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Execute LISP Online

;Assignment 1 - LISP assignment
;Nikolas Kukert
;CSCI 372 - Brian Slator, Ph.D.

(defun MY-DOUBLE-ODD (lis)

(cond ((null lis) nil) ;terminal base case of empty list

((eq (rem (car lis) 2) 0) ;check for evenness

(cons (car lis) (my-double-odd(cdr lis))));move on past even number

(t (cons (* 2 (car lis)) (my-double-odd(cdr lis)))));double odd number and move on to next

) ;end function

;a function to double odd numbers and leave even numbers unchanged
(defun doubleodd (x)
(cond ((eq (rem x 2) 0) ;check for evenness
(setq x x)) ;move on past even number
(t (setq x (* x 2) )) ;double odd number and move on to next
) ;end of conditional statement

;a function to double all of the odd numbers in a list
(defun MY-NR-DOUBLE-ODD (lis)
(mapcar #'doubleodd lis) ;iteratively call the doubleodd function on each of the elements in the list
) ;end function

(defun COUNTNUM (lis)
(cond ((null lis) 0) ;return 0 if list is empty

(t (+ 1 (COUNTNUM (cdr lis))))) ;add one and recursively call countnum on the remainder of the list


(defun NUMSUM (lis)
(cond ((null lis) 0) ;return 0 if list is empty

(t (setq x (car lis)) ;set atom to car of list
    (+ x (numsum (cdr lis)))) ;add recursive call to numsum to atom x, repeating until list is empty

);end function

(defun MYAVERAGE (lis)
(cond ((null lis) "Empty list")
(t(/ (numsum lis) (countnum lis)))) ;divide sum of values by count of values

(defun MY-LENGTH (lis)
(setq x 0) ;set counter to 0
(dolist (i lis) ;iterate through the list
(setq x (+ x 1)) ;count once for each iteration
(setq ret x) ;return count

(defun WHICH-LONG (lis1 lis2)
(setq x 0) ;sets value for return
(setq first (my-length lis1)) ;get length of first list
(setq second (my-length lis2)) ;get length of second list
((= first second) (setq x(+ first second))) ;return sum of lengths if equal
((> first second) (setq x first)) ;return length of first if first is longer
(t(setq x second))) ;return length of second if second is longer

(format t "my-double-odd '(1 2 3 4 5 6) returns ~S~%" (my-double-odd '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
(format t "boundary case of '(0 0 0 0 0) returns ~S~%" (my-double-odd '(0 0 0 0 0)))
(format t "boundary case of '(-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6) returns ~S~%"  (my-double-odd '(-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6)))

(format t "my-nr-double-odd '(1 2 3 4 5 6) returns ~S~%" (my-nr-double-odd '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
(format t "boundary case of '(0 0 0 0 0) returns ~S~%" (my-nr-double-odd '(0 0 0 0 0)))
(format t "boundary case of '(-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6) returns ~S~%" (my-nr-double-odd '(-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6)))

(format t "countnum '(1 2 3 4 5) returns ~S~%" (countnum '(1 2 3 4 5)))
(format t "boundary case of '() returns ~S~%" (countnum '()))

(format t "numsum '(1 2 3 4 5) returns ~S~%" (numsum '(1 2 3 4 5)))
(format t "boundary case of '() returns ~S~%" (numsum '()))

(format t "boundary case of '(-1 -2 -3 -4 -5) returns ~S~%" (numsum '(-1 -2 -3 -4 -5)))

(format t "myaverage '(1 2 3 4 5) returns ~S~%" (myaverage '(1 2 3 4 5)))
(format t "boundary case of '() returns ~S~%" (myaverage '()))

(format t "my-length '(1 0 -50 400 9) returns ~S~%" (my-length '(1 0 -50 400 9)))
(format t "boundary case of '() returns ~S~%" (my-length'()))

(format t "which long '(1 2 3) '(7 8 9 10) returns ~S~%" (which-long '(1 2 3) '(7 8 9 10)))
(format t "boundary case of equal lists returns the sum of the lengths, ~S~%" (which-long '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))

kivetelek (e.n.)

(make-package :tom)
(make-package :dick)
(make-package :harry)
(in-package tom)
(defun szia()
(write-line "sziaaaa"))
(in-package dick)
(defun szia()
(write-line "see yaa"))
(in-package harry)
(defun szia ()
(Write-line "si ia"))
(in-package tom)
(in-package dick)
(in-package harry)
(delete-package tom);itt a törlés
(in-package tom)


(defun sumsqr(x y)
(write(+(* x x)(* y y))))
(sumsqr 2 3)


;Copyright (c) 2014 Godly T.Alias
;returns the quantity in first jug
(defun get-first-jug (state) (car state))
;returns the quantity in second jug
(defun get-second-jug (state) (cadr state))
;returns the state of two jugs
(defun get-state (f s) (list f s))
;checks whether a given state is a goal
(defun is-goal (state)
    (eq (get-second-jug state) 4))
;returns all possible states that can be derived
;from a given state
(defun child-states (state)
     (fill-first-jug state)
     (fill-second-jug state)
     (pour-first-second state)
     (pour-second-first state)
     (empty-first-jug state)
     (empty-second-jug state))))
;remove the null states
(defun remove-null (x)
 ((null x) nil)
 ((null (car x)) (remove-null (cdr x)))
 ((cons (car x) (remove-null (cdr x))))))
;return the state when the first jug is filled (first jug can hold 3)
(defun fill-first-jug (state)
 ((< (get-first-jug state) 3) (get-state 3 (get-second-jug state)))))
;returns the state when the second jug is filled (second jug can hold 5)
(defun fill-second-jug (state)
 ((< (get-second-jug state) 5) (get-state (get-first-jug state) 5))))
;returns the state when quantity in first
;is poured to second jug
(defun pour-first-second (state)
    (let (   (f (get-first-jug state))
      (s (get-second-jug state)))
     ((zerop f) nil)  ; first jug is empty
     ((= s 5) nil)  ; Second jug is full
     ((<= (+ f s) 5) 
  (get-state 0 (+ f s)))
     (t    ; pour to first from second
  (get-state (- (+ f s) 5) 5)))))
;returns the state when second jug is poured to first
(defun pour-second-first (state)
    (let (   (f (get-first-jug state))
      (s (get-second-jug state)))
     ((zerop s) nil)  ; second jug is empty
     ((= f 3) nil)  ; second jug is full     
     ((<= (+ f s) 3) 
  (get-state (+ f s) 0))     
     (t    ;pour to second from first
  (get-state 3 (- (+ f s) 3))))))
;returns the state when first jug is emptied
(defun empty-first-jug (state)
 ((> (get-first-jug state) 0) (get-state 0 (get-second-jug state)))))
;returns the state when second jug is emptied
(defun empty-second-jug (state)
 ((> (get-second-jug state) 0) (get-state (get-first-jug state) 0))))
(defun dfs (start-state depth lmt)
    (setf *node* 0)
    (setf *limit* lmt)
    (dfs-node start-state depth)
;dfs-node expands a node and calls dfs-children to recurse on it
(defun dfs-node (state depth)
    (setf *node* (+ 1 *node*))
 ((is-goal state) (list state))
 ((zerop depth) nil)
 ((> *node* *limit*) nil)
 ((let ((goal-child (dfs-children (child-states state) (- depth 1))))
   (and goal-child (cons state goal-child)))) ;for back-tracking if the branch don't have a goal state
;dfs-children expands each node recursively and give it
;to dfs-node to process
(defun dfs-children (states depth)
 ((null states) nil)
 ((dfs-node (car states) depth))
 ((dfs-children (cdr states) depth))))
(print "(dfs start_state depth limit)")


(write-line "Hello World")


; TASK 1 

    ( LIST (CAR X) (CAR Y) (CAR Z)))
`(1 56 98 52) 
`(T 2 3 4 Y H)))

; TASK 2

        (NTH 4 X) 
        (NTH 2 Y) 
        (NTH 1 Z)))
(PRINT(FUNC1 `(PRIM SD FLAG() (GHG)) `(1 56 98 52) `(T 2 3 4 Y H)))


          ( T (CONS (CAR X) (CDDR X)))))

(PRINT(FUNC2 '( D 1 2 3 4 E)))
(PRINT(FUNC2 '( (D) 1 2 3 4 E)))

Execute LISP Online

(write-line "Hello World")


(defun duplazd()
(princ "írj egy számot")
(setq szam (read))
;vesszős törtet is írhatsz
(setq dupla (* 2 szam))
(princ "a szám = ")
(write szam)
(princ "a duplája = ")
(write dupla))

Execute LISP Online

;SUM = X * (1 + p*d/y)n

;X - начальная сумма;
;% - процентная ставка, процентов годовых /100;
;n - количество периодов, лет (месяцев, кварталов).
; p - процентная ставка (процентов годовых / 100) по вкладу, 
;например, если ставка 10,5%, то p = 10,5 / 100 = 0,105;
;d - период (количество дней), по итогам которого происходит капитализация (начисляются проценты),
;например, если капитализация ежемесячная, то d = 30 дней
;если капитализация раз в 3 месяца, то d = 90 дней;
;y - количество дней в календарном году (365 или 366).

(defun bank_proc (p d y)(* (procent p) (/ d y)))
(defun procent (p)(/ p 100.0))
(defun complex_proc (summa stavka nperiodov kapital dneyvgodu) 
    (* summa (expt (+ 1 (bank_proc stavka kapital dneyvgodu)) nperiodov))
(write ( complex_proc 2250000.0 4.39 1 181 365 ))


(setq tabl (make-hash-table))
(setf (gethash '001 tabl) '(Charlie Brown))
(setf (gethash '002 tabl) '(Freddie Seal))
(setf (gethash '003 tabl)'(Mama Mongoose))
(maphash #'(lambda (a b) (format t "~a => ~a~%" a b))tabl)
; szóval a maphash-el lehet csináltatni dolgokat a kulcs-érték párokkal\
; #' ezután kell egy funkció, ami itt lambda, tehát nem kell defun
; a hozzárendelt két változó sorban a kulcs és az érték\
; itt tehát kiírja a kulcsot, majd ezt: =>, majd kiírja az értéket, s aztán
; ~% - ez azt jelenti, hogy új sor


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