Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 11 May 2019, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Go Error Handling

package main

import "errors"
import "fmt"
import "math"

func Sqrt(value float64)(float64, error) {
   if(value < 0){
      return 0, errors.New("Math: negative number passed to Sqrt")
   return math.Sqrt(value), nil
func main() {
   result, err:= Sqrt(-1)

   if err != nil {
   } else {
   result, err = Sqrt(9)

   if err != nil {
   } else {

Go Interfaces

package main

import (

/* define an interface */
type Shape interface {
   area() float64

/* define a circle */
type Circle struct {
   x,y,radius float64

/* define a rectangle */
type Rectangle struct {
   width, height float64

/* define a method for circle (implementation of Shape.area())*/
func(circle Circle) area() float64 {
   return math.Pi * circle.radius * circle.radius

/* define a method for rectangle (implementation of Shape.area())*/
func(rect Rectangle) area() float64 {
   return rect.width * rect.height

/* define a method for shape */
func getArea(shape Shape) float64 {
   return shape.area()

func main() {
   circle := Circle{x:0,y:0,radius:5}
   rectangle := Rectangle {width:10, height:5}
   fmt.Printf("Circle area: %f\n",getArea(circle))
   fmt.Printf("Rectangle area: %f\n",getArea(rectangle))

Go Type Casting

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   var sum int = 17
   var count int = 5
   var mean float32
   mean = float32(sum)/float32(count)
   fmt.Printf("Value of mean : %f\n",mean)

Go Fibonacci Series Using Recursion

package main

import "fmt"

func fibonaci(i int) (ret int) {
   if i == 0 {
      return 0
   if i == 1 {
      return 1
   return fibonaci(i-1) + fibonaci(i-2)
func main() {
   var i int
   for i = 0; i < 10; i++ {
      fmt.Printf("%d ", fibonaci(i))

Go Calculating Factorial Using Recursion

package main

import "fmt"

func factorial(i int)int {
   if(i <= 1) {
      return 1
   return i * factorial(i - 1)
func main() { 
   var i int = 15
   fmt.Printf("Factorial of %d is %d", i, factorial(i))

delete() Function in Go

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {   
   /* create a map*/
   countryCapitalMap := map[string] string {"France":"Paris","Italy":"Rome","Japan":"Tokyo","India":"New Delhi"}
   fmt.Println("Original map")   
   /* print map */
   for country := range countryCapitalMap {
      fmt.Println("Capital of",country,"is",countryCapitalMap[country])
   /* delete an entry */
   fmt.Println("Entry for France is deleted")  
   fmt.Println("Updated map")   
   /* print map */
   for country := range countryCapitalMap {
      fmt.Println("Capital of",country,"is",countryCapitalMap[country])

Go Defining a Map

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   var countryCapitalMap map[string]string
   /* create a map*/
   countryCapitalMap = make(map[string]string)
   /* insert key-value pairs in the map*/
   countryCapitalMap["France"] = "Paris"
   countryCapitalMap["Italy"] = "Rome"
   countryCapitalMap["Japan"] = "Tokyo"
   countryCapitalMap["India"] = "New Delhi"
   /* print map using keys*/
   for country := range countryCapitalMap {
      fmt.Println("Capital of",country,"is",countryCapitalMap[country])
   /* test if entry is present in the map or not*/
   capital, ok := countryCapitalMap["United States"]
   /* if ok is true, entry is present otherwise entry is absent*/
      fmt.Println("Capital of United States is", capital)  
   } else {
      fmt.Println("Capital of United States is not present") 

Go Range

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   /* create a slice */
   numbers := []int{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} 
   /* print the numbers */
   for i:= range numbers {
      fmt.Println("Slice item",i,"is",numbers[i])
   /* create a map*/
   countryCapitalMap := map[string] string {"France":"Paris","Italy":"Rome","Japan":"Tokyo"}
   /* print map using keys*/
   for country := range countryCapitalMap {
      fmt.Println("Capital of",country,"is",countryCapitalMap[country])
   /* print map using key-value*/
   for country,capital := range countryCapitalMap {
      fmt.Println("Capital of",country,"is",capital)

Go ppend() and copy() Functions

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   var numbers []int
   /* append allows nil slice */
   numbers = append(numbers, 0)
   /* add one element to slice*/
   numbers = append(numbers, 1)
   /* add more than one element at a time*/
   numbers = append(numbers, 2,3,4)
   /* create a slice numbers1 with double the capacity of earlier slice*/
   numbers1 := make([]int, len(numbers), (cap(numbers))*2)
   /* copy content of numbers to numbers1 */
func printSlice(x []int){
   fmt.Printf("len=%d cap=%d slice=%v\n",len(x),cap(x),x)

Go Subslicing

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   /* create a slice */
   numbers := []int{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}   
   /* print the original slice */
   fmt.Println("numbers ==", numbers)
   /* print the sub slice starting from index 1(included) to index 4(excluded)*/
   fmt.Println("numbers[1:4] ==", numbers[1:4])
   /* missing lower bound implies 0*/
   fmt.Println("numbers[:3] ==", numbers[:3])
   /* missing upper bound implies len(s)*/
   fmt.Println("numbers[4:] ==", numbers[4:])
   numbers1 := make([]int,0,5)
   /* print the sub slice starting from index 0(included) to index 2(excluded) */
   number2 := numbers[:2]
   /* print the sub slice starting from index 2(included) to index 5(excluded) */
   number3 := numbers[2:5]
func printSlice(x []int){
   fmt.Printf("len = %d cap = %d slice = %v\n", len(x), cap(x),x)


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