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;Question 6
(defun expo (base exp)
( if (eq exp 0)
(* base (expo base (- exp 1)))
(defun fact (n)
(if (= n 0)
(* n (fact (- n 1)))
(defun sin-cos-comp (x n)
(if (or (not(typep n 'integer)) (not (typep x 'integer)))
(return-from sin-cos-comp "Invalid input")
(if (oddp n)
(if (or(<= x -10)(>= x 10))
(print "The value entered for x is not valid")
(setf counter 0)
(if (evenp n)
(setf result 1)
(setf result x)
(if (evenp n)
(loop for i from 1 to (/ n 2)
(if (evenp counter)
(setf result (- result (/ (expo x (* i 2)) (fact (* i 2))) ))
(setf result (+ result (/ (expo x (* i 2)) (fact (* i 2))) ))
(setf counter (+ counter 1))
(loop for i from 1 to (/ (- n 1) 2)
(if (evenp counter)
(setf result (- result (/ (expo x (+ (* i 2) 1)) (fact (+(* i 2) 1)))))
(setf result (+ result (/ (expo x (+ (* i 2) 1)) (fact (+(* i 2) 1)))))
(setf counter (+ counter 1))
(block nil (return result))
(print (sin-cos-comp 8 2))
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