Python Online Quiz


Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Python. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - What is the output for −

'you are doing well' [2:999]

A - 'you are doing well'

B - ' '

C - Index error.

D - 'u are doing well'

Answer : D


Slicing will never give us an error even if we give it too large of an index for the string. It will just return the widest matching slice it can.

Q 2 - What is output of following code −

a = (1, 2)
a[0] +=1

A - (1,1,2)

B - 2

C - Type Error

D - Syntax Error

Answer : C


TypeError − ‘tuple’ object does not support item assignment because a tuple is immutable.

Q 3 - How can we generate random numbers in python using methods?

A - random.uniform ()

B - random.randint()

C - random.random()

D - All of the above

Answer : D


To generate random numbers we import random module and in that module we have these methods/functions.

uniform(x,y) returns a floating number in the range [x,y] random() returns a floating point number in the range [0, 1].

randint(x,y) returns a random integer number in the range [x, y].

Q 4 - How can we check whether the object is instance of class or not. Let us consider an object O which is instance of class B.

A - B.isinstance(O)

B - O.isinstance(B)

C - isinstance(O,B)

D - isinstance(B,O)

Answer : C


isinstance() method is used to find whether the object is instance of class or not.

Q 5 - What is the output of the following code?

import math
   def main():

A - -1

B - None

C - Error

D - Math.pi not defined

Answer : B


None is printed because function does not return the value.

Q 6 - Analyze the given below code?

class Demo: 
   def __init__(self,d): 
   def print(self): 
a = Demo(''Hello'') 

A - You cannot use print(self) as a function name.

B - Program has an error because class A does not have a constructor.

C - Program will print ‘Hello’ if we change print(d) to print(self.d).

D - Syntax Error.

Answer : C


D stores the argument value here. Thus when we call the class ‘‘Hello’’ is passed as an argument which is stored in the variable d.

Q 7 - Which of the function among will return 4 on the set s = {3, 4, 1, 2}?

A - Sum(s)

B - Len(s)

C - Max(s)

D - Four(s)

Answer : B & C.


len(s) returns the length of the set and max(s) returns the maximum value in the set.

Q 8 - Which function can be used on the file to display a dialog for saving a file?

A - Filename = savefilename()

B - Filename = asksavefilename()

C - Fielname = asksaveasfilename()

D - No such option in python.

Answer : C


This is the default method to display a dialog for saving a file in Tkinter module of Python.

Q 9 - Using the pack manager, how you can you put the components in a container in the same row?

A - Component.pack(side= ''LEFT'')

B - Component.pack(''Left '')

C - Component.pack(side=LEFT)

D - Component.pack(Left-side)

Answer : C


It is the default way to do this.

Q 10 - What is the value of a, b, c in the given below code?

a, b = c = 2 + 2, ''TutorialsPoint''

A - a=4, 'TutorialsPoint'

b= 4, 'TutorialsPoint'

c= 4, 'TutorialsPoint'

B - a=2

b= 'TutorialsPoint'

c=4, 'TutorialsPoint'

C - a=4

b= 'TutorialsPoint'

c=4, 'TutorialsPoint'

D - a=4

b= 'TutorialsPoint'

c= NULL.

Answer : C

