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finding third angle

print ("finding the third angle of triangle")
first=float(input("enter the first angle:\n"))
second=float(input("enter the second angle:\n"))
angle= 180 - round(first + second,2)
print ("the third angle is",angle)

Execute Python-3 Online

# Adventure Game Alyssa Farrah Bancale
import random
print("You are lost underground in a maze of tunnels.")
dangerTunnel = random.randint(1,2)
tunnelChoice = int(input("Choose tunnel 1 or tunnel 2: "))


# Hello World program in Python
print ("assesment")
print ("area of a triangle")
A  = float(input("enter angle A in degrees: \n"))
B  = float(input("enter angle B in degrees: \n"))
C  = round(180-A - B ,1)
print ("missing angle is",C,"degrees")


# Hello World program in Python
print ("Assessment")
print ("angles of a triangle")
A = float(input("enter angle A in degrees:\n "))
B = float(input("enter angle B in degrees:\n"))
C = round(180-A - B ,1)
print ("missing angle is",C,"degrees")

Triangle angles

print("Angles of a triangle")
D = float(input("D-A+B\n"))
A = float(input("enter A in degrees\n"))
B = float(input("enter B in degrees\n"))
C = round(A + B - D,1)
print("angle C is",C,"degrees")

Execute Python-3 Online

print("angles of a triangle")
a=float(input("input angle in degrees:\n"))
b=float(input("input angle in degrees:\n"))
if a==b and a==c and b==c:
    print ("this is a equilateral triangle")
elif a==b or a==c or c==b:
    print ("this is a isosceles triangle")
elif a==90 or b==90 or c==90:
        print ("this is a right triangle")
elif a==0 or b==0 or c==0:
    print ("this triangle is incorrect")
    print ("this is a scalene triangle")


# Hello World program in Python
print ("Hello World!");

Execute Python-3 Online

# Hello World program in Python
print("Angles of a triangle...")
a = float(input("Enter angle a in degrees:\n"))
b = float(input("Enter angle b in degrees:\n"))
result = (180 - a - b)
print("Missing number is",result,"degrees")
if angle a == angle b == result:
    print("This is an equilateral triangle")
elif angle a == angle b or angle a == result or angle b == result
    print("This is an isosceles triangle")
elif no angles are the same:
    print("This is a scalene triangle")
else angle a or b or c = 90:
    print("This is a right angle triangle")

kevin word game

#Wacky Word Game program

#Part 1: Request the input words.
first_name = input("Type your name, and select enter: ")
print("Hello " + first_name + ". Let's play a game.")
adjective1 = input("Tell me an adjective, and select enter. ")
noun1 = input("Tell me a noun (plural), and select enter. ")
noun2 = input("Tell me another noun (plural), and select enter. ")
adjective2 = input("Tell me another adjective, and select enter. ")

#Part 2: Print the poem.
print(first_name + "'s Wacky Word Game")
print("Roses are " + adjective1)
print(noun1 + " are blue")
print(noun2 + " are " + adjective2)
print("And so are you!")

Zelle Ch. 6

# Zelle Ch. 6 Exercises

def main():
    print ("No main() defined");

# Ex. 11

def squareEach(nums): # squares each number in list nums
    for index,number in enumerate(nums):
        nums[index] = number ** 2

def main():
    someList = [3, 6, 7, 2, 16, 5]
    print("Original: {}".format(someList))
    print("New: {}".format(someList))

# Ex. 12

def sumList(nums): # returns the sum of the numbers in list nums
    listSum = 0
    for number in nums:
        listSum += number
    return listSum

def main():
    someList = [3, 6, 7, 2, 16, 5] # sum = 39
    print("The total of all the numbers in the list is {}.".format(sumList(someList)))

# Ex. 13

def toNumbers(strList): # list of numbers represented as strings converted to numbers
    for index,string in enumerate(strList):
        strList[index] = float(string)

def main():
    strList = ["23", "1.2345", "-5", "0.6"]
    print("Original: {}".format(strList))
    print("New: {}".format(strList))

# Ex. 14 - Use the functions from the previous three problems to implement a
# program that computes the sum of the squares of numbers read from a file.
# Your program should prompt for a file name and print out the sum of the
# squares of the values in the file.  Hint: Use readlines()

def main():
    fname = "ch6ex14input.txt"
    infile = open(fname,"r")
    numList = infile.readlines()
    # numList = ["2\n","5\n","6\n"] # test string
    print("The sum of the squares of numbers in the input file: {}".format(sumList(numList)))

# Ex. 15 - Write and test a function to meet this specification.
# drawFace(center,size,win) center is a Point, size is an int, and win is a
# GraphWin. Draw a simple face of the given size in win.
# Your function can draw a simple smiley (or grim) face.  Demonstrate the
# function by writing a program that draws several faces of varying size in a
# single window.

from graphics import *

def drawFace(center, size, win):
    faceColor = "yellow"
    face = Circle(center, size)
    # start with a circle for the smile
    smile = Circle(center, 3 * size / 5)
    # mask out the top of the circle to leave an arc
    p1 = Point(center.getX() - 13 * size / 20, center.getY() - 3 * size / 10)
    p2 = Point(center.getX() + 13 * size / 20, center.getY() + 13 * size / 20)
    smileMask = Rectangle(p1,p2)
    # draw the eyes
    p1 = Point(center.getX() - size / 10, center.getY() - size / 5)
    p2 = Point(center.getX() + size / 10, center.getY() + size / 10)
    rightEye = Oval(p1, p2)
    rightEye.move(2 * size / 5, -2 * size / 5)
    leftEye = rightEye.clone()
    leftEye.move(-4 * size / 5, 0)

def main():
    win = GraphWin("Too Many Smileys", 400, 400)
    drawFace(Point(1.1,1.1), 1, win)
    drawFace(Point(4,4), 2, win)
    drawFace(Point(10,10), 4, win)

# Ex. 16 - Use your drawFace function from the previous exercise to write
# a photo anonymizer.  This program allows a user to load an image file (such
# as a PPM or GIF) and to draw cartoon faces over the top of existing faces in
# the photo.  The user first inputs the name of the file containing the image.
# The image is displayed and the user is asked how many faces are to be
# blocked.  The program then enters a loop for the user to click on two points
# for each face: the center and somewhere on the edge of the face (to
# determine the size of the face).  The program should then draw a face in
# that location using the drawFace function.
# Hints: section 4.8.4 describes the image-manipulation methods in the graphics
# library.  Display the image centered in a GraphWin that is the same width and
# height as the image, and draw the graphics into this window.  You can use
# a screen capture utility to save the resulting images.

import math

def main():
#     fname = input("Enter the name of the image file to anonymize: ")
	fname = "104_0703.gif"
	numberOfFaces = 2 
	image = Image(Point(0, 0), fname)
	w = image.getWidth()		# 256
	h = image.getHeight()		# 192
	image.move(w / 2, h / 2)
	win = GraphWin("Anonymize", w, h)
    # now for the fun stuff:
	for i in range(numberOfFaces):
		center = win.getMouse()
		edge = win.getMouse()
		r = math.sqrt((center.getX() - edge.getX()) ** 2 + (center.getY() - edge.getY()) ** 2)
		drawFace(center, r, win)
    # wait before closing

# Ex. 17 - Write a function to meet this specification.
# moveTo(shape,newCenter) shape is a graphics object that supports the getCenter
# method and newCenter is a point. Move shape so that newCenter is its center.
# Use your function to write a pragram that draws a circle and then allows the
# user to click the window 10 times.  Each time the user clicks, the circle
# is moved where the user clicked.

from graphics import *

def moveTo(shape, newCenter):
    dx = newCenter.getX() - shape.getCenter().getX()
    dy = newCenter.getY() - shape.getCenter().getY()
    shape.move(dx, dy)

def changeFillColor(shape, colors):
        colors[0] = (colors[0] + 63) % 256
        colors[1] = (colors[1] + 31) % 256
        colors[2] = (colors[2] + 15) % 256
        shape.setFill(color_rgb(colors[0], colors[1], colors[2]))

def changeOutlineColor(shape, colors):
        colors[0] = (colors[0] + 31) % 256
        colors[1] = (colors[1] + 15) % 256
        colors[2] = (colors[2] + 63) % 256
        shape.setOutline(color_rgb(colors[0], colors[1], colors[2]))

def main():
    winSize = 400
    win = GraphWin("Wandering Circle", winSize, winSize)
    circle = Circle(Point(0,0), 1)
    fillColor = [31, 225, 196]          # "darkviolet"  #9400D3
    outlineColor = [224, 255, 30]       # "deeppink"    #FF1493
    changeFillColor(circle, fillColor)
    changeOutlineColor(circle, outlineColor)
    for i in range(10):
        moveTo(circle, win.getMouse())
        changeFillColor(circle, fillColor)
        changeOutlineColor(circle, outlineColor)

# class Image(GraphicsObject):

#     idCount = 0
#     imageCache = {} # tk photoimages go here to avoid GC while drawn 
#     def __init__(self, p, *pixmap):
#         GraphicsObject.__init__(self, [])
#         self.anchor = p.clone()
#         self.imageId = Image.idCount
#         Image.idCount = Image.idCount + 1
#         if len(pixmap) == 1: # file name provided
#             self.img = tk.PhotoImage(file=pixmap[0], master=_root)
#         else: # width and height provided
#             width, height = pixmap
#             self.img = tk.PhotoImage(master=_root, width=width, height=height)

#     def __repr__(self):
#         return "Image({}, {}, {})".format(self.anchor, self.getWidth(), self.getHeight())
#     def _draw(self, canvas, options):
#         p = self.anchor
#         x,y = canvas.toScreen(p.x,p.y)
#         self.imageCache[self.imageId] = self.img # save a reference  
#         return canvas.create_image(x,y,image=self.img)
#     def _move(self, dx, dy):
#         self.anchor.move(dx,dy)
#     def undraw(self):
#         try:
#             del self.imageCache[self.imageId]  # allow gc of tk photoimage
#         except KeyError:
#             pass
#         GraphicsObject.undraw(self)

#     def getAnchor(self):
#         return self.anchor.clone()
#     def clone(self):
#         other = Image(Point(0,0), 0, 0)
#         other.img = self.img.copy()
#         other.anchor = self.anchor.clone()
#         other.config = self.config.copy()
#         return other

#     def getWidth(self):
#         """Returns the width of the image in pixels"""
#         return self.img.width() 

#     def getHeight(self):
#         """Returns the height of the image in pixels"""
#         return self.img.height()

#     def getPixel(self, x, y):
#         """Returns a list [r,g,b] with the RGB color values for pixel (x,y)
#         r,g,b are in range(256)

#         """
#         value = self.img.get(x,y) 
#         if type(value) ==  type(0):
#             return [value, value, value]
#         elif type(value) == type((0,0,0)):
#             return list(value)
#         else:
#             return list(map(int, value.split())) 

#     def setPixel(self, x, y, color):
#         """Sets pixel (x,y) to the given color
#         """
#         self.img.put("{" + color +"}", (x, y))

#     def save(self, filename):
#         """Saves the pixmap image to filename.
#         The format for the save image is determined from the filname extension.

#         """
#         path, name = os.path.split(filename)
#         ext = name.split(".")[-1]
#         self.img.write( filename, format=ext)



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