Current Affairs Mar 2018 - Environment


1 - New species of water strider discovered in Nagaland


A team of scientists from the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) discovered a new species of water strider from Intangki River in Peren district in Nagaland. The species has been named ‘Ptilomera nagalanda Jehamalar and Chandra’ after Nagaland state.

Water striders are a group of insects adapted to life on the surface of water, using surface tension to their advantage. The discovery was published in the science journal Zootaxa.

2 - Global carbon emissions hit record high in 2017


According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), Global energy-related carbon emissions rose to a historic high of 32.5 gigatons in 2017 on account of higher energy demand. Global energy demand rose by 2.1% in 2017.

Asian countries accounted for two thirds of the global increase in emissions. China’s emissions rose by 1.7%. Most major economies saw an increase, but Britain, the United States, Mexico and Japan experienced declines.

3 - Study shows plastic patch in Pacific Ocean growing rapidly

Plastic Patch

According to a scientific report, 79000 tons of plastic debris, in the form of 1.8 trillion pieces, known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, now occupy the Pacific Ocean between California and Hawaii.

The researchers used boats and planes to map this area of the North Pacific, where rotating currents and winds cause marine debris, including plastic, seaweed and plankton, to converge. The study was led by the Ocean Cleanup Foundation and the report was published in the journal Scientific Reports.

4 - Snow leopard population witness a rise

Snow Leopard

The population of endangered snow leopards has witnessed a surge in the Himalayas in the recent times. The wildlife wing of Himachal Pradesh's forest department worked in collaboration with the Nature Conservation Foundation, Mysore (NCF) and carried out research and conservation activities in the Valley.

The wildlife wing of Himachal Pradesh's forest department suggests that the cause of a surge in the population of endangered snow leopards is due to the prey-base available to them. The snow leopard is the state animal of Himachal Pradesh.

5 - Earth Hour observed from 8:30 to 9:30 pm

Earth Hour

Earth Hour was observed from 8:30 to 9:30 pm across the world on 24th March. It is the world's largest grassroots movement for the environment where people around the globe take a stand against climate change by turning off non-essential lights for one hour. It is a global initiative of the World Wide Fund for Nature India or WWF-India.

This year, WWF-India is launching the "Give Up to Give Back" initiative. The campaign includes taking steps like giving up single-use plastics, fossil fuels, e-waste etc.
