees:
        store[emp.empId] = (, emp.age, emp.department)
display([employee1, employee2, employee3, employee4, employee5, employee6, employee7, employee8, employee9, employee10])

empDict =  sorted(store.items(),reverse=True)

for key,val in empDict:
    print "EmpId= ", str(key), ",Name= ",values[0], ",Age= ",values[1], ",Department= ",values[2]

Polinomio de Lagrange - Python

# Hello World program in Python
from math import *

def LagrangePol (datos):
    def L(k, x): 
        out= 1.0
        for i,p in enumerate(datos):
            if i != k:
                out *= (x-p[0])/(datos[k][0]-p[0])
        return out
    def P(x): 
        lag = 0.0
        for k, p in enumerate(datos) :
            lag += p[1]*L(k, x)
        return lag
    return P
datosf =[(2.0,1.0/2.0), (11.0/4.0, 4.0/11.0), (4.0, 1.0/4.0)]
Pf = LagrangePol(datosf)
j =3.0
while j>0.0: 
    if j>0:
        print "\n"+r"-- Polinomio de Lagrange en x=:"+str(j)+"\n"
        print Pf(j)


# Hello World program in Python
from collections import OrderedDict

matrix = [[11, 12, 5, 2], [15, 6, 10, 8], [10, 8, 12, 5], [12,15,8,6]]
bank = {}
for x in range(len(matrix)):
    for y in range(len(matrix[x])):
        harrisValue = matrix[x][y]
        print "x: %d, y: %d is %d" % (x, y, harrisValue)
        if harrisValue in bank:
            bank[harrisValue].append([x, y])
            bank[harrisValue] = [[x, y]]

top3HarrisValues = bank.keys()[-3:]
# print(top3HarrisValues)
topCoord = {}
for key in reversed(top3HarrisValues):
    topCoord[key] = bank[key]

for key in topCoord:
    print key
    print bank[key]

Execute Python Online

str = 'Hello World!'
print str
print str[0]
print str[2:5]
print str[2:]
print str * 2
print str + "TEST"

Execute Python Online

tuple = ( 'abcd', 786, 2.23, 'jonh', 70.2 )
tinytuple  = (123, 'jonh')
print tuple # Prints complete list
print tuple[0] # Prints first element of the list
print tuple[1:3] # Prints elements starting from 2nd till 3rd
print tuple[2:] # Prints elements starting from 3rd element
print tuple * 2 # Prints list two times
print tuple + tinytuple # Prints concatenated lists

Execute Python Online

tuple = ('abcd', 786, 2.23,'john',70.2)   
tinytuple = (123, 'john')
print tuple
print tuple [0]
print tuple [1:3]
print tuple [2:]
print tinytuple *2
print tuple + tinytuple

Execute Python Online

tuple = ( 'abcd', 786 , 2.23, 'john', 70.2 )
tinytuple = (123, 'john')
print tuple # Prints complete list
print tuple[0] # Prints first element of the list
print tuple[1:3] # Prints elements starting from 2nd till 3rd
print tuple[2:] # Prints elements starting from 3rd element
print tuple * 2 # Prints list two times
print tuple + tinytuple # Prints concatenated lists

Execute Python Online

example_input="John is connected to Bryant, Debra, Walter.\
John likes to play The Movie: The Game, The Legend of Corgi, Dinosaur Diner.\
Bryant is connected to Olive, Ollie, Freda, Mercedes.\
Bryant likes to play City Comptroller: The Fiscal Dilemma, Super Mushroom Man.\
Mercedes is connected to Walter, Robin, Bryant.\
Mercedes likes to play The Legend of Corgi, Pirates in Java Island, Seahorse Adventures.\
Olive is connected to John, Ollie.\
Olive likes to play The Legend of Corgi, Starfleet Commander.\
Debra is connected to Walter, Levi, Jennie, Robin.\
Debra likes to play Seven Schemers, Pirates in Java Island, Dwarves and Swords.\
Walter is connected to John, Levi, Bryant.\
Walter likes to play Seahorse Adventures, Ninja Hamsters, Super Mushroom Man.\
Levi is connected to Ollie, John, Walter.\
Levi likes to play The Legend of Corgi, Seven Schemers, City Comptroller: The Fiscal Dilemma.\
Ollie is connected to Mercedes, Freda, Bryant.\
Ollie likes to play Call of Arms, Dwarves and Swords, The Movie: The Game.\
Jennie is connected to Levi, John, Freda, Robin.\
Jennie likes to play Super Mushroom Man, Dinosaur Diner, Call of Arms.\
Robin is connected to Ollie.\
Robin likes to play Call of Arms, Dwarves and Swords.\
Freda is connected to Olive, John, Debra, Thor.\
Freda likes to play Starfleet Commander, Ninja Hamsters, Seahorse Adventures."

##########==========Making the social network structure==========##########
def create_data_structure(string_input):
    if string_input == '':
        return {}
    if string_input == ' ':
        return {}
    network = []
    buffer = []
    social_network = {}
    span = 2
    breakdown = string_input.split('.')
    breakdown = ['.'.join(breakdown[i:i + span]) for i in range(0, len(breakdown), span)]
    for e in breakdown:
        e = e.split('.', 1)
    for f in network:
        g = f[0]
        g = g.split()
        social_network[g[0]] = f
    network = []
    return social_network
##########==========Getting a list of who is connect to whom==========##########
def get_connections(network, user):
    connections = []
    existance = user.split()
    for word in existance:
        if network.has_key(word):
            connections = network[word][0].split(', ')
            first = connections.pop(0)
            first = first.split()
            if connections == ['to']:
                connections = []
            return connections
    #return connections
##########==========Getting a list games a user likes==========##########
def get_games_liked(network,user):
    games_liked = []
    existance = user.split()
    for word in existance:
        if network.has_key(word):
            games_liked = network[word][-1].split(', ')
            games_liked[0] = games_liked[0].split()
            if games_liked == [['likes', 'to', 'play']]:
                return []
            if games_liked[0][0] == 'likes':
            if games_liked[0][0] == 'to':
            if games_liked[0][0] == 'play':
            games_liked[0] = ' '.join(games_liked[0])
            return games_liked
##########==========Adds a connection from one person to another==========##########
def add_connection(network, user_A, user_B):
    apeople = get_connections(network, user_A)
    bperson = get_connections(network, user_B)
    bpeople = user_B.split()
    if apeople == None:
        return False
    if bperson == None:
        return False
        for word in bpeople:
            if network.has_key(word):
                if word in apeople:
                    return 'network unchanged'
    toappend = user_A.split()
    for word in toappend:
        if network.has_key(word):
            tstfor1 = network[word][0]
            tstfor1 = tstfor1.split(' ', 1)
            if tstfor1[-1] == 'is connected to':
                network[word][0] = network[word][0] + ' ' + apeople[-1]
                network[word][0] = network[word][0] + ', ' + apeople[-1]
    return network

##########==========Adds a new user to the social network==========##########
def add_new_user(network, user, games):
    usrchk = user.split()
    person = usrchk[0]
    if network.has_key(person):
        return 'Network Unchanged'
    games = ', '.join(games)
    network[person] = [('%s is connected to' % (person)), ('%s likes to play ' % (person) + games)]
    return network

##########==========Compiles a list of the users secondary connections==========##########
def get_secondary_connections(network, user):
    person = user.split()
    seconds = []
    primaries = get_connections(network, user)
    if primaries == None:
        return None
    for e in primaries:
        e = get_connections(network, e)
        for f in e:
            if f not in seconds and f not in person and f not in primaries:
    return seconds

##########==========Tallies the number of connections that each user has in common==========##########
def count_common_connections(network, user_A, user_B):
    mancount = 0
    agames = get_connections(network,user_A)
    bgames = get_connections(network,user_B)
    if agames == None:
        return False
    if bgames == None:
        return False
    for game in agames:
        if game in bgames:
            mancount = mancount + 1
    return mancount

##########==========makes a path of people from one to a target==========##########    
def find_path_to_friend(network, user_A, user_B):
	path = []
	user_A = user_A.split()
	for word in user_A:
	    if word in network:
	        user_A = word
            return None
	user_B = user_B.split()
	for word in user_B:
	    if word in network:
	        user_B = word
	        return None
	aguys = get_connections(network, user_A)
	if user_B in aguys:
	    for dude in aguys:
	        if dude not in path:
	            nxt = find_path_to_friend(network, dude, user_B)
	            return path + nxt
	return path

##########==========potential friends==========##########
this procedure allows a user to input any game and see other people in the social 
network who like the same game.  
def game_reccomendations(game, network):
    #starts with a blank list
    players = []
    #iterates through each user in the network
    for dude in network:
        #gets games liked for each person
        gamelist = get_games_liked(network, dude)
        #appends player of the game indicated
        for title in gamelist:
            if title == game:
    if players == []:
        return None
    return players

###==========Test code==========###

###==========Don't get rid of this, this is the network==========###
social_network = create_data_structure(example_input)
###==========Don't get rid of this, this is the network==========###
#print social_network

get_connections(social_network, 'Freda is happy Freda')

get_games_liked(social_network, 'is John happy')

add_connection(social_network, 'John is sad', 'Hello Levi')

add_new_user(social_network, 'Thor is connected to Olive, John, Debra.  Freda likes to play Starfleet Commander, Ninja Hamsters, Seahorse Adventures.', ['Ninja Hamsters', 'Super Mushroom Man', 'Dinosaur Diner'])

get_secondary_connections(social_network, 'Here is Freda')

count_common_connections(social_network, 'Olive likes this', 'Bryant man')

find_path_to_friend(social_network, 'My name is John', 'Ollie oil')

game_reccomendations('Mario', social_network)

print []
#udacity tests

network = create_data_structure('')
network = add_new_user(network, 'Alice', [])
network = add_new_user(network, "Bob", [])
network = add_connection(network, 'Alice', 'Bob')
network = add_connection(network, 'Alice', 'Bob')

print network
#print get_connections(network, 'Alice')

Execute Python Online

prvi_dan =233
najvise_krompira=max(prvi_dan, drugi_dan, treci_dan)
print('Prvog dana je prodao krompira:', prvi_dan, 'kg')
print('Drugog dana je prodao krompira:', drugi_dan, 'kg')
print('Treceg dana je prodao krompira:', treci_dan, 'kg')
print('Najvise krompira dnevno je: ', najvise_krompira, 'kg')


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