MFC - Command Button


A command button is an enhanced version of the regular button. It displays a green arrow icon on the left, followed by a caption in regular size. Under the main caption, it can display another smaller caption that serves as a hint to provide more information.

Here is the list of messages mapping for Command Button control −

Message Map entry Description
BN_CLICKED ON_BN_CLICKED( <id>, <memberFxn> ) The framework calls this member function when the button is clicked.
BN_DISABLE ON_BN_DISABLE( <id>, <memberFxn> ) The framework calls this member function when the button is disabled.
BN_DOUBLECLICKED ON_BN_DOUBLECLICKED( <id>, <memberFxn> ) The framework calls this member function when the button is double clicked.
BN_PAINT ON_BN_PAINT( <id>, <memberFxn> ) The framework calls this member function when an application makes a request to repaint a button.

Let us look into a simple example of command button by creating a new MFC dialog based project MFCCommandButton

Step 1 − From the Toolbox, add Command Button Control.

Command Button

Step 2 − Change the Caption to My Command button.

Step 3 − Add the event handler for this button and add the following message in the event handler.

void CMFCCommandButtonDlg::OnBnClickedCommand1() {
   // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
   MessageBox(L"My Command Button Clicked");

Step 4 − When the above code is compiled and executed, you will see the following output.

My Command Button

Step 5 − When the My Command Button is clicked; the following message will be displayed.

Command Button Message
