Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 11 May 2019, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

beautyfull website

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!")
    End Sub
End Module 

Sum of array

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim ary(4) As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim i As Integer
ary = New Integer() {1, 2, 2, 3}
For i = 0 To ary.GetUpperBound(0)
j = ary(i) + j
System.Console.Write("The Sum of Array is::")
End Sub
End Module 


Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        dim x, y as integer
        for x = -10 to 101
            for y = 2 to x
                if x mod y = 0 then exit for
            next y
            if x = y then console.writeline (x)
        next x
        'Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!")
    End Sub
End Module


private sub command1_click()
msgbox"welcome to vb"
end sub




Compile and Execute VB.Net Online

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!")
    End Sub
End Module


Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Module DataTypes
   Sub Main()
      Dim b As Byte
      Dim n As Integer
      Dim si As Single
      Dim d As Double
      Dim da As Date
      Dim c As Char
      Dim s As String
      Dim bl As Boolean
      b = 1
      n = 1234567
      si = 0.12345678901234566
      d = 0.12345678901234566
      da = Today
      c = "U"c
      s = "Me"
      If ScriptEngine = "VB" Then
         bl = True
         bl = False
      End If
      If bl Then
         'the oath taking
          Console.Write(c & " and," & s & vbCrLf)
          Console.WriteLine("declaring on the day of: {0}", da)
          Console.WriteLine("We will learn VB.Net seriously")
          Console.WriteLine("Lets see what happens to the floating point variables:")
          Console.WriteLine("The Single: {0}, The Double: {1}", si, d)
      End If
   End Sub

End Module


Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!")
    End Sub
End Module


Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!")
    End Sub
End Module

XYZ company

Option Explicit
     Dim sglHours As Single
     Dim sglHrsOT As Single
     Dim sglHrlyRate As Single
     Dim sglGrossPay As Single
     Dim sglOTPay As Single
     Dim sglSalTotal As Single
     Dim sglSalNet As Single
     Dim sglTax As Single
     Dim sglTaxRate As Single
     Dim strName As String, strProv As String
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
     'Show current date
     lblDate.Caption = Format(Date, " dddd, dd mmmm yyyy")
     lstProv.AddItem "Ontario"
     lstProv.AddItem "Quebec"
     lstProv.AddItem "Manitoba"
     lstProv.AddItem "Nova Scotia"
     ' "Sorted" property of ListBox is set to True
End Sub

Private Sub ClearAll()
    'Initialize strings with ""
    ' and numeric with 0
    txtName.Text = ""
    txtHrlyRate.Text = 0
    txtHours.Text = 0
    lblTax.Caption = ""
    lblSalGross.Caption = ""
    lblSalNet.Caption = ""
    lblOTHrs = ""
    lblHrsReg = ""
    lblSalOT = ""
    lblTaxRate = ""
    sglGrossPay = 0
    sglOTPay = 0
    sglSalNet = 0
    sglSalTotal = 0
    sglHrsOT = 0
    lstProv.ListIndex = -1  'means no item in list is selected
End Sub

Private Sub lblDate_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub mnuCenter_Click()
    'Me refers to current active form
    Me.Width = 6500
    Me.Height = 7000
    Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2
    Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
End Sub

Private Sub mnuForm2_Click()
    Load frmPay2
End Sub

Private Sub mnuPrint_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub mnuMax_Click()
    Me.WindowState = 2
End Sub

Private Sub mnuRestore_Click()
    Me.WindowState = 0
End Sub

Private Sub txtName_Change()
    strName = txtName.Text
End Sub

Private Sub txtName_GotFocus()
End Sub

Private Sub txtHours_Change()
    If Not IsNumeric(txtHours.Text) Then
        MsgBox ("Must be numeric!")
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub txtHours_GotFocus()
End Sub

Private Sub txtHrlyRate_Change()
    If Not IsNumeric(txtHrlyRate.Text) Then
        MsgBox ("Must be numeric!")
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtHrlyRate_GotFocus()
End Sub

Private Sub txtHrlyRate_Validate(Cancel As Boolean)
    If txtHrlyRate < 1 Or txtHrlyRate > 50 Then
        MsgBox ("Hourly rate must be between 1 and 50")
        Cancel = True
        'cancel = true keeps cursor in textbox
        'until valid value is input
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub txtHours_Validate(Cancel As Boolean)
    If txtHours < 1 Or txtHours > 100 Then
        MsgBox ("Hours must be between 1 and 100")
        Cancel = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub lstProv_Click()
    strProv = lstProv.Text
    'Whenever possible, use Select Case instead of If...Then...Else
    Select Case strProv
        Case "Ontario"
            sglTaxRate = 0.3
        Case "Quebec"
            sglTaxRate = 0.28
        Case Else
            sglTaxRate = 0.33
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub cmdCalc_Click()
    If txtName.Text = "" Then
        MsgBox ("You must enter an employee name")
        txtName.SetFocus   'put cursor in textbox
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If txtHours.Text = 0 Then
        MsgBox ("Enter the hours, between 1 and 100")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If txtHrlyRate.Text = 0 Then
        MsgBox ("Enter the hourly rate, between 1 and 50")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    sglHrlyRate = txtHrlyRate.Text
    sglHours = txtHours.Text
    sglGrossPay = sglHours * sglHrlyRate
    'Overtime pay is calculated at 1.5 * hourly rate
    'for all hours over 40
    If sglHours > 40 Then
        sglGrossPay = 40 * sglHrlyRate
        sglHrsOT = sglHours - 40
        sglHours = 40
        sglOTPay = sglHrsOT * sglHrlyRate * 1.5
    End If
    sglSalTotal = sglGrossPay + sglOTPay
    sglTax = sglSalTotal * sglTaxRate
    sglSalNet = sglSalTotal - sglTax
    lblHrsReg.Caption = Format(sglHours, "#0.00")
    lblSalGross.Caption = Format(sglGrossPay, "currency")
    lblSalOT.Caption = Format(sglOTPay, "currency")
    lblOTHrs.Caption = Format(sglHrsOT, "#0.00")
    lblTax.Caption = Format(sglTax, "currency")
    lblSalNet.Caption = Format(sglSalNet, "currency")
    lblTaxRate.Caption = Format(sglTaxRate, "percent")
End Sub

Private Sub FocusIn()
    ActiveControl.SelStart = 0
    ActiveControl.SelLength = Len(ActiveControl.Text)
End Sub


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