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Execute LISP Online

;Question 6
(defun expo (base exp)
    ( if (eq exp 0) 
        (* base (expo base (- exp 1))) 

(defun fact (n)
    (if (= n 0)
      (* n (fact (- n 1))) 

(defun sin-cos-comp  (x n)
    (if (or (not(typep n 'integer)) (not (typep x 'integer)))
        (return-from sin-cos-comp "Invalid input")

    (if (oddp n) 
        (if (or(<= x -10)(>= x 10))
            (print "The value entered for x is not valid")

    (setf counter 0)
    (if (evenp n)
        (setf result 1)
        (setf result x)

    (if (evenp n)
            (loop for i from 1 to (/ n 2)
                    (if (evenp counter)
                        (setf result (- result (/ (expo x (* i 2)) (fact (* i 2))) ))
                        (setf result (+ result (/ (expo x (* i 2)) (fact (* i 2))) ))
                (setf counter (+ counter 1))
            (loop for i from 1 to (/ (- n 1) 2)
                    (if (evenp counter)
                        (setf result (- result (/ (expo x (+ (* i 2) 1)) (fact (+(* i 2) 1)))))
                        (setf result (+ result (/ (expo x (+ (* i 2) 1)) (fact (+(* i 2) 1)))))
                (setf counter (+ counter 1))
    (block nil (return result))

(print (sin-cos-comp 8 2))

Execute LISP Online

;; A simple LISP interpreter written by Dr Klefstad for ICS 141 at UCI
;; Of course, I deleted lots of it to let you learn more about evaluation.

;; my-assoc returns the association (binding) of a variable in the association
;; list.  An alist is a list of this form:
;; ((var1 . val1) (var2 . val2) ... (varN . valN))
;; where each vari is a symbol representing a variable (or parameter) name
;; and each vali is the value of the variable.
;; assoc returns the association of a given symbol, e.g,
;; (assoc 'myvar '((a . 10)(b a b c)(myvar d e f)))
;; returns (myvar d e f) and you take the cdr of that to get myvar's value
;; (d e f)
;; We will use alists for the stack of variables and their values.  Assoc
;; always finds the first association of a variable, and this is how we
;; implement dynamic scoping.  New defintions of a variable will hide older
;; definitions, but the older definitions will come back into scope when
;; recursive evaluation unwinds.
;; setq and defun will push a new association on the global-alist.
;; whenever we apply a function, we will bind the formals to the evaluated
;; actuals pushing these new bindings onto the local alist and then
;; evaluate the body of the function in that new scoping context.

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-assoc (v alist)
        ((null alist) nil)
        ((eq v (car (car alist))) (car alist))
        (t (my-assoc v (cdr alist)))

;; This one is done
(defun my-eval (e alist)
    ; (write " in my-eval ")
    (cond ((atom e) (my-eval-atom e alist))
          (t (my-apply (car e) (cdr e) alist))

(defun my-eval-atom (e alist)
        ((null e) nil)
        ((symbolp e) (cdr (my-assoc e alist)))
        (t e)

;; This one is done, but you must write the functions it calls
(defun my-apply (fn args alist)
    ; (write "in my-apply")
    (cond ((atom fn) (my-apply-atom fn args alist))
          ( t (my-apply-lambda fn args alist)))

(defun my-eval-list (l alist)
        ((null (cdr l)) (my-eval (car l) alist))
        (t (my-eval (car l) alist) (my-eval-list (cdr l) alist))

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-apply-lambda (fn args alist)
    ; (write "in lambda!")
    (write fn)
    (write args)
    (write alist)
    (write-line "")
    (my-eval-list fn (my-bind-formals fn alist) args alist)
;; bind the formals to the evaluated actuals then evaluate the body in that
;; new scoping context (i.e., that becomes the new alist for recursive
;; evaluation of the function body.  Return the value of the last 
;; expression in the body (using eval-list).

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-bind-formals (formals actuals alist)
        ((null (car formals)) alist)
        ((null (car actuals)) alist)
        (t (my-bind-formals (cdr formals) (cdr actuals) (cons (cons (car formals) (my-eval (car actuals) alist)) alist)))
;; This takes a list of formals and unevaluated actuals.  It should evaluate
;; each actual and bind it to its corresponding formal placing them all on
;; the front of the alist.  It should return the alist with the new bindings
;; on the front.  This will be used to evaluate calls to functions defined
;; via defun.
;; e.g., (my-bind-formals '(a) '((add 1 b)) '((b . 10)))
;; will return ((a . 11) (b . 10))
;; Note there will be one actual parameter for each formal parameter.

(defun my-apply-atom (fn args alist)
    ; (write "in my-apply-atom")
    (write args)
        ((eq fn 'eq)
           (eq (my-eval (car args) alist) (my-eval (cadr args) alist)))
          ;; I wrote the first one, eq, for you, you write the rest
          ((eq fn 'car)
            (car args)
          ((eq fn 'cdr)
            (cdr args)
          ((eq fn 'cons)
            (cons (car args) (cdr args))
          ((eq fn 'quote)
          ((eq fn 'setq) (my-eval-setq (car args) (cadr args)))
          ;; these are (nearly) done, but you must write the sub-functions
          ((eq fn 'cond) (my-eval-cond args alist))
          ((eq fn 'defun) (my-eval-defun args alist))
          ((eq fn 'eval) (my-eval (my-eval (car args) alist) alist))
          (T (my-apply (my-assoc fn alist) args alist))

(defun my-eval-setq (var val)
   (setq global-alist (cons (cons var val) global-alist))

;; You need to write this one.  You should know how cond works at this point.
(defun my-eval-cond (clauses alist)
    (write "in cond")

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-eval-defun (body alist)
    (write "in defun")
    (my-eval-setq (car body) (cdr body))
;; just push the function body onto the global alist.  It is already an
;; association, e.g., (equal (L1 L2) (cond (...))) and (assoc 'equal in
;; the global alist will return this.  You can then take the cdr and you
;; have a list containing the formal parameters and the expressions in
;; the function body.

;; This one is done, it just initializes the global alist where global
;; settings, like those defined via setq and defun, go.
(setq global-alist nil)
;; to push a new value, (setq global-alist (cons (cons 'newvar 'newval) global-alist))

;; This one is done, it will become the new top-level for LISP.  After you
;; load this file, call (my-top) and then you can type in expressions and
;; define and call functions to test your my-eval.
(defun my-top ()
    (prog ()
        top (print (my-eval (read) global-alist))
            (terpri) ;; prints a newline
            (go top) ;; loops forever

; (setq x 4)
; (write x)
; (defun X (A) A)
(defun X (A) A)
( X ' B )

; (write (MY-APPLY-LAMBDA 'X '((QUOTE B)) '((A . B) (X (A) A)) ))
; (write (MY-EVAL-LIST '(A) '((A . B) (X (A) A))))
; (write (my-eval '(eq 10 b) '((b . 10))))
; (write (my-bind-formals '(a) '((eq 10 b)) '((b . 10))))
; (write (my-eval-list '(10 x 8) global-alist))
; (write (my-eval-setq 'A 10))
; (write (my-apply-atom 'setq '(A 10) '(a )))
; (write (my-apply-atom 'quote '(a b c) '(a)))

Execute LISP Online

(defun distance(p1 p2)

    (setf x1 (car(p1)))
    (setf x2 (car(p2)))
    (setf y1 (cdr(p1)))
    (setf y2 (cdr(p2)))
    (sqrt (+  (* (- x1 x2) (- x1 x2))  (* (- y1 y2) (- y1 y2)) ) )


(funcall 'distance (3 3) (2 2)))

Execute LISP Online

(defun triprint (n)
    (if (integerp n)
        (loop for a from 1 to n
             do (
                 loop for b from 1 to a 
                 do (write b)
                 (if (= b a)
                 (write-line ""))
   ( else (write-line "Incorrect input; please enter an integer value"))
(funcall 'triprint '3)

Execute LISP Online

(defun triangle (a)
        ((stringp a)
            (format t "strings are not valid input, please enter an integer")
        ((not (numberp a))
            (format t "please enter an integer greater or equal to 1")
        ((and (> a 0) (integerp a))
            (dotimes (row a)
                (print 1)
                (if (> a 1)
                    (dotimes (column row)
                        (write (+ column 2))
                        (format t " ")
        ((and (< a 1) (integerp a))
            (format t "integers less than 1 are not valid input, please enter an integer greater or equal to 1")
        ((numberp a) 
            (format t "decimal numbers are not valid input, please enter an integer")
(triangle 'a)

Sin - Cos - Calculator

(defun sin-cos-comp (x n)
    (if (and (integerp x) (integerp n))
        (if (oddp n)
            (if (and (< -10 x) (< x 10))
                (print (series x n 1 2 0))
                (print "X has to be between -10 and 10")
            (print (series x n 0 2 0))
        (print "X and N must be integers")

(defun series (x n counter alternation total)
    (setq total
            (* (exponent -1 alternation 0) (exponent x counter 0))
            (factorial counter 1)
    (if (> n (+ 1 counter))
        (+ total (series x n (+ counter 2) (+ alternation 1) total))

(defun factorial (x counter)
    (if (> x counter)
        (* counter (factorial x (+ counter 1)))

(defun exponent (x n counter)
    (if (= n 0)
        (if (< (+ counter 1) n)
            (* x (exponent x n (+ counter 1)))

(write "(sin-cos-comp 2 7):")
(sin-cos-comp 2 7)
(write-line "")
(print "(sin-cos-comp 2 6):")
(sin-cos-comp 2 6)
(write-line "")
(print "INVALID CASES:")
(sin-cos-comp 10 7)
(sin-cos-comp 1.5 7)
(sin-cos-comp 2 7.5)

Execute LISP Online

(defun modulo()
    (setq a (read))
    (setq b (read))
    (setq c (+ (* a a) (* b b)))
    (setq m (sqrt c))
    (format t "O modulo do vetor e ~f" m)



;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-assoc (v alist)
    (cond ((eq v (car (car alist))) (car alist) )
          ((null (cdr alist)) nil)
          (t(my-assoc v (cdr alist))))

;; This one is done
(defun my-eval (e alist)
    (cond ((atom e) (my-eval-atom e alist))
          (t (my-apply (car e) (cdr e) alist))
) )

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-eval-atom (e alist)
;; how do you evaluate an atom???
;; Remember there are special cases: T, NIL, ASYMBOL, 10, "Hello"
    (cond ((null e) nil ) ; nil
          ((null (my-assoc e alist)) e) 
          (t(cdr (my-assoc e alist))))

;; This one is done, but you must write the functions it calls
(defun my-apply (fn args alist)
    (cond ((atom fn) (my-apply-atom fn args alist))
          ( t (my-apply-lambda fn args alist)))

;; You need to write this one.
;; Utility function for eval-cond and apply-lambda.  Evaluates each expression
;; in l and returns the value of the last expression
(defun my-eval-list (l alist)

    (cond   ((null (my-eval (car l) alist)) nil )
            (t(cond ((null (cdr l)) (my-eval (car l) alist) )
                    (t(my-eval-list (cdr l) alist)))))

;(write (my-eval-list '(a b c) '((a . 10) (b . 11 ) (d . 12))))

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-apply-lambda (fn args alist)
;; bind the formals to the evaluated actuals then evaluate the body in that
;; new scoping context (i.e., that becomes the new alist for recursive
;; evaluation of the function body.  Return the value of the last
;; expression in the body (using eval-list).


;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-bind-formals (formals actuals alist)
;; This takes a list of formals and unevaluated actuals.  It should evaluate
;; each actual and bind it to its corresponding formal placing them all on
;; the front of the alist.  It should return the alist with the new bindings
;; on the front.  This will be used to evaluate calls to functions defined
;; via defun.
;; e.g., (my-bind-formals '(a) '((add 1 b)) '((b . 10)))
;; will return ((a . 11) (b . 10))
;; Note there will be one actual parameter for each formal parameter.


Execute LISP Online

;; A simple LISP interpreter written by Dr Klefstad for ICS 141 at UCI
;; Of course, I deleted lots of it to let you learn more about evaluation.

;; my-assoc returns the association (binding) of a variable in the association
;; list.  An alist is a list of this form:
;; ((var1 . val1) (var2 . val2) ... (varN . valN))
;; where each vari is a symbol representing a variable (or parameter) name
;; and each vali is the value of the variable.
;; assoc returns the association of a given symbol, e.g,
;; (assoc 'myvar '((a . 10)(b a b c)(myvar d e f)))
;; returns (myvar d e f) and you take the cdr of that to get myvar's value
;; (d e f)
;; We will use alists for the stack of variables and their values.  Assoc
;; always finds the first association of a variable, and this is how we
;; implement dynamic scoping.  New defintions of a variable will hide older
;; definitions, but the older definitions will come back into scope when
;; recursive evaluation unwinds.
;; setq and defun will push a new association on the global-alist.
;; whenever we apply a function, we will bind the formals to the evaluated
;; actuals pushing these new bindings onto the local alist and then
;; evaluate the body of the function in that new scoping context.

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-assoc (v alist)
    ((null v) nil)
    ( (eq v (car (car alist))) (car alist)) 
    (t (my-assoc v (cdr alist)) )

;; This one is done
(defun my-eval (e alist)
    (cond ((atom e) (my-eval-atom e alist))
          (t (my-apply (car e) (cdr e) alist))

(trace my-eval)
;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-eval-atom (e alist)
;; how do you evaluate an atom???
;; Remember there are special cases: T, NIL, ASYMBOL, 10, "Hello"
        ((eq t e) t)
        ((null e) nil)
        ((symbolp e) (cdr (my-assoc e alist)))
        (t e)
(trace my-eval-atom)

;; This one is done, but you must write the functions it calls
(defun my-apply (fn args alist)
    (cond ((atom fn)  (my-apply-atom fn args alist))
          ( t (my-apply-lambda fn args alist)))
(trace my-apply)
;; You need to write this one.
;; Utility function for eval-cond and apply-lambda.  Evaluates each expression
;; in l and returns the value of the last expression
(defun my-eval-list (l alist)
        ((null (cdr l)) (my-eval (car l) alist))
        (t (my-eval (car l) alist) (my-eval-list (cdr l) alist) )
(trace my-eval-list)
;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-apply-lambda (fn args alist)
;; bind the formals to the evaluated actuals then evaluate the body in that
;; new scoping context (i.e., that becomes the new alist for recursive
;; evaluation of the function body.  Return the value of the last 
;; expression in the body (using eval-list).
    (my-eval-list (cdr (cdr fn)) (my-bind-formals (cadr fn) args alist))
(trace my-apply-lambda)

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-bind-formals (formals actuals alist)
;; This takes a list of formals and unevaluated actuals.  It should evaluate
;; each actual and bind it to its corresponding formal placing them all on
;; the front of the alist.  It should return the alist with the new bindings
;; on the front.  This will be used to evaluate calls to functions defined
;; via defun.
;; e.g., (my-bind-formals '(a) '((add 1 b)) '((b . 10)))
;; will return ((a . 11) (b . 10))
;; Note there will be one actual parameter for each formal parameter.
            ((null formals) alist)
            (t (cons (cons (car formals) (my-eval (car actuals) alist)) 
                     (my-bind-formals (cdr formals) (cdr actuals) alist)))
(trace my-bind-formals)
;; You need to write this one.  Handle the primitives as special cases, then
;; handle user defined functions (defined via defun) in the default case.
;; These are the only functions we handle: eq, car, cdr, cons, quote, cond,
;; defun, eval, setq, and user defined functions (defined via defun) that
;; we have evaluated.  You can add more built-ins (like plus, times, atom,
;; listp) as you like for testing.

(defun my-apply-atom (fn args alist)
    (cond ((eq fn 'eq)
           (eq (my-eval (car args) alist) (my-eval (cadr args) alist)))
          ;; I wrote the first one, eq, for you, you write the rest
          ((eq fn 'car) 
          (car (my-eval (car args) alist)))
          ((eq fn 'cdr)
          (cdr (my-eval (car args) alist)))
          ((eq fn 'cons)
          (cons (my-eval (car args) alist) (my-eval (cadr args) alist)))
          ((eq fn 'quote) 
          (car args))
          ((eq fn 'null)
          (eq (my-eval (car args) alist) nil ))
          ((eq fn 'setq) (my-eval-setq (car args) (my-eval(cadr args) alist)))
          ;; these are (nearly) done, but you must write the sub-functions
          ((eq fn 'cond) (my-eval-cond args alist))
          ((eq fn 'defun) (my-eval-defun args alist))
          ((eq fn 'eval) (my-eval (my-eval (car args) alist) alist))
          (T (my-apply (my-assoc fn alist);; get the lambda from the alist, 
                       args alist))
(trace my-apply-atom)

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-eval-setq (var val)
;; just push a new association of the var and its evaluated val onto the
;; global alist
    (setq global-alist (cons (cons var val) global-alist))
(trace my-eval-setq)

;; You need to write this one.  You should know how cond works at this point.
(defun my-eval-cond (clauses alist)
        ((null clauses) nil)
        ((eq t (my-eval (car (car clauses)) alist)) (my-eval-list (cdr (car clauses)) alist))
        (t (my-eval-cond (cdr clauses) alist))
(trace my-eval-cond)
;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-eval-defun (body alist)
;; just push the function body onto the global alist.  It is already an
;; association, e.g., (equal (L1 L2) (cond (...))) and (assoc 'equal in
;; the global alist will return this.  You can then take the cdr and you
;; have a list containing the formal parameters and the expressions in
;; the function body.
    (my-eval-setq (car body) (cdr body))

(trace my-eval-defun)
;; This one is done, it just initializes the global alist where global
;; settings, like those defined via setq and defun, go.
(setq global-alist nil)
(print (my-bind-formals '(a d) '((quote b) (quote c) )'((x (a) a))))
(print (my-eval '(x (quote b)) '((x (a) (cond ((eq a 'b ) 1 (cons 3 a)) (t 2))))))
(print (my-eval '(defun x (a) a) nil))
(print (my-eval ' (defun rev (L A) (cond ((null L) A) (t (rev (cdr L) (cons (car L) A))))) global-alist))
(print (my-eval '(setq a '(a b c)) global-alist))
;(print (my-eval '(rev '(A B C D E) nil) global-alist))
(print (my-eval '(rev a nil) global-alist))

;; to push a new value, (setq global-alist (cons (cons 'newvar 'newval) global-alist))

;; This one is done, it will become the new top-level for LISP.  After you
;; load this file, call (my-top) and then you can type in expressions and
;; define and call functions to test your my-eval.
(defun my-top ()
    (prog ()
        top (print (my-eval (read) global-alist))
            (terpri) ;; prints a newline
            (go top) ;; loops forever

Binary Search Tree

(defun is-bst (usertree)

    (if (null (bst-finder usertree))
        (write-line "The Tree is a Binary Search Tree.")
        (write-line "The Tree is NOT a Binary Search Tree.")

(defun bst-finder (usertree)

    (if (not (null (car (car (cdr usertree)))))
            ((null usertree) t)                                     ;is tree emtpy ?
            ((< (car usertree) (car (car (cdr usertree)))) t)       ;is left > top ?
            ((bst-finder (car (cdr usertree))) t)                   ;try again left
        nil                                                         ;if we reach the end
                                                                    ;of the branch, return null
    (if (not (null (car (car (cdr (cdr usertree))))))
            ((null usertree) t)                                     ;is tree emtpy ?
            ((> (car usertree) (car (car (cdr (cdr usertree))))) t) ;is right < top ?
            ((bst-finder (car (cdr (cdr usertree)))) t)             ;try again right
        nil                                                         ;if we reach the end
                                                                    ;of the branch, return null


(write (list 8 '(3 (1 () ()) (6 (4 () ())( 7 () ()))) '(10 (()) (14 (13) ()))))
(write-line "")
(is-bst (list 8 '(3 (1 () ()) (6 (4 () ())( 7 () ()))) '(10 (()) (14 (13) ()))))

(print (list 8 '(3 (5 () ()) (6 (4 () ())( 7 () ()))) '(10 (()) (2 (13) ())))) 
(write-line "")
(is-bst (list 8 '(3 (5 () ()) (6 (4 () ())( 7 () ()))) '(10 (()) (2 (13) ()))))

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