Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 11 May 2019, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Fortran Arithmetic Operators

program arithmeticOp

! this program performs arithmetic calculation
implicit none  

   ! variable declaration
   integer :: a, b, c
   ! assigning values 
   a = 5   
   b = 3  
   ! Exponentiation 
   c = a ** b 
   ! output 
   print *, "c = ", c
   ! Multiplication  
   c = a * b 
   ! output 
   print *, "c = ", c
   ! Division  
   c = a / b 
   ! output 
   print *, "c = ", c
   ! Addition
   c = a + b 
   ! output 
   print *, "c = ", c
   ! Subtraction 
   c = a - b 
   ! output 
   print *, "c = ", c
end program arithmeticOp

Fortran Constants

program gravitationalDisp

! this program calculates vertical motion under gravity 
implicit none  

   ! gravitational acceleration
   real, parameter :: g = 9.81   
   ! variable declaration
   real :: s ! displacement   
   real :: t ! time  
   real :: u ! initial speed  
   ! assigning values 
   t = 5.0   
   u = 50  
   ! displacement   
   s = u * t - g * (t**2) / 2  
   ! output 
   print *, "Time = ", t
   print *, 'Displacement = ',s  
end program gravitationalDisp

Fortran Variables

program variableTesting
implicit none

   ! declaring variables
   integer :: total      
   real :: average 
   complex :: cx  
   logical :: done 
   character(len=80) :: message ! a string of 80 characters
   !assigning values
   total = 20000  
   average = 1666.67   
   done = .true.   
   message = "A big Hello from Tutorials Point" 
   cx = (3.0, 5.0) ! cx = 3.0 + 5.0i

   Print *, total
   Print *, average
   Print *, cx
   Print *, done
   Print *, message
end program variableTesting

Fortran Real Type

program division   
implicit none  

   ! Define real variables   
   real :: p, q, realRes 
   ! Define integer variables  
   integer :: i, j, intRes  
   ! Assigning  values   
   p = 2.0 
   q = 3.0    
   i = 2 
   j = 3  
   ! floating point division
   realRes = p/q  
   intRes = i/j
   print *, realRes
   print *, intRes
end program division

Fortran huge()

program testingInt
implicit none

   !two byte integer
   integer(kind = 2) :: shortval
   !four byte integer
   integer(kind = 4) :: longval
   !eight byte integer
   integer(kind = 8) :: verylongval
   !sixteen byte integer
   integer(kind = 16) :: veryverylongval
   !default integer 
   integer :: defval
   print *, huge(shortval)
   print *, huge(longval)
   print *, huge(verylongval)
   print *, huge(veryverylongval)
   print *, huge(defval)
end program testingInt

Fortran Integer Type

program testingInt
implicit none

   integer :: largeval
   print *, huge(largeval)
end program testingInt

A Simple Program in Fortran

program addNumbers

! This simple program adds two numbers
   implicit none
! Type declarations
   real :: a, b, result
! Executable statements 
   a = 12.0
   b = 15.0
   result = a + b
   print *, 'The total is ', result
end program addNumbers


module integration_library
  implicit none
  function calculatex (x)
    double precision :: calculatex
    double precision, intent (in) :: x
    calculatex = x **4 * log(x + (x**2 + 1)**0.5 )
  end function

  function area (y1,y2,dx)
    double precision :: area
    double precision, intent (in) :: y1,y2,dx
    area = ((y1 + y2) * dx) / 2.0
  end function
end module integration_library

program integration
  use integration_library, only:calculatex,area
  implicit none
  double precision :: a,b,r,y1,y2,dx
  integer :: i,n
  10 format(a,1x,f20.10)
  read (*,*) a
  read (*,*) b
  read (*,*) n
  dx = (b-a) / n
  r = 0
  do i=1,n
    y1 = calculatex (a + ((i-1) * dx))
    y2 = calculatex (a + (i * dx))
    r = r + area(y1,y2,dx)
  end do
  write(*,10) 'area =', r
end program


program external_function
  implicit none
  double precision :: x,myexp
  read(*,*) x
  10 format(a,1x,f6.2,a,1x,f20.10)
  20 format(a,1x,f20.10)
  write(*,10) '       exp(',x,') =',exp(x)
  write(*,10) '  myexpval(',x,') =',myexp(x)
  write(*,20) '         difference =',exp(x)  - myexp(x)
end program external_function

function myexp(x)
  double precision,intent(in) :: x
  double precision :: myexp,e,nfact
  integer :: i,n
  n = 12
  e = 0
  nfact = 1
  do i = 0,n
    if (i > 1) nfact = nfact * i
    e = e + ((x ** i) / nfact)
  end do
  myexp = e
end function myexp

program Datos !Programado por Luis Angel Carmona Ontiveros, tremendo ídolo de ídolos implicit none integer tam, i, j, temp, opcion integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: num print *,"Inserta la cantid

program Datos

        !Programado por Luis Angel Carmona Ontiveros, tremendo ídolo de ídolos

      implicit none
      integer tam, i, j, temp, opcion
      integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: num

      print *,"Inserta la cantidad de numeros a usar"
      read(*, "(i2)") tam

      allocate (num(tam))

      do while (opcion /= 4)

      print *,"Ordenador:"
      print *,"1.- Ingresar valores"
      print *,"2.- Ordenar de Menor a Mayor"
      print *,"3.- Ordenar de Mayor a Menor"
      print *,"4.- Salir del programa"
      read(*, "(i1)") opcion

      select case (opcion)


               print *,"Ingrese los numeros:"
               do i=1,tam
               read(*, "(i3)") num(i)
               end do


               do i=1,tam
               do j=i+1,tam

               if(num(i)>num(j)) then
                        temp = num(i)
                        num(i) = num(j)
                        num(j) = temp

               end do
               end do

               print *,"Lista ordenada Menor a Mayor:"
               do i=1,tam
               print *, num(i)
               end do


               do i=1,tam
               do j=i+1,tam

               if(num(i)<num(j)) then
                       temp = num(i)
                       num(i) = num(j)
                       num(j) = temp

               end do
               end do

               print *,"Lista ordenada Mayor a Menor"
               do i=1,tam
               print *, num(i)
               end do

       end select

       end do

      end program Datos


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