VBScript Erase Function


The Erase Function is used to reset the values of fixed size arrays and free the memory of the dynamic arrays. It behaves depending upon the type of the arrays.


Erase ArrayName
  • Fixed numeric array, each element in an array is reset to Zero.

  • Fixed String array, each element in an array is reset to Zero length " ".

  • Array of Objects, each element in an array is reset to s special value Nothing.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         Dim NumArray(3)
         NumArray(0) = "VBScript"
         NumArray(1) = 1.05
         NumArray(2) = 25
         NumArray(3) = #23/04/2013#

         Dim DynamicArray()
         ReDim DynamicArray(9)   ' Allocate storage space.

         Erase NumArray          ' Each element is reinitialized.
         Erase DynamicArray      ' Free memory used by array.

         ' All values would be erased.
         Document.write("The value at Zeroth index of NumArray is " & NumArray(0) & "<br />")
         Document.write("The value at First index of NumArray is " & NumArray(1) & "<br />")
         Document.write("The value at Second index of NumArray is " & NumArray(2) & "<br />")
         Document.write("The value at Third index of NumArray is " & NumArray(3) & "<br />")


When the above code is saved as .HTML and executed in Internet Explorer, it produces the following result −

The value at Zero index of NumArray is 
The value at First index of NumArray is 
The value at Second index of NumArray is 
The value at Third index of NumArray is 

