$(document).ready(function() { $(".Q a").click(function(){ if( $(this).hasClass("true")){ $(this).find("span").addClass("correct"); }else{ $(this).find("span").addClass("wrong"); } $(this).removeAttr("href"); $(this).addClass("selected"); }); $("button span").click(function() { if( $(this).text() == "Show Answer"){ $(this).text('Hide Answer'); }else if( $(this).text() == "Hide Answer"){ $(this).text('Show Answer'); }else if( $(this).text() == "Show Editor"){ $(this).text('Hide Editor'); }else if( $(this).text() == "Hide Editor"){ $(this).text('Show Editor'); } }); if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > 0 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > 0 ){ $('.btn-test').click(function(){ if( $(this).find('a').attr('href') ) { var href = $(this).find('a').attr('href'); var func = href.replace("javascript:",''); setTimeout(func, 0); } }); } }); function showAnswer( id ){ $('#A' + id).slideToggle('slow'); $('#Q' + id + " .true").removeAttr("href"); $('#Q' + id + " .true").addClass("selected"); $('#Q' + id + " .true").find("span").addClass("correct"); } function pad(number, length) { var str = '' + number; while (str.length < length) {str = '0' + str;} return str; } function formatTime(time) { time = time / 10; var min = parseInt(time / 6000), sec = parseInt(time / 100) - (min * 60), hundredths = pad(time - (sec * 100) - (min * 6000), 2); return (min > 0 ? pad(min, 2) : "00") + ":" + pad(sec, 2) + ":" + hundredths; } var incrementTime = 70; var Timer = null; var timeout = 0; function updateTimer() { var timeString = formatTime(currentTime); $('#counter').html(timeString); // If timer is complete, trigger alert if (currentTime == 0 && !timeout) { finishTest(); return; }else{ // Increment timer position currentTime -= incrementTime; if (currentTime < 0) currentTime = 0; } } function finishTest(){ Timer.stop(); $("div.control").addClass( "hide" ); $("#stage").html(""); $("#stage").append("Test is Over"); $("#stage").append("

Test is Over, Click Here to Check the Result

"); timeout = 1; elapsedTime = givenTime - currentTime; $(".middle-col").attr('style', 'height:auto!important'); return; } function checkTestResult(){ $.ajax({ cache: false, url: "https://www.tutorialspoint.com/checkTestResult.php", method:'POST', data: { testID: testID, testURL:testURL, questionMap:questionMap, totalQ:totalQ, elapsedTime: elapsedTime }, success: function( data ) { $( "#stage" ).html( data ); } }); } var selected = 1; function nextQuestion( prefix ){ if( timeout > 0 ){ alert('Given time for online test is over'); return; } $(".Q a").each(function( index ){ if( $(this).hasClass("selected")){ selected = 1; } }); if( !selected ){ alert("Please select an asnwer before proceeding"); return; } if( Timer === null ){ /* Start the timer */ Timer = $.timer(updateTimer, incrementTime, true); } if( currentQ == totalQ ){ alert('You are already at last question'); return; }else{ currentQ++; } /* Get the next question ID */ questionID = questionMap[currentQ].id; $("div.control").removeClass( "hide" ); $("#stage").load(prefix + "/" + questionID + ".htm?QN=" + currentQ, function(){ selected = 0; $("button").addClass( "hide" ); /* Check if its already clicked one */ if( questionMap[currentQ].selected < 10){ $(".Q a").each(function( index ){ if( questionMap[currentQ].selected === index ){ $(this).addClass("selected"); selected = 1; } }); } if( $('.middle-col').height() < $('.sidebar').height() && (window.innerWidth > 991)){ $('.middle-col').css("height", $('.sidebar').height() + 50 ); } if( $('.middle-col').height() < $('#rightbar').height() && (window.innerWidth > 991)){ $('.middle-col').css("height", "1113"); } $(".Q a").click(function(){ /* Get the index of clicked option */ var index = $( ".Q a" ).index( this ); questionMap[currentQ].selected = index; /* Unselect all the options */ $(".Q a").each(function( index ){ if( $(this).hasClass("true")){ /* Note down index of correct answer */ questionMap[currentQ].correct = index; } $(this).removeClass("selected"); }); $(this).addClass("selected"); selected = 1; }); if (timeout) { $("#stage").html(""); $("#stage").append("Time is Over"); $("#stage").append("

Time is Over, Check Result

"); } }); } function previousQuestion( prefix ){ if( timeout > 0 ){ alert('Given time for online test is over'); return; } /* Get the previous question ID */ currentQ--; if( currentQ < 1 ){ currentQ++; alert( "You are already at first question!"); return; } questionID = questionMap[currentQ].id; $("div.pre-btn").removeClass( "hide" ); $("div.nxt-btn").removeClass( "hide" ); $("hr").removeClass( "hide" ); $("#stage").load(prefix + "/" + questionID + ".htm?QN=" + currentQ, function(){ $("button").addClass( "hide" ); /* Check if its already clicked one */ if( questionMap[currentQ].selected < 10 ){ $(".Q a").each(function( index ){ if( questionMap[currentQ].selected === index ){ $(this).addClass("selected"); } }); } $(".Q a").click(function(){ /* Get the index of clicked option */ var index = $( ".Q a" ).index( this ); questionMap[currentQ].selected = index; /* Unselect all the options */ $(".Q a").each(function( index ){ if( $(this).hasClass("true")){ /* Note down index of correct answer */ questionMap[currentQ].correct = index; } $(this).removeClass("selected"); }); $(this).addClass("selected"); }); if (timeout) { $("#stage").html(""); $("#stage").append("Time is Over"); $("#stage").append("

Time is Over, Check Result

"); } }); }