Apache Tajo - Storage Plugins


Tajo supports various storage formats. To register storage plugin configuration, you should add the changes to the configuration file “storage-site.json”.


The structure is defined as follows −

   "storages": { 
      “storage plugin name“: { 
         "handler": "${class name}”, "default-format": “plugin name" 

Each storage instance is identified by URI.

PostgreSQL Storage Handler

Tajo supports PostgreSQL storage handler. It enables user queries to access database objects in PostgreSQL. It is the default storage handler in Tajo so you can easily configure it.


   "spaces": {  
      "postgre": {  
         "uri": "jdbc:postgresql://hostname:port/database1"  
         "configs": {  
            "mapped_database": “sampledb”  
            "connection_properties": { 
               "user":“tajo", "password": "pwd" 

Here, “database1” refers to the postgreSQL database which is mapped to the database “sampledb” in Tajo.
