Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 11 May 2019, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

6.6 16-1A-32 While 2

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        dim NUM() As Integer
        redim Preserve NUM(100)
        dim K As Integer = 0
        While K <= 100
            NUM(K) = K * K
            K = K + 1
        End While
        Console.WriteLine(NUM(3) + NUM(4))
    End Sub
End Module

Compile and Execute VB.Net Online

Module VBModule
    Sub LesOne()
        'Значение переменных A, B, C равны между собой'
        Dim intA, intB, intC As Integer
        intA = intB = intC
    End Sub
    Sub LesTwo()
        'Переменная А (тип Single) содержит целое число'
        Dim sngA As Single
        Dim intB As Integer
        sngA = 5 'если переменная задана точно
        'условие на целое число        
        intB = (sngA mod 1) = 0
        'отбрасывание дробной части при ее наличии
        sngA = sngA\1
    End Sub
    Sub LesThree()
        'Переменная X делится без остатка на Y или на Z (все переменные целочисленные)'
        Dim intX, intY, intZ As Integer
        ((sngX mod intY) = 0) AND ((sngX mod intZ) = 0)
    End Sub
    Sub LesFour()
        'Дата в переменной D (тип Date) относится к весне 2005 года
        Dim dtmD As Date
        Dim dtmA, dtmB As Date
        dtmD = 4/15/2005 'задана точно
        'определена в промежутке
        dtmA = 01/03/2005
        dtmB = 01/06/2005
        If dtmA<=dtmD<dtmB Then
            MsgBox(dtmD & "относится к весне 2005")
            MsgBox(dtmD & "ERROR: дата не относится к весне 2005 года")
        End If
    End Sub
End Module

Compile and Execute VB.Net Online

Module VBModule
 Dim arrays(5) as string
    Sub Main()
        For i As Integer = 0 to 4
        arrays(i) = Console.Readline
        Next i
        For j As Integer = 0 to 4
    End Sub
End Module

VB.Net Function Returning a Value

Module MyFunc

Function MinFunc(ByVal n1 As Integer, ByVal n2 As Integer) AS Integer

Dim Result As Integer

If (n1 < n2) Then
    Result = n1



End if

End Function

Sub Main ()
Dim a, b, c As Integer

a = 30
b = 20
c = MinFunc(a,b)

Console.WriteLine ("The min number is :{0}", c)

End sub

End module

6.2 17-1A-32 If

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        'Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!")
        'dim X As Integer = 20
        'dim Y As Boolean = TRUE
        'dim Z As Boolean = TRUE
        dim X As Integer = 30
        dim Y As Boolean = FALSE
        dim Z As Boolean = FALSE
        'dim X As Integer = 40
        'dim Y As Boolean = FALSE
        'dim Z As Boolean = FALSE
        'dim X As Integer = 50
        'dim Y As Boolean = FALSE
        'dim Z As Boolean = TRUE
        If NOT(X > 30 OR (Y AND Z)) Then
        End If
    End Sub
End Module

VB.Net Variable Initialization

Module variablesNdataypes
   Sub Main()
     Dim num1,num2,num3 As Integer
     Dim average As Decimal
     Console.write("Enter your first number: ")
     num1 = console.readline
     Console.write("Enter your second number: ")
     num2 = console.readline
     Console.write("Enter your third number: ")
     num3 = console.readline
     sum= num1 + num2 + num3
     average = sum/3
     Console.Writeline("sum is: " & sum)
     Console.Writeline("Average is: " & average)
   End Sub
End Module

It's Free and Forever

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        Dim num1,num2 as String
        num1 = InputBox("enter first number")
        num2 = InputBox("enter second number")

        Dim x as new Complex(num1)
        Dim y as new Complex(num2)
        Dim a As Complex = x + y
        a = x-y
        a = x*y
        a = x/y
    End Sub
    Class Complex 
        Dim r,c as Double
         public sub new(rr as Double,cc as Double)
            r = rr
            c = cc
        End sub    
        public sub new(num as String)
            if num.Contains("+j") then
                r = num.Split(new String() { "+j" }, StringSplitOptions.None)(0)
                c = num.Split(new String() { "+j" }, StringSplitOptions.None)(1)
                r = num.Split(new String() { "-j" }, StringSplitOptions.None)(0)
                c = -1 * num.Split(new String() { "-j" }, StringSplitOptions.None)(1)
            end if
        End sub    

        public function conjugate()
            return New Complex(r,-1*c)
        End function
        Public Function print() As String
            Return Me.r & IF(c >= 0,"+","-")& "j"  & System.Math.Abs(Me.c)
        End Function
        Public Shared Operator +(ByVal n1 As Complex, ByVal n2 As Complex) As Complex
            Return New Complex(n1.r + n2.r, n1.c + n2.c)
        End Operator
        Public Shared Operator -(ByVal n1 As Complex, ByVal n2 As Complex) As Complex
            Return New Complex(n1.r - n2.r, n1.c - n2.c)
        End Operator
        Public Shared Operator *(ByVal n1 As Complex, ByVal n2 As Complex) As Complex
            Return New Complex(n1.r * n2.r - n1.c * n2.c, n1.r * n2.c + n1.c * n2.r)
        End Operator
        Public Shared Operator /(ByVal n1 As Complex, ByVal n2 As Complex) As Complex
            Dim t as Complex
            t = n1 * n2.conjugate()
            Return New Complex(t.r/ (n2.c * n2.c + n2.r * n2.r), t.c / (n2.c * n2.c + n2.r * n2.r))
        End Operator
    End Class
End Module

Compile and Execute VB.Net Online

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        Dim number1, number2, sum As Integer
        console.write("Please enter in a number: ")
        number1 = Console.Readline
        Console.Write("Please enter in another number: ")
        Number2 = Consloe.readline
        sum = Number1 + Number2
        Console.writeline(number1 & " + " & Number2 & " = " & sum)
      End Sub
      End Module


Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!")
    End Sub
End Module


Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        Dim z as integer = 10
        Dim y as integer = 20
        Dim x as integer = 30
        Dim w as integer = 40
        Call Addition (z,y)
        Call Subtraction (z,y)
        Call Multiplycation (x,w)
        Call Division (w,y)
        Call Maxnumber (z,y,x,w)
        Call Minnumber (z,y,x,w)
    End Sub
    Sub Addition (ByVal a as integer, ByVal b as integer)
    Dim n as integer
    n = a + b
    End sub
    Sub Subtraction (ByVal a as integer, ByVal b as integer)
    Dim m as integer
    m = b - a
    End sub
    Sub Multiplycation (ByVal a as integer, ByVal b as integer)
    Dim k as integer
    k = a * b 
    End sub
    Sub Division (ByVal a as integer, ByVal b as integer)
    Dim g as integer
    g = a / b
    End sub
    Sub Maxnumber (ByVal a as integer, ByVal b as integer, ByVal c as integer, ByVal d as integer)
    Dim h as integer
    If a > b and a > c and a > d then
    h = a
    Elseif b > a and b > c and b > d then
    h = b
    Elseif c > a and c > b and c > d then
    h = c
    Elseif d > a and d > b and d > c then
    h = d
    End if
    End sub
    Sub Minnumber (ByVal a as integer, ByVal b as integer, ByVal c as integer, ByVal d as integer)
    Dim i as integer
    If b > a and c > a and d > a then
    i = a
    Elseif a > b and c > b and d > b then
    i = b
    Elseif a > c and b > c and d > c then
    i = c
    Elseif a > d and b > d and c > d then
    i = d
    End if 
    End sub
End Module


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