VBScript Split Function


A Split Function returns an array that contains a specific number of values split based on a Delimiter.


  • expression, a Required parameter. The String Expression that can contain strings with delimiters.

  • delimiter, an Optional Parameter. The Parameter, which is used to convert into arrays based on a delimiter.

  • count, an Optional Parameter. The number of substrings to be returned, and if specified as -1, then all the substrings are returned.

  • compare, an Optional Parameter. This parameter specifies which comparison method to be used.

    • 0 = vbBinaryCompare - Performs a binary comparison

    • 1 = vbTextCompare - Performs a textual comparison


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         ' Splitting based on delimiter comma '$'
         a = Split("Red $ Blue $ Yellow","$")
         b = ubound(a)
         For i = 0 to b
            document.write("The value of array in " & i & " is :"  & a(i)& "<br />")


When the above code is saved as .HTML and executed in Internet Explorer, it produces the following result−

The value of array in 0 is :Red 
The value of array in 1 is : Blue 
The value of array in 2 is : Yellow

