WPF - Layout Level


Defining a style on any layout level will make it accessible by that layout and its child elements only. Given below is an example of layout level where all the three buttons have common style.

<Window x:Class = "XAMLLayoutLevelStyle.MainWindow" 
   xmlns = "https://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" 
   xmlns:x = "https://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" 
   Title = "MainWindow" Height = "350" Width = "604">
   <StackPanel Margin = "10"> 
         <Style TargetType = "Button"> 
            <Setter Property = "Foreground" Value = "Blue" /> 
            <Setter Property = "FontStyle" Value = "Italic" /> 
            <Setter Property = "Width" Value = "100" /> 
            <Setter Property = "Height" Value = "40" /> 
            <Setter Property = "Margin" Value = "10" /> 
      <Button>Button 1</Button> 
      <Button>Button 2</Button> 
      <Button Foreground = "Blue">Button 3</Button> 

When you compile and execute the above code, it will produce the following window.

Layout Level
