Concatenation Operators in VBScript


VBScript supports the following Concatenation operators −

Assume variable A holds 5 and variable B holds 10 then −

Operator Description Example
+ Adds two Values as Variable Values are Numeric A + B will give 15
& Concatenates two Values A & B will give 510


Try the following example to understand the Concatenation operator available in VBScript −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         Dim a : a = 5
         Dim b : b = 10
         Dim c

         c = a+b 
         Document.write ("Concatenated value:1 is " &c) 'Numeric addition 
         Document.write ("<br></br>")  'Inserting a Line Break for readability
         c = a&b 
         Document.write ("Concatenated value:2 is " &c) 'Concatenate two numbers 
         Document.write ("<br></br>")  'Inserting a Line Break for readability

When you save it as .html and execute it in Internet Explorer, then the above script will produce the following result −

Concatenated value:1 is 15

Concatenated value:2 is 510

Concatenation can also be used for concatenating two strings. Assume variable A="Microsoft" and variable B="VBScript" then −

Operator Description Example
+ Concatenates two Values A + B will give MicrosoftVBScript
& Concatenates two Values A & B will give MicrosoftVBScript


Try the following example to understand the Concatenation operator available in VBScript −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         Dim a : a = "Microsoft"
         Dim b : b = "VBScript"
         Dim c

         c = a+b 
         Document.write ("Concatenated value:1 is " &c) 'Numeric addition 
         Document.write ("<br></br>")  'Inserting a Line Break for readability
         c = a&b 
         Document.write ("Concatenated value:2 is " &c) 'Concatenate two numbers 
         Document.write ("<br></br>")  'Inserting a Line Break for readability

When you save it as .html and execute it in Internet Explorer, then the above script will produce the following result −

Concatenated value:1 is MicrosoftVBScript

Concatenated value:2 is MicrosoftVBScript

