Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 11 May 2019, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.


# Hello World program in Python
print ("Hello World!");

pythn bfs

def bfs(graph,start):
    while q:
        if node not in visited:
            for neigh in neighbors:
    return visited



Foundations of Predictive Analytics in Python-2-Chapter 2

# =============================================================================
# Adding predicitve variables
# =============================================================================

''' Adding age '''

# Reference date
reference_date =, 5, 1)

# Add age to the basetable
basetable["age"] = (pd.Series([calculate_age(date_of_birth, reference_date)
                              for date_of_birth in basetable["date_of_birth"]]))

# Calculate mean age

''' Adding the donor segment '''

# basetable
0        98304
1            4
2        32778
...        ...
9488     65524
9489     98293
9490     32759
# segments
      donor_id segment
1379     69844  silver
1191     36363    gold
681      67425  bronze
...        ...     ...
9153     97124  silver
6847     56218  silver
6134     53780  silver

# Add the donor segment to the basetable
# Left join(right join 就只有交集,沒有 NaN)
basetable = pd.merge(basetable, segments, on =["donor_id"], how="left")
      donor_id segment
0        98304     NaN
1            4     NaN
2        32778  bronze
...        ...     ...
9488     65524    gold
9489     98293  silver
9490     32759     NaN

# Count the number of donors in each segment

# Count the number of donors with no segment assigned

''' Adding living place '''

# living_places
       donor_ID start_date   end_date living_place
0         32768 1989-03-25 2000-07-06        India
1         32768 2000-07-06 2099-01-01           UK
2         98305 1954-04-06 1958-08-12          USA
...         ...        ...        ...          ...
28803     32765 1998-03-09 2005-01-30           UK
28804     32765 2005-01-30 2012-11-28           UK
28805     32765 2012-11-28 2099-01-01        India

# Reference date
reference_date =, 5, 1)

# Select living place reference date
living_places_reference_date = living_places[(living_places["start_date"] <= reference_date) & 
                                            (living_places["end_date"] > reference_date)]

# Add living place to the basetable
basetable = pd.merge(basetable, living_places_reference_date[["donor_ID", "living_place"]], on="donor_ID")

# =============================================================================
# Adding aggregated variables
# =============================================================================

''' Maximum value last year '''

# basetable
0         3
1         5
2         6

# gifts
   id       date  amount
0   1 2015-10-16    75.0
1   1 2014-02-11   111.0
2   1 2012-03-28    93.0

# Start and end date of the aggregation period
start_date =, 1, 1)
end_date =, 5, 1)

# Select gifts made in 2017 and before May 1st
gifts_2017 = gifts[(gifts["date"] >= start_date) & (gifts["date"] < end_date)]

# Maximum gift per donor in 2017
gifts_2017_bydonor = gifts_2017.groupby(["id"])["amount"].max().reset_index()
gifts_2017_bydonor.columns = ["donor_ID", "max_amount"]

# Add maximum amount to the basetable
basetable = pd.merge(basetable, gifts_2017_bydonor)

''' Recency of donations '''

# Reference date to calculate the recency
reference_date =, 5, 1)

# Select gifts made before the reference date
gifts_before_reference = gifts[(gifts["date"] < reference_date)]

# Latest gift per donor in 2017
last_gift = gifts_before_reference.groupby(["id"])["date"].max().reset_index()
last_gift["recency"] = reference_date - last_gift["date"]   

# Add recency to the basetable
basetable = pd.merge(basetable, last_gift[["id", "recency"]], how="left")

             id   recency
    0         3  396 days
    1         5  291 days
    2         6  414 days
    ...     ...       ...
    8508  29983       NaT
    8509  29986       NaT
    8510  29991       NaT

# =============================================================================
# Adding evolutions
# =============================================================================

''' Ratio of last month's and last year's average '''

# Given are gifts_last_month (donors who donated last month) and gifts_last_year (donors who donated last year)

# Average gift last month for each donor
average_gift_last_month = gifts_last_month.groupby("id")["amount"].mean().reset_index()
average_gift_last_month.columns = ["donor_ID", "mean_gift_last_month"]

# Average gift last year for each donor
average_gift_last_year = gifts_last_year.groupby("id")["amount"].mean().reset_index()
average_gift_last_year.columns = ["donor_ID", "mean_gift_last_year"]

# Add average gift last month and year to basetable
basetable = pd.merge(basetable, average_gift_last_month, on="donor_ID", how="left")
basetable = pd.merge(basetable, average_gift_last_year, on="donor_ID", how="left")

# Calculate ratio of last month's and last year's average
basetable["ratio_month_year"] = basetable["mean_gift_last_month"] / basetable["mean_gift_last_year"]

''' Absolute difference between two years '''

# Number of gifts in 2016 and 2017 for each donor
gifts_2016_bydonor = gifts_2016.groupby("id")["amount"].count().reset_index()
gifts_2016_bydonor.columns = ["donor_ID", "donations_2016"]
gifts_2017_bydonor = gifts_2017.groupby("id")["amount"].count().reset_index()
gifts_2017_bydonor.columns = ["donor_ID", "donations_2017"]

# Add number of gifts in 2016 and 2017 to the basetable
basetable = pd.merge(basetable, gifts_2016_bydonor, on="donor_ID", how="left")
basetable = pd.merge(basetable, gifts_2017_bydonor, on="donor_ID", how="left")

# Calculate the number of gifts in 2017 minus number of gifts in 2016
basetable["gifts_2017_min_2016"] = basetable["donations_2017"] - basetable["donations_2016"]

# =============================================================================
# Using evolution variables
# =============================================================================

''' Performance of evolution variables '''

# variables_regular   = ["gender_F", "age", "donations_2017"]
# variables_evolution = ["gender_F", "age", "donations_2017_min_2016"]

# Select the evolution variables and fit the model
X_evolution = basetable[variables_evolution], y)

# Make predictions and calculate the AUC
predictions_evolution = logreg.predict_proba(X_evolution)[:,1]
auc_evolution = roc_auc_score(y, predictions_evolution)

# Print the respective AUC values(假設 auc_regular 已經算好了)
print(round(auc_regular, 2))    # 0.6
print(round(auc_evolution, 2))  # 0.7

''' Meaning of evolution: plot the pig table '''

# Discretize the variable in 5 bins and add to the basetable
basetable["donations_2017_min_2016_disc"] = pd.qcut(basetable["donations_2017_min_2016"], 5)

# Construct the predictor insight graph table
pig_table = create_pig_table(basetable, "target", "donations_2017_min_2016_disc")

# Plot the predictor insight graph
plot_pig(pig_table, "donations_2017_min_2016_disc")

Write a function that generates one of 3 numbers according to given probabilities

# Write a function that generates one of 3 numbers according to given probabilities
# Given a function rand(a, b) which generate equiprobable random numbers between [a, b] inclusive. Generate 3 numbers x, y, z with probability P(x), P(y), P(z) such that P(x) + P(y) + P(z) = 1 using the given rand(a, b) function 
# Let the given probabilities be in percentage form, like P(x) = 40%, P(y) = 25%, P(z) = 35%.

# Following steps:
# 1. Generate a random number between 1 to 100. Since they are equiprobable, the probability of each number is 1/100
# 2. Following are some important points to note about generated random number 'r'
    # a. 'r' is smaller than or equal to P(x) with probability P(x) / 100
    # b. 'r' is greater than P(x) and smaller than or equal P(x) + P(y) with P(y) / 100
    # c. 'r' is greater than P(x) + P(y) and smaller than or equal 100 (or P(x) + P(y) + P(z)) with probability P(z) / 100
# This function generates 'x' with probability px/100, 'y' with probability py/100, and 'z' with probability pz/100; Assumption: px + py + pz = 100 where px, py and pz lie between 0 to 100
def random(x, y, z, px, py, pz):
    # Generate a number from 1 to 100
    import random 
    r = random.randint(1, 100)
    # r is smaller than px with probability px/100
    if r <= px:
        return x
    # r is greater than px and smaller than or equal to px+py with probability py/100
    elif r <= px + py:
        return y
    # r is greater than px+py and smaller than or equal to 100 with probability pz/100
        return z

Execute Python-3 Online

# Hello World program in Python
from math import *
    c = log(N,2)
    c= c//1 if c%1==0 else 1 + c//1

infile = open("qbdata.txt", "r")
line = infile.readline()
while line:
    values = line.split()
    print('QB ', values[0], values[1], 'had a rating of ', values[10] )
    line = infile.readline()


part of speech

#discribing the part of speech
adj = ["red", "big", "tasty","annoying"]
noun=["daniel","austrailia","chicken" ]
print ("as you now that a verb is a name")

for x in adj:

Python 3 Os lstat Method

import os, sys

# Open a file
path = "d:\\python3\\foo.txt"
fd = path, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT )

# Close opened file
os.close( fd )

# Now get  the touple
info = os.lstat(path)

print ("File Info :", info)

# Now get uid of the file
print ("UID of the file :%d" % info.st_uid)

# Now get gid of the file
print ("GID of the file :%d" % info.st_gid)

Execute Python-3 Online

import random

# x = random.randint(1, 6)
# y = random.randint(1, 6)

# dice_roll = (x, y)
# print(dice_role)

dice = (random.randint(1, 6), random.randint(1, 6))

Execute Python-3 Online

print = ("area of a triangle")
a=float(input("enter angle in degrees: \n"))
b=float(input("enter angle in degrees: \n"))1
c= round(180-a-b,1)
print ("the answer is ",c, "degrees")
if a==b and b==c and a==c:
    print("this is an equilateral triangle")
    elif a==90 or b==90 or c==90:
        print("this is a right angle triangle")
        elif a==b or b==c or a==c:
            print("this is an isoceles triangle

Execute Python-3 Online

# Hello World program in Python
print ("Hello World!");


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